標題: 2016-8-26 臉書分享按讚大作戰!
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-11-25 22:05  資料 私人訊息 
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President of the Youth Coalition for Transformation, Jermaine Grant, yesterday said that the refusal of President Donald Ramotar to dismiss Clement Rohee,Cheap NFL Jerseys, as Minister of Home Affairs is doing more harm than good to the security of the Guyanese populace.Grant said that it was evident in the National Assembly today when the combined opposition protested as Minister Rohee presented the Gun License Bill to the National Assembly despite a Motion of no-confidence that was passed against him.According to Grant, the government is well aware of the opposition’s intention to not entertain any presentation by Minister Rohee before the Assembly yet they proceeded to stymie the business of the House.Grant said that he strongly believes that the government’s intransigence to not terminate the service of Clement Rohee as Minister of Home Affairs will see a degeneration of the August Assembly where the will of the majority if not respected will undermine parliamentary democracy in Guyana.“The continued and deliberate attempt to foist Clement Rohee on the populace when a majority has no confidence in him is contemptuous,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” Grant asserted. He further stated that with the majority of the populace having no confidence in Rohee through the votes of their democratically elected representatives, the tenure of Clement Rohee as Minister hereon will become more difficult and the nation’s security interests may be compromised.Grant said that any President would consider how this particular matter is affecting the country and would take steps to remedy the situation. But,Wholesale China Jerseys, instead, the government is standing behind Minister Rohee compounded with provocative commentary of “let’s get ready to rumble.” This is not boxing. The national security of Guyana and safety of all Guyanese is paramount.Grant said that the organization is calling on President Ramotar to do the right thing, the honourable thing and remove Minister Rohee from the post of Home Affairs Minister.He said that if Minister Rohee truly respects Guyana’s maturing parliamentary democracy and cares for this country as he would have said publicly, then he would send in his resignation letter.? The people of Guyana deserve better and the democratic will of the majority must be respected and adhered to.Speaker of the National Assembly, Raphael Trotman,Cheap Jerseys, was on Thursday forced to adjourn the sitting of the National Assembly because the opposition parties maintained that they will not allow Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee to “utter any word in the House”.Trotman had earlier announced that the President of Guyana was not constitutionally or legally obliged to adhere to the opposition motion of no confidence in Minister Clement Rohee.“I have received the categorical and unequivocal opinion that His Excellency the President is not constitutionally or legally obliged to adhere to the motion and similarly,Jerseys From China, that the member, Mr. Clement J. Rohee, is not restricted from performing the duties of the office of Minister of Home Affairs,”The Speaker said that he had sought legal advice and opinions from lawyers here in Guyana and abroad. He said that this was in keeping with a promise he made at the last sitting that he would have sought legal guidance on the issue.According to Trotman,Chris Chelios Jersey, he consulted Senior Counsel Rex McKay, Attorney Steven Fraser and London-based lawyer Ulele Burnham.During a recent visit to the United Kingdom, Trotman and Parliamentarian Odinga Lumumba approached a British Member of Parliament on the issue of the opposition’s no confidence motion.Page 17
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發表於 2017-11-26 01:41  資料 私人訊息 
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–?? ?Suspect at largeA 37-year-old fisherman and labourer of Edinburgh Village, East Bank Berbice, brutally chopped his wife,Cheap NFL Jerseys, a mother of four, during a row on Monday last, over suspected infidelity.The man, Narinedatt Ramnarine called ‘Naresh’ severely wounded 33-year-old Kowsilla Ramnarine called ‘Jenny’, who is now awaiting crucial surgery on her left shoulder and right arm at the New Amsterdam Hospital.The victim fears that she would not be able to regain use of either hand but is hoping for the best.Her son, Neranjan Ramnarine, 16,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, who was at the Second Street, Edinburgh home around 18:30 hrs on Monday when the incident occurred, related that his parents started to argue shortly after his father arrived home. The argument was based on allegations of the boy’s mother having an affair.Kowsilla ‘Jenny’ Ramnarine in hospitalRamnarine proceeded to destroy the woman’s cell phone in her presence while downstairs. The boy then stated that suddenly his father pulled out a cutlass and chopped her to the shoulder.“It happened so quickly,” he said. “She didn’t see it coming and when he go to chop her the second time, she holler. I was watching TV along with my other two siblings, Dhanraj, 5, and Melissa, 3.”The second chop was done to the woman’s right hand.”I pelt a wood and lash away the cutlass or he was going to chop her on her face—but it chopped her on her lip”,NFL Jerseys China, the teen related. The man then rushed out of the yard and escaped, while the boy rushed to his mother’s aid. The woman was rushed to hospital while cops searched the canefields and Edinburgh backlands for the alleged perpetrator.Neranjan related that his mother has endured gruesome years of domestic violence and claims that there are several reports against the man at the Central Police Station. While the woman has been physically abused many times before, this is the first time it has escalated to such an extent. He also stated that his father,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, on numerous occasions tried to commit suicide.“He picked up weapon to chop her but I locked her inside the house with me and the police caught him red-handed with a pitchfork trying to kill her”. He usually picks up forks, cutlass, wood, pipe—everything, to just get into the house—break up the front door and grill when he cannot get the keys”, the boy stated.“A time, he run us out the house and my mom visited the police station at 4 a.m. and no police was there—he run us out to chop her”, the boy claimed. “She told me in the hospital that when the police catch him, they should charge him because her life won’t be in peace”, he said.The woman’s 18-year-old daughter, Toshinie,? said that “he like to drink and make problems—when he drink he rum, he will cuss me and when he don’t see me he will cuss my other siblings”, she stated.When Kaieteur News visited the woman at the N/A Hospital yesterday, she was being questioned by a detective at her bedside. She related to this newspaper that the chop in her right hand had gone through to the bone and that she is in a lot of pain, in her shoulder as well.According to Narinedatt Ramnarine’s mother, 70-year-old Sancharia Ramdeen, the two, have been together for 20 years and started having problems since last December. They live in the lower flat of Ramdeen’s home.The woman claims that the “issues” began after her daughter-in law began having an affair with a former friend of her husband and as word started to spread,Jerseys NFL Cheap, her son began drinking heavily and became an alcoholic. She alleged the chopping was reportedly triggered when Jenny, whom she says was under the influence of alcohol, told Naresh on Monday afternoon that she was “going to meet my man”. A heated argument ensued and Naresh attacked her.The man’s mother said he had tried several times before to commit suicide and she is not expecting to find him alive since he took with him a piece of rope and a cutlass and left for the backdam.The pensioner claimed that ‘Jenny’ is also an alcoholic, and has been in the habit of verbally abusing her since she asked her to move out from her home, when she had learnt of the infidelity.? The abuse,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, she claimed, made her leave her home and spend long periods of time with her daughter at Soesdyke, East Bank Demerara. She said persons working in the backdam would often meet her and complain of seeing her daughter-in-law with the alleged partner in compromising positions, but she knew of her son’s temper and chose not to tell him, however, he still heard from other friends.Up to press time, police in Berbice
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-11-26 11:18  資料 私人訊息 
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Two police officers attached to the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), were yesterday placed on self bail after they pleaded not guilty to allegedly demanding $400,Wholesale Jerseys China,000 from a man arrested in connection with a car theft.Orwin Dow and Carlton Johnson, both said to be stationed at the East Ruimveldt Police Outpost,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, appeared before Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry who read that the men demanded money from Kester Allicock with the intent to steal the said sum.The court understood that the cops, on January 12,Authentic NFL Jerseys China, at the police outpost ordered Allicock to pay them the money so that he could get back a car they claimed was reported stolen.The police alleged that the complainant, on January 4,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, went to CID headquarters and made a report. He claimed that he had loaned a man whom he met through an uncle $300,000 and in return, the recipient of the cash gave him his vehicle as collateral.Allicock said that on January 9 he parked the vehicle in front of his uncle’s house at Vreed-en-Hoop and was later approached by the two accused who claimed that the vehicle was suspected stolen. The allegation, Allicock said, led to his arrest and the police confiscated the said car.While at the outpost,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Allicock said the police demanded the money in return for the car.He along with the other police ranks then planned a sting operation and the accused were caught on tape in the alleged conversation for the $400,NFL Jerseys Outlet,000 sum. It is also alleged that newspaper was wrapped like money and placed in a yellow envelope which Constable Johnson collected.At the time, the police said they were observing the whole transaction and had witnessed enough to confront the two officers.Dow and Johnson were later arrested and told of the whole sting operation. The envelope with the fake cash was also recovered. The police said that the matter was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) for instructions and it was advised that the officers be charged for the offence.The matter has been transferred to Magistrate Sueanna Lovell who granted the policemen pre-trial liberty on their own recognizance. The matter will be heard again on February 27.

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註冊 2017-11-17
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發表於 2017-11-26 15:09  資料 私人訊息 
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註冊 2017-11-17
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發表於 2017-11-26 17:44  資料 私人訊息 
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註冊 2017-11-20
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發表於 2017-11-26 23:47  資料 私人訊息 
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-11-27 01:36  資料 私人訊息 
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Chairman of the Guyana Elections Commission, Dr. Steve Surujbally,Wholesale MLB Jerseys 2018, personally visited centenarian Millicent Smith-Springer at her home on Thursday and apologised for the unfortunate occurrence of her having to visit the GECOM Registration Office at Coldingen to uplift her new National Identification Card.Ms Springer, who was overwhelmed with the visit at her home at 203 Agriculture Road, Triumph,Undefeated Air Max 97 For Sale, East Coast Demerara,Cheap Jerseys From China, greeted the chairman with optimism.Pointing out that this occurrence took place while he was on leave, the Chairman said that upon his return from leave,Womens NFL Jerseys Outlet, he initiated an investigation which revealed? that unbeknownst to the very competent Registration Officer at Coldingen,NFL Jerseys China, a very junior staff made the pronouncement that Mrs. Smith must appear in person to uplift her ID Card.Dr. Surujbally gave the assurance that this episode will not be repeated.? He said that arising out of this matter a decision was taken that the GECOM Secretariat will categories senior citizens within a ?specified age group and take proactive action to have their cards delivered to them at their respective places of residence.The centenarian related that she did not mind her journey to collect her ID,Isaiah Thomas Jersey, but said that she was made to experience the discomfort of traveling through Agriculture Road which has is in a deplorable state.Millicent Springer-Smith, who recently celebrated her 101st birthday anniversary in April, had to be transported by a car from her home at Triumph to the GECOM office at Coldingen, East Coast Demerara, after officials at the ID card distribution centre informed her relatives that she would have to present herself in order to uplift the document.This happened despite Mrs. Springer-Smith being a shut-in case, unable to move around without assistance.
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UID 1856
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-11-27 05:49  資料 私人訊息 
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A 30-year-old goldsmith narrowly escaped what appears to be an execution attempt when gunmen opened fire on him as he was making his way home early yesterday morning.Mark Deon,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, of Lot 56 Fourth Street,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Cummingslodge,Nike Air Max 2018 Mens Shoes, was wounded in the leg while riding his motorcycle in the vicinity of Goedverwagting, East Coast Demerara.The incident occurred at about 02:15 hours.Deon told investigators that he was heading home from an East Coast Demerara nightspot when a dark coloured Toyota Carina AT192 with three men inside pulled up alongside him.One of the men discharged three rounds at him,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, one of which hit him in the foot.Deon managed to continue riding until he reached the home of a friend who assisted in taking him to the hospital.He then reported the matter to the police,NFL Jerseys Discount, who subsequently visited the area where the shooting occurred.However,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, they did not receive any useful information on the attackers.Investigations are continuing.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-11-27 19:04  資料 私人訊息 
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Two bandits were killed at around 22:30 hrs on Saturday at Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara, following a 20-minute shootout with police, who had staked out the home of a trucking service operator that the suspects were reportedly planning to rob.The slain men were identified as Paul Bascom, called ‘Shine Buck’ of Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara and Alberto Grant, or Alberto Mustapha, 28, called Mukie, of Lot 299 Meadow Brook Gardens.Bloodstains in the yardBascom was before the court as recently as last March for shooting and robbing a Diamond, East Bank Demerara businesswoman. However, Mustapha’s relatives yesterday said he was gainfully employed and angrily insisted that he was no criminal.A statement from the Police Public Relations division said that the ranks recovered a .38 snub-nose revolver with two live rounds and two spent shells, along with one 9mm. round and two 7.62 x 39 rounds.The intended victim is 33-year-old Ravi Dookram, of Section ‘C’, Block ‘Y’ Golden Grove, East Bank Demerara.Dookram operates a trucking service that plies the interior routes. Dookram told Kaieteur News that he was returning from an interior location when the shooting occurred. Contrary to a police report,NFL Jerseys China, the East Bank Demerara resident insisted that he is no gold miner.Dookram’s home is just about 200 yards from the Golden Grove Police Station and several residents commended the police for their swift response.According to a statement from the Force’s Public Relations Division, police, acting on information received that a robbery had been planned to be carried out on a gold miner, staked out an area at Golden Grove, East Bank Demerra, last Saturday night.”At about 22:30hrs,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the police challenged two men who were approaching on foot and one of them pulled out a handgun and opened fire on the ranks. The police returned fire and fatally wounded both men,” the statement said.Kaieteur News arrived at the scene about an hour after the shootout. By then, police ranks with high-powered weapons had cordoned off the roadway leading to Dookram’s home.Yesterday, Kaieteur News observed drying pools of blood inside the intended victim’s yard, near to one of the front gates. Dokram confirmed that a bullet shattered the window of a vehicle in his yard.The concrete fence is topped with barbed wire and the family owns about three fierce-looking dogs.A police source who was at the scene on Saturday night said that around 22:30 hrs an anonymous caller informed the police that bandits were at Lot 756 Section C Block Y Diamond, which is where Dookram resides.Alberto Mustapha’s father, Grant showing Kaieteur News a cupboard which his son builtKaieteur News was told that six armed ranks immediately responded. “When we reach, the men were already in the yard. I don’t know how they got in. But as soon as we pulled up, they opened fire at us and we opened back fire at them.”The police source said that the occupants of the house were in the interior. “It looks like someone dropped them (the alleged bandits) off there and left, or maybe they left whatever they used to get there somewhere else and walked to that location. When we got there, the dogs were barking.”According to the source, Bascom is well known to police for multiple robberies under arms and police reportedly retrieved a quantity of 9mm rounds in one of his pockets.Mr. Dookram told Kaieteur News that he was returning from the interior on Saturday and that his wife and three children were at home.The businessman said that he was told that while he was still heading home, police ranks informed his wife that bandits were planning a robbery at his residence.“She was scared and pack up and left with the children,” he said. “Then the policemen took charge; that is all that I know.” Dooram said that he was later informed about the shootout.“I would like to thank the police for their great work. They received information and they acted on it.”HEAVY GUNFIREA resident who lives close-by told Kaieteur News that he was alerted to the drama after hearing “a volley of gunshots” on Saturday night.But at the time, the man said he assumed that someone was discharging firecrackers in the area.“I went outside and I look around to see who shooting off squibs at that hour. Then I see a policeman raise up in the yard (where Dookram resides) and firing shots.” The resident said that he thought at first that the bandits were attacking and retreated into his house. According to the resident, the police ranks cordoned off the area and left at around 03:00 hrs yesterday.Other residents in the area recalled seeking cover on their floors at around 22:00 hrs, after hearing gunfire that some said lasted about 20 minutes.“I was in bed sound asleep when I heard the first shots and I came out of bed to get to my brother and son,” a woman who lives a few houses
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發表於 2017-11-28 20:21  資料 私人訊息 
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Nyahbinghi music for some is the highest culturally and spiritually uplifting music. They would say that it is the music that helped to liberate their foreparents from “downpression” of the white colonialists!So says Ras Fiyah Lion, of the Wisroc Rastafari Churchchical organisation,NFL Jerseys Sale Shop, known as the Haile Selassie I Theocracy Reign of the Nyahbinghi Order.Ras Lion in long sleeved black jersey, with some brethren in front of the unfinished tabernacle.Ras Fiyah Lion and his brethren are currently engaged in building their brand new tabernacle at Wisroc to celebrate the twelfth anniversary of their establishment on July 23.According to Ras Lion,Air Max 90 Essential White And Black, the troolie-covered edifice, which is being constructed solely with natural materials, will be among the largest in the world, and will be called the new ‘’Shashamane.’’Ras Lion said that Ras Boenerges, a rastafari patriot from Jamaica,Nike Roshe Run Online Shop, had visited the tabernacle site and had declared,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, “This must be our headquarters’’. He is calling on all Guyanese to relocate to the higher land, which is Linden, which he declared is rich in all the natural resources needed for progress and development.“Linden is the promising city for repatriation and restoration. This should be the most prosperous place in Guyana,” Lion emphasised.All are invited to the anniversary celebrations, Ras Lion said, not only the Rastafarian community, and pointed out that all foods and beverages will be free of charge.No meats or alcoholic beverages will be served; only ital and natural juices. Entertainment will be provided by the brethren themselves, and will feature Nyahbinghi music, drumming,Adidas Superstar Shoes For Women, chanting scripture reading and dancing.There will be no Reggae music according to Ras Lion, because it is felt that this form of music helps to destroy people. Neither will there be any daggering or any type of lewd dancing.A day of counseling will be held prior to the day of celebrations,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, and there will also be discussions, pertaining to other aspects of the twelfth anniversary celebrations to be held in other parts of the country.
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發表於 2017-11-28 20:22  資料 私人訊息 
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– say equipment not affected during outage The Administration of the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) has refuted a Kaieteur News report suggesting that a girl succumbed as a result of a power failure that hit the institution.The story in Tuesday’s edition was headlined “Blackout cripples GPHC-three-year-old succumbs as staff operate machines manually.”? The hospital said that it was responding to the death of an eight-year-old girl.“This article suggested that the patient died as a result of the power outage,Authentic NFL Jerseys China, which is contrary to the facts of the matter.A GPL worker in the ICU attempting to restore power“Of significant importance, is the fact that the patient’s death was NOT related and/or due to the power outage,Air Max 97, as was erroneously stated in the news print.“Management views this statement as totally slanderous,Julius Nattinen, for this patient succumbed due to her prolonged illness, Nephrotic Syndrome; and not because a machine had failed.“Moreover, it must be stated that the patient was not attached to a Ventilator (a breathing apparatus). She was on a Cardiac Monitor (monitors the pulse,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, blood pressure and heart rate), which has a backup system in the event of a power failure.“Had the patient encountered any changes in her condition, medication would have been administered accordingly.”The statement said that around 20:30hrs on Monday, the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) experienced a power failure from the Thomas Street Feeder, which lasted for about two and a half hours. “This failure caused the backup generator to transfer power into the main load system of the ACDC building, which houses the Intensive Care Unit, Main Operating Theater, Accident and Emergency Unit, Paediatric Ward, and other departments.“Further, vital to this case is the fact the oxygen supply, vacuum and compressed air to the ACDC building were not affected by the outage. Therefore,Custom Cheap NFL Jerseys, all of the aforementioned areas/departments were in receipt of the noted services, the hospital management stated.The Paediatric Unit is darkness“The GPHC wishes to extend its appreciation to staff who kept their composure and worked assiduously in a difficult time and ensured that all patients affected by the power outage were treated and monitored efficiently.”“Further, condolences are extended to the family of the deceased in the time of their bereavement.”Kaieteur News was told during a visit to the GPHC on Monday night that the institution had suffered a four-hour power outage. During this time, the hospital’s generator had malfunctioned.Minister of Health Dr. Leslie Ramsammy, who was present, told Kaieteur News that GPL had “knocked out” the generator.A senior hospital official also told Kaieteur News that machines at the GPHC had shut down during the prolonged outage.Kaieteur News also observed staff in the Intensive Care Unit operating machines manually to keep patients alive, even as GPL workers attempted to restore power.An ambulance with headlights on provided light to staff in the ICU.Responding to claims that power from GPL could have damaged the GHC generator switch,Wholesale Black NFL Jerseys, Chief Executive Officer Bharrat Dindyal explained that the generator is designed to switch over automatically to the generator when there is a power outage.“The (generator) switch is owned by the hospital…If GPL power managed to get to the generator then something is wrong with the (hospital) system.“There is absolutely no way that power from GPL would interact with the standby generator.”Hospital staffers said that the institution had experienced malfunctions of its generator in the past but only for brief periods.
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發表於 2017-11-29 00:36  資料 私人訊息 
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Local promoter, Colin Mack,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, was yesterday remanded to prison by Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Mack was not required to plea to the indictable offence of rape.It is alleged that the accused, on April 12,Jordan Shoes For Sale, had sex with a 19-year-old woman without her consent. He is being represented by attorney at law Glenn Hanoman,Laurent Koscielny Arsenal Jersey UK, who in an unsuccessful bid to secure bail for his client, told the court that Mack should be admitted to bail since he has a major show which is billed for the weekend and that he has pre-sold tickets.Mack was nevertheless remanded to prison and is expected to make another court appearance on Friday.According to reports, the victim who described her ordeal as harrowing was held against her will in a Festival City house for several hours. The teen said that although she shouted for help none of the neighbours,Cristopher Toselli Chile Jersey, whose homes are within hearing distance,http://www.soccerpro.us.com/FC-Bayern-Munich/, came to her rescue.She claimed that she only managed to escape by hanging her naked body through a window until a taxi driver came to her rescue. The teen had told this newspaper that she was at a live show at the National Park on Saturday night.After leaving the National Park,Cheap Jerseys USA, she was reportedly taken to a night spot in Alberttown and it is believed that something was placed into her drink since she became light-headed.She said that she then asked to be taken home but instead was transported to another club in the city.There she stayed in the car while the promoter spent about 15 minutes in the club.Mack, instead of taking the teen to her residence in Charlestown, allegedly took her to his home in South Ruimveldt and kept there for some several hours until she was rescued.
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發表於 2017-11-29 00:52  資料 私人訊息 
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Residents of Non Pareil,China Jerseys Cheap, East Coast Demerara,NFL Jerseys 2018, are disgruntled over the lack of electricity in the Housing Scheme located at the Triple X sections and its environs for the past three years.One resident noted that since the commissioning of the housing project in 2009 by the Ministry of Housing,Claudio Bravo Chile Jersey, Government has made several promises to ensure that the community would receive the much needed electricity but have not delivered on their word.“Up to last year during the elections campaign they come and promise we power but is almost a year gone. Christmas coming again and nothing.”Kaieteur News understands that the area is populated with just around 25 houses but that it is the lack of the commodity that is hindering the housing development.“More people would go there but nobody wants live in blackout. Another housing scheme that started around the same time that this one started has got electricity while this one remains without,Air Max 2018 Shoes,” the frustrated resident pointed out.This newspaper was told that individuals affected by this issue have on numerous occasions made appeals to the relevant authorities to have service put in place.“People went to Housing (Ministry) and various other Government Ministries for assistance but no help them ain’t get and we can’t understand cause is dem give we the land.”According to the resident some persons have since resorted to using alternative measures such as generators and battery powered lamps. However these measures have proven to be costly since most of the people in the community are of meager means.“I honestly believe that we the poor people are placed in such situations and suffer under the pressure whilst the Government sits idly by.”Community members claim that they are being neglected for reasons unknown because if electricity is provided it will serve as a motivating factor in the further development of the neighbourhood.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-11-29 02:10  資料 私人訊息 
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Counterfeiting is estimated by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) to generate some US$250 billion a year in criminal proceeds. As a form of transnational organized crime, counterfeiting forms part of a new campaign by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC).This illustrates the key financial and social costs behind organized crime and reveals the dangers of counterfeit goods to health and safety.According to the agency, the production and sale of counterfeit goods is a global, multi-billion dollar problem and one that has serious economic and health ramifications for Governments, businesses and consumers. Counterfeiting is everywhere – it can affect what we eat, what we watch, what medicines we take and what we wear – and all too often the link between fake goods and transnational organized crime is overlooked or underestimated.Counterfeiting is a wide ranging crime which typically includes the practice of manufacturing goods, often of inferior quality, and selling them under a brand name without the owner’s authorization. Counterfeiters are involved in the illegal production of knock-offs in virtually every area – food, drinks, clothes, shoes, pharmaceuticals, electronics, auto parts,Authentic NFL Jerseys Online, toys, currency, tickets for transport systems and concerts, alcohol, cigarettes, toiletries, building materials and much, much more. Criminals rely on the continued high demand for cheap goods coupled with low production and distribution costs.Depending on the nature of the counterfeit goods, there can be serious health and safety concerns for consumers. Counterfeit baby formula and other foods can even be fatal, while purchases such as sub-standard toys, car parts and electrical goods present significant safety risks given their lower quality.One of the most harmful forms of counterfeit goods is fraudulent medicines. According to the World Health Organization,Cheap MLB Jerseys, in parts of Asia, Africa and Latin America, fraudulent pharmaceuticals amount to as much as 30 per cent of the market.These types of medicines are found either to contain the wrong dose of active ingredients, or none at all, or to have a completely different ingredient included. These medicines make some of the world’s most dangerous diseases such as malaria stronger by contributing to the development of drug-resistant strains, as the active ingredients are no longer able to work correctly.With the counterfeit business spread across numerous countries and organized by criminal networks,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, there is an ever-growing need for action at both the local and international levels. The United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, of which UNODC is the guardian, is the world’s most inclusive platform for cooperation in tackling all forms of organised crime.Currently, 167 countries are party to the Convention and have committed themselves to fighting organized crime through collaboration and ensuring that domestic laws are suitably structured.In October, UNODC will be hosting the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime. This biennial series of meetings brings together Governments from across the world to promote and review the implementation of the Convention in order to ensure better approaches to tackling transnational organised crime.Through its technical assistance programmes, UNODC also works to counter the flow of illicit goods such as counterfeit products and drugs. UNODC and the World Customs Organization launched the Container Control Programme (CCP) in 2006.The programme has achieved remarkable results, seizing 487 containers of fraudulent and contraband goods alongside a further 195 containers of drugs. This year alone, the programme has led to the seizure of 19 containers with over 100 tons of fake Tramadol, a pain-killer,Tony Gonzalez Falcons Jersey, all originating in India and seized in West Africa.The CCP presently has 28 operational port control units across 14 countries and is receiving increased interest from the private sector as the counterfeit seizures grow.But fighting counterfeiting is not just the role of international organizations,Jerseys NFL Cheap, but also of public health authorities, trade organizations or consumer groups. Concerned citizens have a role to play too. In this, UNODC advocates for the following actions:“If you know a film has been illegally copied and is being sold as a knock-off, do not buy it. If your favourite designer brand is clearly not made by your favourite designer, stay away. Beyond these obvious counterfeit products, stay alert to other war

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