標題: 2016-8-26 臉書分享按讚大作戰!
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發表於 2017-11-16 09:46  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys to give to the less fortunate ones
It’s the season of giving, and in this momentum, the Bank of Nova Scotia along with the Bishops’ High School Environmental Club made considerate donations to the residents of the Joshua House Children Center.After a brief and entertaining interaction with the residents, numerous gifts were given to the children. It was a warm and festive moment of song and dances and smiles were seen on all the children’s faces.A Sixth form student of Bishop’s High School,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Surujdai Mukhram,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, related that the undertaking was the ingenuity of the Club as they were tasked with bringing about a sense of joy and the spirit of Christmas by giving to the less fortunate children of the home.She related, “As the President of the Bishops’ high School Environmental Club, we are not only protecting the trees and preserving environment,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping Store, but also helping our fellow kin play an important part. Thus, this gives us a great pleasure and privilege to come here today (Friday) to give to the less fortunate ones, to help spread the Christmas spirit and to bring that bright smile to their faces.”A child of Joshua House receiving a donation from a Bishops’ High School studentMukhram informed that there are 55 members in the Club,NFL Jerseys Outlet, all of whom volunteered to make the donations possible. Another student of the Bishops’ High School, Kobe Smith, expressed his hope that their school has set an example. He said that other schools and organizations should follow and give to the less fortunate during this Christmas season.He said, “While most children are blessed to have their families and an abundance of food and goodies at Christmas,Cheap Jerseys Supply, the children at the Center are not as lucky. And as such we should remember them and give what we can to make their lives better, and bring them happiness around this time.”The donations were met with much appreciation and excitement. Gladys Accra,Wholesale Jerseys China, the matriarch of the home, explained that in this season the children need kindness like that which was displayed by the students. She further explained that the majority of children came from broken homes, and the season of Christmas, which is one celebrated among family can be especially challenging for them.Accra stated that there are 55 children currently residing at the home. These children are from ages three to 17 years old. She expressed her gratitude to all the organizations that have donated to the Center to make the children’s Christmas a good one.She greatly thanked Scotia Bank for donating a significant amount of groceries, goodies and toys to the home.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-11-16 11:50  資料 私人訊息 
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By Mondale Smith“It was one of the best shows I’ve ever done,” said local designer Sonia Noel following the showcase of ‘Hybrid,’ her new line of clothing,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, at the just concluded Fashion Week Trinidad and Tobago (FWTT).In a line-up of thirty-four dynamic and versatile designers, Noel served as Guyana’s ambassador in the Twin-Island Republic for the second annual event.While Noel’s creations were showcased for one night only (Monday) the five-night event (May 29-June 2) was a sold out affair at the Hyatt Regency Hotel.Impressing the audience as well as media operatives from Vibe, Shabeau, SHE Caribbean, Caribbean Bell,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Island Life and Ocean Style magazines,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, ‘Hybrid’ paid homage to the vegetation and the undergrowth of the Guyana forest.It featured the colours purple, lilac, and mauve on linen and silk fabric with fabulous hats and matching purses,Soccer Jerseys From China, complemented by silver footwear and matching hand created accessories made of bamboo.Among the more celebrated pieces were Noel’s green creations that included flowing dresses and skirts as well as neon-green petal-sequined blouses.There were also some tie-dye designs accompanied by Noel’s signature lattice and bamboo details.Ecstatic at the reviews she received from patrons and the press, Noel opined that her hard work put in to prepare the collection has paid off as patrons and media operatives alike thought the collection was worth any praise it received.So celebrated was Noel’s creations that she was invited to have her creations photographed for the Island Life magazine.Also having great impact at the event was Miss Guyana Universe Meleesa Payne – the lone Guyanese to strut her stuff – who was one of the more in-demand models because of her captivating catwalk savvy.Payne served as the hanger for Noel’s show-stoppers and described the unforgettable opportunity as the highlight of her runway experiences thus far.Reflecting on the show,Wholesale Jerseys From China, FFTT CEO Dianne Hunte described it as a pleasure having Noel’s creative know-how on show,Jerseys NFL Cheap, as she brought abundant energy to the catwalk. She also commended Noel for sharing the passion of trying to build the Caribbean Fashion Industry. She (Hunte) is optimistic that it will take a few years before buyers eventually come to the shows to purchase collections from Caribbean designers because it has to convert to dollars and cents.Noel’s next stop is the Guyana Model Search and Stylist/Designer Portfolio before work begins on Guyana Fashion Weekend 2009.
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發表於 2017-11-16 19:48  資料 私人訊息 
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For the first time, Guyana will be having daily audiology clinics in Regions One, Three, Five,NFL Jerseys China, Nine, and Charity in Region Two,cheap jerseys nfl wholesale, as the fourth batch of audiologists graduated yesterday with 38 rehab assistants, said Dr. Ruth Quaico,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, Head of Audiology, Ministry of Health.She noted that while training in physiotherapy,China Jerseys Wholesale, speech therapy, and occupational therapy has been ongoing for years, audiology is relatively new in Guyana.The 10 audiology practitioners, like the rehab assistants,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, were exposed to 18 months of training and three months of internship.Dr. Quaico informed that some areas of focus were the anatomy of the ear, sounds, nervous system, selection of hearing aids, and primary hearing care.This is not the end of the road for the new audiologists since after three years of practice it is possible for them to pursue a Masters Degree in Audiology.The path for upward mobility is definitely in the psyche of Odel Stewart, valedictorian of the audiology course. Stewart hails from Linden and previously worked as a sales representative.He noted that it was always his dream to work in the medical field. Studying audiology has inspired him to become an Ear,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Nose and Throat Specialist as there is a direct correlation between the two, he said.Stewart added that while the remuneration as an audiologist may be small it is only the beginning for a prosperous road ahead.The 38 rehab assistants would also be making a difference in their respective Regions. A grandate, Joylyn Chase, noted that she will be returning to Region Seven where a rehab therapy department was established. She was trained in the area of rehabilitation.Chase stated that the availability of rehab therapy in the Region would release a great financial burden from those seeking the service since it is very costly to travel to Georgetown.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-11-16 20:14  資料 私人訊息 
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Dangerous! – Last week drivers were faced with this partially collapsed bridge located on the Linden/Lethem trail,Cheap Jerseys China, about 90 minutes from Kurupukari. The road is a gateway to many interior communities and mining operations. The bridge collapse occurred between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning.By today,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the bridge should have been repaired.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-11-17 01:11  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys USA Dr. Jeetendra Mohanlall
– as efforts are made to improve delivery of health careImprovement and expansion of health care services in the public health sector is high on the agenda of the Ministry of Public Health. This was the recent assertion of Chief Medical Officer (ag), Dr. Jeetendra Mohanlall, who disclosed that these efforts are being guided by the Ministry’s Strategic Plan – Health Vision2020.Even as plans are taking shape for the improvement and expansion of health care services guided by the strategic plan which has been deemed as a “proactive and holistic strategic plan” by Dr. Mohanlall, skilled health care professionals is key to achieving the envisioned goal.And according to him,NFL Jerseys Outlet, the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) has already started to play a tactical role in this regard. He disclosed that the GPHC has been instrumental in equipping many students,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, both local and foreign, with functions needed to propel them in their chosen medical professions.He made reference to the hospital’s Orthopaedic Technician programme,Wholesale Jerseys China, for instance, which is conducted by the GPHC as one that builds capacity for the medical support staff.Just recently a batch of 10 persons completed the Orthopaedic Technician programme. Among those trained were two Belizean soldiers.Alluding to the GPHC as Guyana’s number one teaching hospital, Dr. Mohanlall noted that “the learning environment for medical training has been greatly enhanced over the years through collaborations with various institutions.”This, he said, has allowed for the sharing of expertise and resources in areas that are often characterised as being resource-strapped.Dr. Mohanlall noted that while the Ministry has benefited from partnerships with universities,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, allowing for the external training of local medical personnel,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, the GPHC-spearheaded programmes have proven instrumental to the improvement of health care delivery.And there have been even more laudable achievements emanating out of the GPHC,Wholesale Jerseys China, the CMO (ag) observed.“I would like to congratulate the CEO (Chief Executive Officer) and the management of the hospital for the successful renal transplant done recently by Dr. Kishore Persaud and team. Organisations such as the Caribbean Heart Institute (a public-private partnership accommodated at the GPHC) have also given Guyana recognition as being progressive where specialised services are concerned,” said Dr. Mohanlall.He however, stressed the need for medical personnel to pursue continued self-development even as he emphasised the importance of embracing advance education in light of the fact that the delivery of health care is always evolving.Dr. Mohanlall has noted that like many developing nations, Guyana has been assiduously striving to provide the population with optimal, equitable and accessible health services.As a result, he informed that the Ministry of Public Health has evolved into one of the largest and most diversified Ministries in the country.And in order to build on this achievement, Dr. Mohanlall disclosed that those within the public health sector, are constantly encouraged to provide only quality services with a high standard of professionalism regardless of which Region they are required to carry out their duties.In highlighting the importance of primary health care to ensure that equity of service is maintained, the CMO (ag) warned that health professionals should “never underestimate the value and importance of teamwork, and always remember that your work should positively impact the lives of your patients and their families.”
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-11-17 01:31  資料 私人訊息 
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Alliance For Change Vice Chairperson Sheila Holder will this Thursday seek to have the Prime Minister Samuel Hinds list for the National Assembly,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, the names and salaries of all of the advisors for head of state President Bharrat Jagdeo.At the Office of the President under the Presidential Advisory (Cabinet and other services) there are 81 employees who are contracted and share wages and salaries amounting to some $220M.The remaining 56 employees are paid out of an allocation of $24.8MThere are no staffers in the description of staffing details under administrative and senior technical,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, meaning that whoever functions in those designations are contracted.During the budget debates,Cheap Jerseys, the salaries of scores of employees and their designations especially those on contracts were excessively scrutinized,Cheap Jerseys, but never has there been a call for the names of those employees in correlation with their salaries.Holder,Nike NFL Jerseys China, when contacted by this newspaper as to what prompted the proposed question for the Prime Minister,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, said that it was about transparency.She said that it is a known fact that the President has a plethora of advisors and her party would just like to clarify what their remuneration was.Holder said that recently there have been high levels of speculation in the public domain as it relates to the remuneration of President Jagdeo’s advisors and she would just like to clarify.
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發表於 2017-11-17 01:34  資料 私人訊息 
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The?saffron finch?(Sicalis flaveola) is a?tanager?from South America that is common in open and semi-open areas in lowlands outside the?Amazon Basin. They have a wide distribution in?Colombia,Cheap Jerseys, northern?Venezuela?(where it is called “canario de tejado” or “roof canary”), western?Ecuador, western?Peru, eastern and southern?Brazil?(where it is called “can?rio da terra” or “native canary”),?Bolivia,?Paraguay,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale,?Uruguay, northern?Argentina,China NFL Jerseys Cheap, and?Trinidad and Tobago. It has also been?introduced?to?Hawaii,?Puerto Rico?and elsewhere.Although commonly regarded as a canary, it is not related to the?Atlantic canary. Formerly, it was placed in the?Emberizidae?but it is close to the?seed eaters.saffron finchThe male is bright yellow with an orange crown which distinguishes it from most other?yellow finches?(the exception being the?orange-fronted yellow finch). The females are more confusing and are usually just a slightly duller version of the male,Cheap Jerseys From China, but in the southern subspecies?S. f. pelzelni?they are olive-brown with heavy dark streaks.Typically?nesting?in cavities, the saffron finch makes use of sites such as abandoned?rufous hornero?(Furnarius rufus) nests,?bamboo?branches and under house roofs – this species is tolerant of human proximity,Jerseys From China, appearing at suburban areas and frequenting?bird tables. They have a pleasant but repetitious song which, combined with their appearance, has led to them being kept as caged birds in many areas. Males are?polygamous,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, mating with two females during the?nesting season, and territorial, which has led to the species being used for?blood sporting?with two males put in a cage in order to fight. (Source: Wikipedia – The Free Online Encyclopedia)
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-11-17 04:16  資料 私人訊息 
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Cinro Resources Inc.,Cheap NFL Jerseys, (the “Company” or “Cinro”) a Canadian exploration company dedicated to the exploration of Gold and polymetallic deposits in? Guyana, South America has entered into its second phase of its exploration into its Potaro group of permits (hard rock mining).Cinro Resources Inc.,NFL Jerseys From China, intends to further advance these properties to where a resource quality and quantity is defined, resulting in a technical report acceptable to Canadian standards.Cinro intends to make financial investments in its first two years of operations,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, with a combined larger investment? over the next 10 years.These investment will be in the form of joint ventures or actual outright purchases of existing producing mines. Cinro Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Roy Singh, visited Guyana in early August and met with Prime Minister Samuel Hinds.Prime Minister Hinds’s office has been most cordial and helpful in moving ahead the mandate of Cinro Resources Inc.Mr Roy Singh said, “The people of Guyana are warm,Wholesale China Jerseys, friendly and hard working and it will be an asset for Cinro to hire directly from within the country – all that it can.? We understand and expect that a number of persons will be non-nationals with skills,Cheap China Jerseys, expertise,Cheap Jerseys USA, experience and contacts not available at the time in Guyana.? We look to good working relationships between nationals and non-nationals to lead to learning from each other strength and steadily improving abilities.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-11-18 16:01  資料 私人訊息 
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–?by D’Andra Lewars,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys China, Norman Manley Law School?If I’m a part of a club that cannot sue in law, can I bring a case as its representative?This was the question before the Caribbean Court of Justice in the appeal case taken by Robin Singh and Rajendra Singh against the Attorney General of Guyana in 2012.In an earlier decision,NFL Jerseys From China, Chief Justice Ian Chang had stated that the Guyana Cricket Board (GCB) and its affiliates were not capable of suing or being sued under the law. This, the Chief Justice said, made GCB a ‘legal non-entity’. The Chief Justice then went on to suggest that the Ministry of Sport in Guyana take control of national cricket administration in place of the GCB.The Ministry accepted the Chief Justice’s suggestion and took steps to implement it. Trustees of GCB, however,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, applied to the Court as representatives of GCB to quash the Ministry’s decision to control the national administration of cricket.The Chief Justice heard the application by the trustees and decided that the trustees had no power to bring a case on behalf of GCB to challenge the acts of the Government.The trustees appealed to the Full Court of Guyana. The Full Court agreed with the Chief Justice and also stated that the Full Court had no power to give leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal.Finally,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, at the Court of Appeal the trustees were told that the Court had ‘no jurisdiction to hear the matter’. The trustees appealed to the CCJ.The Judges of the CCJ first looked at the Guyana Constitution before interpreting any further law. As a result of their approach of holding the Constitution supreme, they resolved the problems by asking:How should an application to the Court,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, by representatives of an association, to stop the government from taking some action adverse to the interests of the association,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, be dealt with considering (1) the nature of the application (2) the nature of the order and (3) the Constitution?This question is crucial as the decision by the Ministry potentially affects the property rights and rights of the association of members of GCB. The CCJ recognized that such actions which affected constitutional rights demand that there be the right to appeal to a higher Court. According to the CCJ: “The seeking of such a public law remedy to prevent alleged unlawful abuse of public powers is of such significance in the light of Guyana’s Constitution that an appeal lies as of right to the Court of Appeal.”Therefore, the trustees should have appealed directly to the Court of Appeal rather than the Full Court. In order to rectify this procedural error, the CCJ gave the trustees an extension of time to appeal to the Guyanese Court of Appeal.
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發表於 2017-11-18 17:15  資料 私人訊息 
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Rice farmers from the Cane Grove, Mahaica community are expected to stage a massive protest later today over the price of paddy.About six weeks ago the farmers sold their paddy to a popular miller in the area only to be told that the price they would be paid was not decided upon.However, sometime last week they were informed that they will be paid $3,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping,500 per bag of paddy. This,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, the farmers said,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, they cannot accept as it is not sufficient to cover their overall cost of production.This publication was told that some farmers are still to pay off workers who would have already rendered their services during harvesting time.In the past farmers said they were being paid between $4,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online,200 and $4,Wholesale Jerseys China,500 per bag which was good enough for them.To this end the farmers said that to ensure that their voices are heard, a protest will be staged calling on the relevant authorities to intervene. While some are hoping that they will get more money for their paddy,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, others have resorted to repossessing their goods with the hope of finding a better price.This is the first crop for the year and for many residents of the Mahaica community, rice farming is their main source of income.
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發表於 2017-11-19 05:44  資料 私人訊息 
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Police are on the hunt for the driver of a route 63 minibus which killed a 32-year-old mechanic of Lot B2 Bel Air Village, East Coast Demerara.Reports are that 32-year-old Somadatt Seegobin was struck by minibus BHH 4045 on the Railway Embankment Road,NFL Jerseys From China, Bel Air, at some time around 18:30 hours on Saturday.The dead man’s sister, Rakha Reddi,Supply NFL Jerseys Factory, said she received the news that her brother was involved in an accident at some time around 18:40 hours on Saturday evening.“I went home and a man come and tell we that me brother just get knock down; and when I reach out on the road,Cheap NFL Jerseys, he was lying there in blood,” the woman said.She said she was told by eyewitnesses that her brother was walking on the left hand side of the road pushing his bicycle when he was hit from behind.She said she was told that, after the bus hit her brother,NFL Jerseys Outlet, the driver came out and asked a few persons who were gathered around if they knew who the victim was. The driver then drove away.“Dem seh de driver come out de minibus with a cutlass in his hand and just ask if anybody know de man, and just go back in de bus and drive away…de bus was full with passengers.”According to Reddi, with the assistance of public-spirited citizens,China NFL Jerseys, she took her brother to the Georgetown Public Hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.The woman said she last saw her brother alive on Saturday morning,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, when he was leaving for work.“De morning early he left and he tell we he going somewhere in Industry, and the next time ah see he is when he get knock down,”? Redddi lamented.Meanwhile, the licence number of the bus has since been handed over to police at the Sparendaam Police Station, where an investigation has been launched.
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發表於 2017-11-19 07:07  資料 私人訊息 
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The main opposition, A Partnership For National Unity (APNU),Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, yesterday blamed government forAPNU’s Carl Greenidgewasting five months that could have seen meaningful talks in relation to the budget and other critical issues.Shadow Finance Minister Carl Greenidge also decried the work of the Budget Committee which comprises Parliamentary parties which went nowhere and the Tax Reform body which is still to complete works.During the debate yesterday, the APNU official also expressed that corruption and inefficiency have played a role in placing the country in the state it is.“There is an urgent need to revamp and strengthen the Audit Office to improve oversight, with serious questions remaining, whether despite the huge budget,Discount NFL Jerseys, Guyana is getting value for its money.”Greenidge urged for the introduction of legislation that will ensure that there is proper use of state resources.The announcement in the $192.8B National Budget that $4B will go to the Guyana Power and Light Inc., while an additional $6B will go to bolster the Guyana Sugar Corporation which is in dire financial straits after failing again last year to meet its production targets, was also criticised.Greenidge quoted several international reports which cited Guyana’s lowly position on economic freedom and other indicators.The budget, he warned,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, should have taken into account world commodity prices,China Jerseys Cheap, as these all have implications.He urged moves to address the improvement of efficiently managing the administration and reducing “red tape”.The Shadow Finance Minister also accused government of systematically destroying the public servants by increasing the number of contract workers, and paying them thousands of dollars more.“The budget also does not address increasing the capacity of engineers,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, an area in which Guyana is badly lacking in,” Greenidge stated.He likened Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh to “Alice in Wonderland”.Regarding the proposed Marriott Hotel, Greenidge questioned the seeming absence of a feasibility study. He also raised questions on the cost of the Amaila Falls Hydro-Electric Project and the US$155M-plus CJIA expansion project.“There should have been more tax relief measures in the budget and special tax exemption ones for senior citizens and vulnerable to spur development,” Greenidge emphasized.The Berbice River Bridge was not spared, with the former Finance Minister urging for a reduction of the rates to cross,Cheap Soccer Jerseys China, something which is causing Berbicians to suffer.He also called for a 20% wage increase for public servants and doubling of the old age pension.Greenidge also expressed concern about the National Insurance Scheme, noting that initially government had said that the scheme was in good shape. APNU, he said, will not be tolerant of a last-minute bid by government for a bailout and as such measures should be in place to start widening the scheme and making it more comprehensive to garner increased revenues.
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發表於 2017-11-19 09:58  資料 私人訊息 
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A Non Pareil woman and her five children continue to live in fear and the police have stepped up the hunt for her husband who torched their home last Sunday morning.The woman and her children continue to move from neighbour to neighbour in their quest for shelter following the destruction of their Block 12 Non Pareil house.The woman,Discount Football Jerseys, Ramdie Mahdeo,Jerseys NFL Cheap, told this newspaper yesterday that her husband continues to elude capture even as the police respond to every sighting.Kaieteur News understands that yesterday the police made two thorough searches for the fugitive, combing areas from Non Pareil to Enterprise without success.The man had reportedly failed in his attempt to kill his entire family and made good on his threat to burn his house down early Sunday morning.But as days go by his desperation of not ‘finishing the job’ is getting worse.Mahdeo told this newspaper that villagers at whose homes she and her children are seeking refuge from day to day have been threatened by her husband.“I have to be moving from neighbour to neighbour all the time and I can’t let him know where exactly I am staying,” she said.She explained that the man has threatened to find out at which neighbour she would be staying and burn their house down too.The threats have not fallen on deaf ears and the neighbours have resolved to protect the woman and her children until the police manage to apprehend her husband.?? Some neighbours told this newspaper that the man was seen entering the property some time Saturday night and was seen leaving shortly after the fire started.Fortunately, Mahdeo, called Debbie,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, and her children were persuaded against sleeping in the house on Saturday night despite a burning desire to return to the comfort of the home they had occupied for the past 15 years.Mahdeo,China NFL Jerseys, in tears,Cheap Jerseys From China, told this newspaper that for several years her husband has been abusive and on several occasions had threatened to kill her,Cheap Jerseys From China, thus forcing her to flee the house several times.On a number of occasions the man was locked up by the police but would return to his threatening ways as soon as he is released.
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發表於 2017-11-19 12:34  資料 私人訊息 
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After a ten-year investigation, Devika Dasi,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, was yesterday brought before Chief Magistrate Priya Beharry,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, at the Georgetown Magistrates’ court, to answer charges of falsifying passport documents.On March 13,Cheap Jerseys League, 2002,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, the defendant whilst procuring a passport,China Jerseys Online, signed to an untrue statement where she claimed to be Zioon Ali knowing this to be false.To the allegations, the defendant pleaded not guilty.Attorney at law Paul Fung-a-Fat noted that it is only after a ten-year investigation that his client is now being charged. He stated that the 32- year- old is a mother of two dependent children and has a permanent place of abode at 307 Mon Repos.Fung-A-Fat told the court that on this basis his client does not pose as a flight risk and asked that she be granted bail in a reasonable sum.The defendant was subsequently made to post a $50,NFL Jerseys From China,000 bond and is expected to return to court on September 6 for the filing of statements.
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發表於 2017-11-19 14:27  資料 私人訊息 
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Three years have passed since Sherriff Taxi Driver, Keith Bowen also called “Keitho” was found dead in Sussex Street in the vicinity of Cemetery Road, near the Island Bridge.? Bowen was killed just a day before he was to have been the Best Man at his brother’s wedding, on March 21, 2009. His murder is part of the “very long list” of unsolved murders in Guyana.No one has been charged for Bowen’s murder,Cheap Soccer Jerseys China, and relatives are less than optimistic that his killer(s) will be brought to justice. His mother Mrs. Fay King, when contacted by this newspaper said that since her son’s death, no police official has ever revisited the home. King said that even though she and her daughter kept going to the station in connection with the matter,Wholesale NFL Jerseys 2018, they did not get favourable responses from the police.Eventually, King said, she stopped going,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, since according to her, she has left everything in “the almighty’s hands”.The woman said that she constantly has to try and answer questions which are asked by Bowen’s 12 year old son.“From time to time he would ask about his father….I would try to explain what happened,” the woman told Kaieteur News.King added that there were numerous speculations about her son’s murder. One was that he was killed by then wanted man Tyrone Rowe called ‘Cobra’.However, the mother said that she does not believe that Rowe had anything to do with her son’s death. King was positive that her son was not involved in any illegality. Bowen’s stepfather Glen King did not hold back his thoughts about the investigation.According to the man, the behavior of the ranks of the Guyana Police Force regarding the matter shows gross incompetence but he hopes that one day the family will get justice.On the night of the murder,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Bowen had already bought his suit and his mother had expected him to arrive at her home with pastry ingredients for the reception for his brother’s wedding.Dead Taxi Driver Keith BowenBowen was shot behind the right ear,cheap jerseys, and this had led to initial speculation that he was the victim of an execution-style killing. Reports suggest that Bowen was attacked and shot in his car shortly before his body was found in Sussex Street.The attackers then dumped him out in West La Penitence in an area called Island Bridge,wholesale nfl jerseys, opposite the Le Repentir Cemetery.Residents recalled hearing a single gunshot shortly before seeing Bowen lying on the parapet.? One of the dead man’s sisters, Karen Bowen, told Kaieteur News that the family learned about the killing after a relative contacted the home by telephone.