標題: 2016-8-26 臉書分享按讚大作戰!
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發表於 2018-2-12 14:41  資料 私人訊息 
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9.8 percent increase from 2008Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL), world renowned for its El Dorado Rums,Air Max 90 Black And White Mens, recorded a $1.971 billion profit before interest and taxation for 2009.This represents a 9.8 per cent increase compared to 2008.This was highlighted on Thursday at the company’s 58th Annual General Meeting held at Diamond,Wholesale Jerseys, East Bank Demerara.Shareholders were updated on the company’s performance during 2009,Nike Air Max 1 Womens Sale, which saw DDL’s yearly turnover reaching $8.371 billion as compared to $8.821 billion in 2008.The company’s profit before interest and taxation was $1. 762 billion compared with $1. 682 billion in 2008 and profit after taxation was $809 million as against $789 million in 2008.DDL and its subsidiaries turnover increased by 2.5 percent $12.064 B in 2008 to $12.364 billion in 2009.The Chairman in his remarks said, in the context of the extremely challenging international and regional environment,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Mens, the Group had a relatively good year recording profits before interests and taxation of $2.165 billion compared to $1.971 billion in 2008, a 9.8 percent increase.In excess of 2,000 shareholders participated in this year’s AGM and were witnesses to an award ceremony which honoured the company’s long-standing employees for their years of service and sterling contribution to the growth and development of the company.DDL’s Vice President – International Marketing, Komal Samaroo,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, received an award for 40 years of service to the company.Cyril Mc Garrell and Lanroy Hudson were each honoured for 35 years of service while Bibi Khouri and Marlon Blake received awards for serving the company for 30 years. Several other employees received awards for service in the 25,Air Max 90 Essential White And Black Mens, 20 and 15 years categories.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-2-12 21:21  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys Plantation Hope
–?? ?First Lady takes team to exterminate hive in one homeIn light of the recent attack by Africanised bees which stung to death an elderly woman in Cane Grove, Mahaica, some residents of Weldaad, West Coast Berbice (WCD) have also complained of being at risk from similar swarms.They have been seeing the bees for several months and some children have been stung.“We all know they had African bees around and it obvious that their nest was close but we didn’t know where exactly. When we do find out, it got couple well nests in a man house in the next village, Plantation Hope, and the man and he family living there. It affected us much less them but they have been living with these bees,” stated one shopkeeper.Another woman explained that for the past few weeks she has spotted swarms while she was tending to her kitchen garden. She was stung several times.“These bees around here long now and is dangerous to all of us. We talk to the man and he family about getting rid of them but they were saying it too expensive and they can’t afford it. We tell them they got to get rid of the nest them because I getting sting and my child too,” she said.When Kaieteur News arrived at the bee infested home yesterday at Plantation Hope,Nike Air Max 2018 Release, the family of three was cleaning their verandah, which was filled with dead Africanised Killer Bees.The home of the Persaud Family where Africanised Killer Bees were nested for several yearsAccording to Bickram Persaud,China NFL Jerseys, he has been living in the house over 20 years to date and the bees built their hives there about seven years ago.It was noted that there were three nests in the house. However, they were exterminated on Saturday, last, following intervention by First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar.“We couldn’t afford to pay $30,Cheap Jerseys From China,000 for each nest to be moved and we saw the bees people on NCN over two weeks ago. We made report and thing like two weeks now and the President wife came and spoke with us here saying that she has to hold a meeting and such. And yesterday (Saturday) she came herself with the bees people and made sure they exterminate the nests them,” Persaud explained.His wife,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Jaswantie, told this newspaper that she has been living in the house for the past three years with her daughter.The family had learnt to “live with the bees” since they could not afford to get them exterminated but they were extremely thankful for the intervention of the First Lady.She said that the hives were located above her front door, in the verandah and at the back of the house near to the roof.Whenever music was played loudly in the house the bees would fly out and they would have to hide in their rooms or downstairs in their yard.“My husband don’t be home, he does be mostly at the backdam, and during the day I don’t be inside because I’m mostly in the room.? You know how much sting me does get and me lil girl does get,Cheap Jerseys USA, but we does just got to pull out the sting. We had gone to people but they calling for large money and we didn’t have it. But the First Lady had come and get it moved for we.”She added that when the pests were killed on Saturday, the family disposed of a few small buckets filled with Africanised bees.Though the nests have been destroyed, a number of bees were still flying around the Persaud’s house,Air Max 98 Gundam Release Date, causing the family to run into rooms to secure themselves during the interview with this publication.“They keep coming back. This house well known for bees. We had gotten rid of them many years ago but they keep coming back and the people who destroy the nests tell us if or when the bees come back that me should call them,” added Persaud.“Even after the nests gone bees still come in my wife hair and she felt like pulling her hair out. They look like they will come back because the man tell we is the type of wood we house built with that attracting the bees.”The Persaud family also revealed that their neighbour’s house was another bee infested home.The neighbour, who is a relative to Bickram Persaud, was said to be living alone in that house for many years with bees also.The neighbour acknowledged that Africanised Killer Bees were nested in his home for many years.But he said that the hives were removed on numerous occasions but the bees kept returning.“Many times the people come to destroy the nest and kill them but they always coming back so I don’t know. When they got killed the last time, if you see how much honey was there and the honeycomb them. But I don’t know if people come and kill them if that would do anything. They keep coming
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發表於 2018-2-13 04:29  資料 私人訊息 
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– attracts momentous protest action“Article 282 of the constitution is very poisonous and is an enemy to all Guyanese…It is an enemy to unity, it is an enemy to democracy, it is an enemy to the constitution itself,” said Charles Griffith yesterday as he sought to highlight his concerns in this regard in protesting form.Griffith, who is a Director at the privately-run Hoyte Blackman Television (HBTV) station aired on Channel Nine, was however undertaking the task in his personal capacity.Charles Griffith protesting unethical use of Article 282; insists that it is poisonous.His action, which saw him trekking just about 17 miles yesterday, from Belfield, East Coast Demerara to the capital city, comes on the heels of recent public protest action by dissatisfied members of the private media fraternity in light of Government’s unfair distribution of radio licences.A placard-bearing Griffith was also a part of those protest actions which were held outside both the Kaieteur News and Channel Nine offices.Armed with a placard propped on what appeared to be a cross, Griffith in the blistering afternoon sun yesterday made his way to the city along the Rupert Craig Highway. He ended his momentous trek in the vicinity of the Georgetown Cricket Club Ground shortly after 14:00 hours (2pm).His journey had in fact started around 06:00 hours at Belfield and according to him starting there was no coincidence since it was the home community of Linden Forbes Sampson Burnham, a former Executive President.Burnham was in fact the one who had brought the Constitution into being. “It was not established for that reason for which it is being used today; it is being used for another reason.”Griffith in explaining his understanding of the contentious Article insisted that it was merely intended for emergencies and not to be used with impunity and indiscretion or to violate human rights or obstruct justice.“It is not to be used to take advantage of the people because they are not aware of it,” chided Griffith yesterday.According him,Aaron Ramsey Arsenal Jersey UK, Article 282 can in fact be used to break any law without any penalty and therefore cannot be seen as something proper and correct. He insisted too that the Article in question was used to facilitate the awarding of radio licences by breaking the oath of office as well as other Articles including 38A, 40,Jordan Sneakers Wholesale, 146 and 149 without any penalty.“That cannot be right and that is the reason I am attempting to make the Guyanese population aware of this monster,” Griffith emphatically stated.Moreover, he is convinced that Article 282 should be repealed “and that is my primary reason for doing what I am doing. I am doing this as Charles Griffith, it is beyond me but the population needs to be sensitised, they need to think about it because it is going to affect all of us. That Article should not be there.”He acknowledged though that while ideas may take some time before they become conscious in the minds of people “I rather suspect Guyanese are aware that something is not correct.”He voiced his conviction that the power in this country resides in the people’s hands and “unless you are educated,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, unless you are aware,Cheap China Jerseys, unless you become conscious,China Jerseys Cheap, unless you can sleep with it,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, unless you can look at your children, unless you can look at the way of life, unless you can compare it with what is going on with other countries or even your own communities, Article 282 is tantamount to what Hitler practiced a number of years ago…it is wrong and will always be wrong.”The 65-year-old’s journey to the city saw him venturing into a few communities along the way including Buxton and Plaisance. His first recovery stop was at Beterverwagting and then at the Bel Air Gas Station.
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發表於 2018-2-13 04:31  資料 私人訊息 
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A gunman and his accomplice robbed a businessman, Jerad Isaacs,Cheap NFL Jerseys, of approximately $1.5 million in cash,Wholesale China Jerseys, his cellular phone and his jeep (GHH 768), at approximately 19:00 hours on Monday night, at Strand Avenue, New Amsterdam in Berbice.Reports have said that Isaacs had parked his vehicle on Strand Avenue,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, and had gone to a commercial bank to make a deposit. He left his brother, Gregory Isaacs and the $1.5 million in the vehicle.At this point in time,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the two bandits rode up to the vehicle on a bicycle.They held Gregory at gunpoint and ordered him from the vehicle.The criminals took the vehicle and left. The vehicle was discovered abandoned later at High Dam, New Amsterdam.Speaking with Gregory,Wholesale Jerseys China, who is visiting with Jerad,Wholesale Jerseys China, he explained that his brother has a distribution business where he distributes drinks around New Amsterdam. Gregory said that he thought that the bandits may have tailed them to the bank.“Bandits don’t just pop up like that,” said Gregory.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-2-13 05:59  資料 私人訊息 
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What began as an administrative splat between the Regional Authority in New Amsterdam, Region Six, and the local Water Users’ Association in the Upper Corentyne, is threatening to spill over into a major financial and managerial boondoggle.Recognizing the seriousness of the matter several agencies, including the Ministry of Agriculture,Cheap Jerseys From China, the Rice Producers’ Association (RPA), the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) and the Region Six Regional Authority, dispatched a high powered team to the area on Wednesday.Protesters awaiting the Arrival of Officials from Georgetown to resolve problems of their paymentsAmong those who made the hurried trip were Messrs. Rajkumar Seeraj and Rambridge,Cheap Jerseys From China, Secretary and President respectively of the Rice Producers Association; Lionel Wordsworth, Head of the NDIA; and Dennis Deroop, Region Six Vice Chairman.Half way to the entrance of the Beach Road at No. 63 Village officials were greeted with placards proclaiming ‘No Money No Work,’ ‘Water Users Unfair’, ‘Payments Long Overdue,’ and ‘Restore Old Contract’.There were also shouts of “unfairness” and accusations of managerial indigence.At issue is the promised payment to contractors,Cheap China Jerseys, some of which has been pending for close to a year. The contractors are responsible for keeping the more than 200 miles of drainage and irrigation canals free of weed, grass and other encumbrances to ensure the free flow of water to the more than 30,000 acres of rice fields.It is estimated that the 40 contractors are owed an average of $250,000. The contractors complain that they have already expended significant sums to the nearly 300 workers in their employ to get the work done.These workers, according to the contractors, demand their wages on a weekly basis. In addition, the contractors have to find monies for transportation and other resources to ensure the job is done.They said that they have already expended considerable sums in the process and need their money back before they continue working.They insist that they are badly in need of the money owed to them by the Water Users Association.They also argue that when the canals are not cleaned on a regular basis, at least once a month, the grass, weed and other encumbrances pile up and the Water Users’ Association still expects to pay the same sums of money to get double the work done.The Water Users’ Association, for its part, argues that the problem is not payment to the contractors but the humbug of the Regional Administration,Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, which insists on a series of administrative/supervisory procedures.These, they insist, are not necessary but of course, results in the frustrating delays to the contractors.In a fit of passion and caught between the intransigence of the region,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, which has threatened to take over the function from the Water Users’ Association, and the demands of the contractors the Executive and Board of the Water Users resigned en bloc.Rice farmers and other farmers, in the meantime,Air Max 97, have been standing on the sidelines hoping that good sense will prevail. If the canals are not cleaned on time, they suggest, it will affect the water intake for the important second crop which is the larger of the two crops, and a definite threat to the entire community that is almost entirely dependent on rice cultivation.
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發表於 2018-2-13 15:48  資料 私人訊息 
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Guyana Defence Force Chief-of-Staff Gary Best announced that Commander-in-Chief President Donald Ramotar has approved the promotions of 95 officers, in accordance with Part III Section 16 of the Defence Act Chapter 15:01, of 1977.Acting Colonels, Enoch Gaskin and Frances Abraham, who were elevated to that rank on January 1,Sale NFL Jerseys, 2012, have been confirmed. Additionally, Acting Lieutenant Colonels Ramkarran Doodnauth, Gary Baird, Julius Skeete and Omar Khan have been confirmed in their rank.Acting Majors Sean Harmon, Mohinder Ramjag, Jermain Cort, Dale Ann David, Anson Weekes, Andy Pompey, Charles Wickham, Dale de Mendonca, Kester Craig, Shen Fung, Sheldon Howell, Courtney Mendonca and Ron Caulder have all been confirmed in their rank and are now Substantive Majors.Also joining them in that rank are Substantive Captain Selwyn Austin and Substantive Lieutenant Miguel Benjamin,Soccer Jerseys From China, who were elevated in rank to Substantive Major.Chief-of-Staff Commodore Gary Best (left) with the assistance of Colonel Mark Phillips decorates Major Selwyn Austin with his new badge of rank.Meanwhile, six Substantive Captains have been elevated in rank to Acting Major and seven Acting Captains have been confirmed in their rank.Local Captain Kevin Moore and 11 Substantive Lieutenants have been elevated in rank to Acting Captains, while 10 Acting Lieutenants have been confirmed in their rank. Of the latter, Acting Lieutenant Llewlyn Eastman has been confirmed in rank with effect from July 1, 2012.Eleven Second Lieutenants have been elevated in rank to Acting Lieutenant. Of this group,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Second Lieutenant Yuvindra Rampersaud has been elevated in rank with effect from July 1, 2012.In the Coast Guard,Adidas Stan Smith Shoes Sale, Acting Lieutenant Commander (CG), Vernon Burnett has been confirmed in his rank while Substantive Lieutenant (CG) Roger Nurse has been elevated in rank to Acting Lieutenant Commander (CG).Acting Lieutenants (CG) Rowel Rampersaud and Adrian Mclean have been confirmed in their rank while Substantive Sub-Lieutenant Wayne Richmond has been elevated in rank to Acting Lieutenant (CG).Meanwhile, three Acting Sub Lieutenants have been confirmed in their rank,Air Max 1 Atmos, and seven Midshipmen have been elevated in rank to Acting Sub Lieutenant.In the GDF Reserve, Acting Lieutenant Colonel Clifton Innis was confirmed in his rank and Acting Captain Sean Welcome was also confirmed in his rank. Substantive Lieutenant Deon Heyligar was elevated in rank to Acting Captain while 10 Second Lieutenants were elevated in rank to Acting Lieutenant.The newly-promoted Senior Officers received their new Badges of Rank at a simple yet significant Badging Ceremony,Cheap Jerseys From China, at the Officers Club at Base Camp Ayanganna yesterday morning.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-2-14 07:21  資料 私人訊息 
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One day after shocking news that former Government officials,Discount Nike Air Force One Shoes, their families and friends were collecting free fuel at the Guyana Oil Company (GuyOil), that entity says it is cooperating with investigators.Guyoil’s head,2018 Nike Air Max 98,Badri Persaud“This is being done with the full cooperation of the management of GuyOil with the objective to reduce and eliminating such malpractices.? As soon as the investigation is completed, GuyOil will issue a follow up statement,” a statement from the entity’s Company Secretary disclosed yesterday.There were no denials that breaches may have occurred.GuyOil was defensive of its credit facilities with Government ministries and agencies.“Government ministries and agencies are granted monthly credit by GuyOil in purchasing fuel at the company’s service stations and terminals,Wholesale China Jerseys, for which strict procedures have to be adhered to for the supply of fuel.”The state-owned company said that a ministry or agency has a number of officers who are authorized to sign fuel orders.“The names and specimen signatures of these officers along with a specimen of the fuel order are sent to GuyOil’s H/O (Head Office), copies of which are made and lodged at each service station and terminal.”GuyOil insisted that its management also requests the registration numbers of the vehicles authorized to be sold fuel,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, but its primary focus is on the authenticity of the fuel order and the authorized name and signature therein.“Upon receipt of a fuel order from a ministry at the service station the officer on duty verifies the name and signature of the authority with the specimen in place and if they confirm fuel is sold to the vehicle and an invoice is issued.”Guyoil said that copies of invoices are sent from the service stations and terminals to the Finance Department at its Head Office where they are processed and a statement is generated and sent to the ministry or agency every month.“The government ministries and agencies are generally prompt with their payments and are among the better customers of GuyOil in that regard.”State-owned Guyoil yesterday said it is cooperating with investigators.Government officials yesterday disclosed that various ministries and agencies were alerted to the discrepancies after noticing some strange vehicle numbers.“We have sent a list of the vehicles we don’t know about to the Guyana Revenue Authority (GRA) and we will know soon. We will be sending them the bills.”On Wednesday, Minister of State Joseph Harmon disclosed that the Ministry of the Presidency has ordered GuyOil to ensure that no gas was being delivered to unauthorized persons. This was after evidence emerged that several former Government officials, and even some friends and family, abused the credit facility,Jerseys From China, racking up millions.According to Harmon, there was enough evidence to suggest that the credit facilities were heavily abused.The Ministry of the Presidency has since asked GuyOil to submit its invoices along with statements. Persons found guilty will have to pay.While not naming the persons,Adidas Stan Smith Shoes Sale, Harmon during his weekly press briefings, made it clear that the issue is a matter that is being addressed and falls into a pattern of “serious abuse by the previous administration.”“It is simple,” he said, “the monies will have to be paid by the guilty persons.”The various ministries and agencies are now handling the issue and have been advised on how to proceed, Harmon disclosed.Government would not have been leaving GuyOil and its management without some of the blame for the abuse. The entity is handling billions of dollars in gas sales and distribution, but there have been accusations of wrongdoing in its operations over the years.With the life of the Board of Directors expected to expire at the end of the month, the new administration will likely not be looking to sack the members and its chairman, but rather to replace them.A meeting with senior officials of the coalition Government is expected as early as tomorrow to determine the new management and the Board of Directors of several state companies, including that of GuyOil.The company’s Managing Director, Badri Persaud, has himself been under pressure to resign. He was a candidate for the People’s Progressive Party/Civic ,which suffered defeat in the May 11 General Elections after 23 years in power.
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發表於 2018-2-14 11:11  資料 私人訊息 
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By Sunita SamarooFormer Head of the Barbados Bar Association, Queen’s Counsel (QC) Andrew Pilgrim has described as dangerous, the recent killing of political activist, Courtney Crum-Ewing.Former Head of the Barbados Bar Association, Queen’s Counsel (QC) Andrew PilgrimPilgrim, who noted that Crum-Ewing was riddled with bullets while campaigning for the upcoming Regional and General Elections, said that it is a real danger when in a democratic society, a person is killed while exercising his right by putting his views forward.Crum-Ewing’s killing, the QC believes, leaves too many questions. He is calling on the government and other relevant authorities to fulfill their duties and ensure that those questions are answered.Crum-Ewing was killed on March 10, last, in Diamond,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, East Bank Demerara shortly after he had called on local residents through a bullhorn to vote in the upcoming General Elections, scheduled on May 11, and oust the incumbent ruling party.The autopsy showed that Crum-Ewing was shot five times; three to the head and another at point blank range behind his neck. Police had initially said a car with four men drove up and discharged the shots at him before driving off.The police have since announced that they have questioned and released eight persons. The investigations,China NFL Jerseys, however, have so far been fruitless.The situation is one the Barbadian Attorney has been following with interest. He recently added his voice to the many calls for an immediate, prompt, thorough and impartial investigation into Crum-Ewing’s killing.Pilgrim, who represents the immediate family of the late Dr. Walter Rodney at the Commission of Inquiry, made his comments known during an exclusive interview with this newspaper.Political Activist, Courtney Crum-EwingPilgrim, who is a known human rights advocate, said that it is very important that everything be done to ensure that Crum-Ewing’s death is thoroughly investigated. “It was actually quite saddening too, because I walk the streets of Georgetown, to see his parents there calling for that.”“It has cast a kind of doubt over our institutions; if we don’t protect them …and part of protecting them is through investigation into any situation that can imply any impropriety where people are trying to suppress the voice of people who are speaking out, especially so near to an election,” Pilgrim said.The lawyer said that Crum-Ewing’s death must be treated with a certain amount of dignity. “You want to give the government and the authorities every opportunity to show that they have no connection but when a person is struck down while campaigning, there is that danger that people can interpret it as just that type of activity,” the QC added.Pilgrim believes that the onus is on the government not only to show its impartiality in the investigation but “they have a duty to show everyone that their hands are clean and they had nothing to do with it.”He said that the populace is seeking proof and evidence of what exactly took place with Crum-Ewing.“This man was shot in what appears to be the most disgusting and brutal fashion and there is a real need for the Guyanese people to keep some momentum behind the situation and to support the family in their calls for justice,Kurt Warner Cardinals Jersey,” Pilgrim told Kaieteur News.“Speaking as a Caribbean citizen, we in the Caribbean have a duty to look over each other’s shoulders, not to try and force anyone to do anything. A Bajan can’t tell Guyanese how to run their show and Guyanese can’t tell Jamaicans how to run their show but we are people with a similar experience.“We all have an interest in our democratic situations being strong and our judiciary being strong and to the extent that there is always a risk that these things will be swept under the carpet,” the lawyer said.Pilgrim views it as the duty of the international community, bar associations, and nongovernmental organisations to ensure that matters of such nature are properly dealt with in a manner that people “can feel confident that they are being treated fairly and not being taken advantage of.”He give credit to the local bar association, too,Cheap Jerseys, for the recent call for a thorough investigation.“I am happy that the bar has called for that (thorough investigation) but it is a real danger when you have a person who is expressing themselves in a democratic society and trying to put his views forward and is killed actually during that process.”“It leads to all kinds of questions and the government has a duty; the authorities have a duty to ensure those questions are answered.”Recently, the Guyana Bar Association and Justice Institute Guyana said that the murder of activist Courtney Crum-Ewing has
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發表於 2018-2-22 09:36  資料 私人訊息 
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Four Guyanese students will be completing high school on scholarships across the world,Air Max 98 Gundam 2018, after the first successful selections cycle of UWC Guyana.UWC are United World Colleges – 15 highly international high-schools located on every continent. The mission is to use education as a force to unite people for peace and a sustainable future. Nelson Mandela’s children attended on scholarships,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, and he was President of the UWC board.This is the first year that UWC Guyana ran a selection cycle. 86 applications were received from across the country, and there was a competitive two-stage interview process. The main emphasis was not grades, but rather students’ commitment and vision to use this opportunity to help change society and be ambassadors for Guyana.The students selected are going to Singapore, Canada, China and USA. There exist other UWCs in Southern Africa,Cheap Jerseys, India, Norway and Costa Rica among others.? Students are selected based on potential and commitment to UWC ideals, international understanding and service. Therefore families are not asked to contribute more than they can afford, and all four are receiving full or almost full scholarships,Cheap Air Max Shoes For Sale, with a total value over 250,000 USD.New UWC students being taught to cook Guyanese food by Merissa’s mother Davi (left). From right: Students Kyle Joseph (UWC in Canada), Saif Panday (UWC in Singapore), Stephon Roberts (UWC in China), Merissa Peterson (UWC in the USA) and UWC Guyana volunteer Deondra Wishart.The four students selected are Merissa Peterson, Saif Panday, Kyle Joseph and Stephon Roberts.In an invited comment 16-year-old Peterson whose ambition is to become a medical doctor said,”I’m so thankful to be one of the lucky students chosen for such a great opportunity. I intend to use it to the best of my ability and do intend to come back home and share all the new skills and knowledge I would’ve learnt at UWC USA College.”Eighteen-year-old Panday of St. Rose’s High has plans to become an Economist/ Diplomat and according to him “I am incredibly grateful to be chosen along with three other amazing students for a chance to study through the United World College (UWC) International Scholarship Programme.“I am equally delighted that I will be attending the United World College of South East Asia. I see this as an opportunity to fully dive in, pursue my passions and take a step towards achieving my ultimate goal of being an economist. I intend to make every moment count while on this programme. I also intend to use the skills learnt there to be a meaningful contributor to Guyana’s development when I return.”An aspiring surgeon, Joseph of Aishalton, South Rupununi,Cheap Huarache Shoes For Men, Region Nine, and a student of Queen’s College is also very elated about the opportunity afforded to him. He disclosed that because of his experience at high school,NFL Jerseys Wholesale From China, he has grown to become a rounded individual.“Because I’ve been a part of these various activities that exposed me to various cultures and people, I was particularly excited about UWC. Their values about making education a force to unite people is truly inspiring.“The whole idea of going to one institution with people of different cultures and learning about their ways all makes it more exhilarating to be a part of Pearson College,” he shared.Roberts also stressed his appreciation for being selected to participate in the UWC programme. The 18-year-old noted, “While I will miss my family (especially my grandmother), friends and my home, I leave with hopes of returning a better person, with sufficient skills to contribute to the development of my country.”The aim of the United World College is to educate young people of different ethnicities, religions and social statuses in one place as a means of promoting world unity. And according to Roberts, “I am happy to be a part of such a community, and I’m always interested in learning new things about different cultures.”
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發表於 2018-2-22 19:00  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Air Max 90 the President said
History was created in Linden yesterday as the local bauxite industry unveiled its multimillion- dollar arch on Casaurina Drive.The arch, which cost some $20 plus million, is a gift from Bosai Minerals Group, in observance of the 100th year of bauxite mining in Linden.The structure, apart from being beautiful is considered educational, as important historical facts and the names of prominent Lindeners, such as those of past Mayors, are inscribed.Chairman of the Centenary Committee Horace James said that as time progresses more historical information will be added, including the names of prominent sports personalities.President David Granger, who was on hand for the auspicious occasion, delivered the feature address and also unveiled the arch.He told the gathering that the celebration of the centenary observance of the bauxite industry was a happy and historic occasion. He added that the preparations for the event testified to the labour of generations to the importance of the industry and the significance of Linden – the nursery of the Bauxite industry.“Linden has been called a mining town because of the route – the bauxite industry, the name of this tri-junction point as we’ve been told – Wismar, Mackenzie and Watooka – tells the story of the circumstances which brought together people from the North American, South American and European continents – and today we have people from another continent – East Asian entrepreneurs,Huarache Shoes For Men, who now operate the industry – so perhaps we should have a quadrilateral bringing people together from four continents right here in Linden.The president called the arch a “magnificent’ structure, commemorating the hundredth anniversary of bauxite mining.Granger said that the social impact of the industry has contributed to enriching Guyana’s cultural life, and its contributions to Guyanese society is impossible to calculate.He told the story of how the population of the community,Andre Branch Dolphins Jersey, which was later amalgated as Linden, ‘swelled’ as mining intensified.“Persons came from all over the coastland, from the islands of the Caribbean, Barbados, Grenada, St Vincent, St Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago in search of regular employment and higher wages offered by the bauxite industry. So when you go there you can tell them where their foreparents came to look for money and employment.”The President spoke of the thousands of jobs that were created for both Guyanese and West Indians, and said that it was noteworthy that by 1960 only 38 percent of the population of the community comprised persons that were actually born here – the rest were migrants from the “coast” and the Caribbean.He noted that the industry made other contributions to nation building, such as training highly skilled and competent chemists, engineers and industrial workers.“The nation knows for example that hundreds of persons were recruited from the ranks of employees and former employees of the bauxite industry to develop what we now know as the gold mining industry, which has become the most lucrative mining industry in Guyana. Many of the operators in the gold mining industry are actually graduates of the University of Bauxite!”He spoke of the connectivity though the region which has made Linden a geographical and social hub, and expressed the hope that very soon Linden could become an economic hub and powerhouse.The President said that the Bauxite industry has been one of the traditional mainstays of the economy for a hundred years. He alluded to the production of the ore which increased rapidly during the Second World War, noting that bauxite from Guyana contributed to the manufacture of aluminium which went into the building of aircraft.The United States, the President declared, imported 30,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit,000 tonnes of bauxite ore in 1939 before the war started, and by the time the war got going,Adidas Ultra Boost Shoes Cheap, Guyana had exported 390,000 tonnes annually. Thus Guyana became the second largest producer of bauxite in the world accounting for as much as 17 percent of global output by 1949.He added that the production of refractory and abrasive grades of bauxite by 1952 made Guyana the world’s most diversified producer of bauxite. Production soared to 2.2 million tonnes in 1957 and shortly after, a ten-dollar note was produced depicting bauxite mining and the aluminum plant.Bauxite, the President said, at one time accounted for 43 percent of the country’s export earnings. The industry later slid into decline with the accompanying loss of revenue, employment, skills and export earnings.There were others who attested to the importance of bauxite as a revenue earner an
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發表於 2018-2-22 21:39  資料 私人訊息 
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Three women who were involved in a botched obeah ritual that led to a man suffering burns about his body,China Jerseys, were remanded to prison yesterday, when they appeared at the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court.The three women, Zipporah Braithwaite,Austin Hooper Falcons Jersey, 27; Meena Oreedhan,Cheap Jerseys, 47; and Elijah Butler,Cheap Jerseys From China, 40; were charged with inflicting grievous bodily harm on Rickford Lowe.The women, who were unrepresented by counsel, were not required to plead to the indictable charge. They stood motionless as it was read to them.The three are accused of burning Lowe during an obeah ritual,Wholesale Jerseys USA, which they claimed would have rid him of demons that had possessed him.The prosecution’s case is that Lowe was at his home watching television, when his mother and sister came into the house accompanied by the ‘obeah woman’ and another female.He said that to his surprise, they started to pray over him with camphor and a bottle of Limacol.The ‘obeah woman’ then lighted a candle and started to pour the Limacol and camphor on him, after which she ignited the flammable liquids.Lowe said that with fire all over his lower body,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, he ran out of the house and soaked himself in a reservoir of water. He was then rushed to the Georgetown Public Hospital where he was admitted.Yesterday, the women stepped up their chants in court and even ventured to offer a veiled threat to the prosecutor.They are to return to court on June 26.
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發表於 2018-2-22 21:58  資料 私人訊息 
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PP/C writes GECOM,Supply NFL Jerseys, int’l observersThe People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C), during a mid-afternoon polling update yesterday, said that the party was generally satisfied with voting but they have written international observers and the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) about polling agents and others wearing parties’ paraphernalia.Stressing that these cases were isolated,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the party’s spokesman and Executive Member, Robert Persaud, said that they were “disappointed” over reports that polling agents and party candidates were wearing party colours and other items, even though these are unlawful during voting.In some cases,Cheap Air Max 90 Kpu Sale, officials were allowed within the precincts of the polling place with reports that loudspeakers were used to encourage persons to vote for a particular party.Voters converged at polling places early yesterday with almost 50 per cent of the eligible voters in several parts of the West Bank Demerara completing their business before 09:00 hrs.Persaud acknowledged that the early turnout was serious indication of voters’ attitude to the elections.As of 13:00 hrs, the party was reporting yesterday of peaceful polls throughout the country with no significant marring the process.In some isolated cases, PPP/C polling agents were not issued folios,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the list of voters at a particular voting locale that comes complete with photographs and other details.GECOM is looking at the incidents, Persaud said.Reports that RUSAL and bauxite transporters, Oldendorff, were not releasing their staff to vote have not reached the PPP/C, it was disclosed.According to Persaud, it would be illegal not only from the standpoint that yesterday was declared a public holiday but the fact that everyone has a right to exercise that right.The party has mechanisms in place, like polling agents who can verify whether such incidents have occurred.Meanwhile,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, West Bank Demerara was reporting a peaceful flow yesterday with just a few cases of hiccups.In most cases, there were instances of teenagers issued with voters’ cards who turned up only to be told that they were not listed- in the majority of cases,NFL Jerseys China, they were underaged.
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發表於 2018-2-22 23:30  資料 私人訊息 
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As Government continues its reforms of the gold mining sector, one of the major issues it is dealing with is how to halt the leakages in relation to declarations.File photo: GGMC officials and police a few years ago in a controlled exercise in a Brazilian mining camp.Gold declarations, from projections,Cheap NFL Jerseys, are targeted at an unprecedented 550,000 ounces this year. More than 150,000 ounces is expected to come from two foreign-owned companies – Guyana Goldfield Inc. and Troy Resources – which started operations last year.The rest will come from the other smaller operators who are expected to contribute at least 430,000 ounces.The issue of leakages and smuggling reared its head last year with Government insisting that it was losing out significant revenues from the seven percent in royalty and tax it loses every time an ounce of gold is not declared.In his recent budget presentation, Finance Minister Winston Jordan echoed what senior Government officials have been saying – that at least 15,000 ounces of gold is being smuggled out weekly.The smuggling reports had sparked a multi-agency probe that later saw the involvement of the Federal Bureau of Investigation in the US.From indications, it appeared that much of that smuggled gold was making its way overland to Suriname and then onwards to the US, Europe and even Asia.But it also seemed as if a significant amount is making its way to Brazil, one of the three countries that border Guyana.Although there is little data released over the years,Cheap Jerseys, it is a known fact that hundreds of Brazilians live and work especially in the gold mining areas of Guyana. It is not known how many have been granted citizenship or work permits.According to officials, Brazilians have been making declarations,NFL Jerseys China Cheap, with even Brazilian dealers licensed to do business. The declarations are significant, but still nothing compared to what is not being declared.With Guyana’s gold mining areas located between Regions Seven and Eight, mines officers are stretched thin to patrol and monitor the numerous camps that dot the areas. This, coupled with corruption with mines officers and other officials, has been posing problems for authorities like the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), to determine how much is lost.According to knowledgeable insiders, with the informal setting of the gold camps and water landings, Brazilians especially have been trading gold with third parties and others for fuel and ration.“So there may not necessarily be smuggling, but this gold being exchanged for services and fuel and food and spares and things like that, is not showing up in the system. So you will have many cases of people (Brazilians) collecting cash from selling gold and with poor record keeping,Wholesale World Cup Jerseys, it is difficult to estimate what is slipping through.”Brazilians, too, may not be too interested in smuggling gold directly to Brazil. With exchange rates, it is better to sell the gold in Guyana than taking a chance and smuggling it overland, where robbers and police checkpoints may prove a deterrent.It is what happens to the gold that is traded for fuel and other goods that worry authorities. Most of this gold, it is strongly believed, makes it way to persons in the smuggling business. With Suriname’s taxes lower than Guyana, persons have been making significant profits taking the chance of getting it there.The David Granger-led administration has been attempting to put a clamp on it, with the US keeping a close eye on the traders and others.A list of the persons believed to be involved has been handed to the Government with a special department established to address issues of compliance.Over the weekend, Natural Resources Minister Raphael Trotman, said that the finishing touches on a Compliance and Inspectorate Division of the Ministry of Natural Resources are being applied, with the body to become operational shortly.The division, he said, will monitor the work of Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), Guyana Gold Board, Guyana Forestry Commission, and miners and loggers, to ensure strict compliance with the laws and regulations.It will be headed by Minister within the Ministry of Natural Resources, Simona Broomes.In recent weeks, the issue of non-declaration was again raised after it was disclosed that Chinese-owned logging company, BaiShanLin, was involved in gold mining,Wholesale Jerseys Cheap, but has yet to declare an ounce despite getting hundreds of ounces each week from its operations in the Ekereku area,Wholesale Jerseys China, Region Seven.The situation has raise
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發表於 2018-2-23 00:36  資料 私人訊息 
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– questioned over programmesHead of the Presidential Secretariat and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS), Dr. Roger Luncheon, has said that the scheme is not about policy making, but rather it is guided by statutes.He was explaining the difference between a policy making and statutory regime before a Parliamentary Committee on economic services. This committee is chaired by People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C),Cheap Air Max 90 Men Shoes, Member of Parliament (MP), Gail Teixeira.Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon, PPP MP, Gail Teixeira, members of the Economic Services Committee and representatives of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS) at the Meeting at Parliament BuildingNIS General Manager (ag), Doreen Nelson, listed some of the changes that were made in the scheme since the last time it was before a Committee in November 2009. These changes include: increase in funeral benefits from $18, 840 to $27,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,025, six percent increase in minimum wage for public servants and pensioners, an increase in the insurable earning ceiling from $113,660 to $126,504 and an increase for minimal insurable earning for self-employed contributors from $35,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit On Sale,000 to $39,000.To the question of the events that led to the disbandment of the Extended Medical Care Programme posed by PPP Member of Parliament, Kwame Gilbert, the HPS responded that initially the programme was intended to address pensioners and offer the convenience of accessing their medication faster and easier at no cost, as opposed to long waiting lines for the same service at public health.This arrangement resulted in what became known as the medications for certain chronic conditions to be made available to pensioners as well as contributors.However, this process became out of control in terms of costs and breaches in the dispensing of medication. As such, the decision was made to disband the programme, since it was not funded.Consequently, the abandonment of the programme led to persons having to comply with the Sickness Benefit Medical Care requirement that resulted in a fixed percentage of reimbursement as opposed to receiving the drugs free of cost.Nelson added that the programme consists of three components: free spectacles, dentures and medication. However, after the age of 60 a $12,000 waiver is offered on these components.PPP parliamentarian Mohamed Khan said that most; if not all of the medical specialists recommended by the NIS, are based in Georgetown.This places contributors from outlying areas at a disadvantage, since it is usually more economical for them to pay to for the services of a private doctor than to travel to the city.The HPS said that in order for this issue to be addressed, interventions would have to be put in place at the level of the Ministry of Health.People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR), MP,Wholesale Football Jerseys, Dave Danny,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, questioned the reasons for discontinuing the medical coverage for persons over 60 if they contract new diseases resulting from pre-existing diseases.To this question, Dr. Luncheon said that Sickness Benefit Medical Care (SBMC) is paid to an insured person who is over 60 only if it was confirmed that the medical condition existed prior to the person attaining the age of 60.This follows that the person must have been diagnosed by a Registered Medical Practitioner, must have worked on the day prior to the day of incapacity, must have made at least eight contributions during the period of 13 weeks prior to the week of diagnosis.Once these conditions are met, SBMC would be reimbursed for as long as such medication is required.PPP MP, Dharamkumar Seeraj, also a member of the Committee,Cheap Air Max Tn, urged members of the scheme to be wary of some contributors who tend to take fraudulent steps to ensure that they secure medical coverage, and in so doing put deserving contributors at a disadvantage.On the question on whether NIS would consider sending its contributors an annual report on the status/record of their contribution, Nelson said that the scheme has been sending annual contribution statements to employers for distribution to contributors for a number of years. Contributors who are approaching the age of 60 are sent a record, so that discrepancies can be corrected before the pension claim is processed.She added that 2009 contribution statements are already printed to be sent out to employees whose contribution schedules have already been fully secured into the system.Teixeira said that Government is concerned about the policies of the
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發表於 2018-2-23 03:26  資料 私人訊息 
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Bharrat Jagdeo’s best friend Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’Ramroop, who owns New Guyana Pharmaceutical Corporation (GPC), has lashed out at the Auditor General of Guyana over the discrepancies raised in his 2012 reports.Ramroop yesterday accused the Audit Office of “sloppy fieldwork by junior officials in the Office of the Auditor General.”But the Auditor General found among other things that there were several million dollars worth of drugs still to be supplied by Ramroop.These drugs were part of the more than US$15M worth of drug contracts Ramroop received from the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).Dr. Ranjisinghi ‘Bobby’ RamroopRamroop admitted this and called on the Ministry of Health and GPHC, “to remove its goods from the corporation warehouses as soon as possible.”In seeking to explain the non supply of the drugs, Ramroop has also conceded that the New GPC is still currently storing a very large volume of items for the Ministry and GPHC which New GPC recorded as delivered.Ramroop said that Contracts,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, particularly the larger orders, sometimes overlap from a consumption point of view into the following financial year. Hence, it is not unusual that some items are not collected by the Ministry at the end of the fiscal year. However, it is unusual that these items would be recorded by New GPC as delivered.He said that national budgets are approved some time between March and July and hence the quantities being ordered sometimes cater for this overlap.But for more than a decade the budget has been presented in February.Ramroop said that the Ministry receives goods based on their own pre-determined consumption pattern and that means deliveries are staggered throughout the year.Ramroop also claims that contracts are signed at different times during the year, and so for those signed in the later months, deliveries are actually intended to roll over into the following year.On the matter of bank guarantees raised by the Auditor General,NFL Jerseys Supply, Ramroop claims that they are not meant to be valid for the original sum throughout the life of the contract.“As deliveries are made,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, the risk is obviously decreasing and hence a bank guarantee can be,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and is, often renewed for a lesser amount.”In attempting to discredit the Auditor General, Ramroop said that the report appears to have been compiled on the basis of simplistic interactions with junior and non-technical personnel within the Ministry and GPHC administrations and does not take full cognisance of the nature of the supply chain process for pharmaceuticals and related products and the environment in which we operate.Speaker of the National Assembly,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Raphael Trotman,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, made the report public this past week and it has revealed that Ramroop’s New GPC received in excess of $3B to supply drugs to the Ministry of Health and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).Another $1B was spread across more than a dozen local and international companies.Auditor General Deodat SharmaRamroop received the largest chunk of the drugs purchased by Government last year and according to the Auditor General, this was done based on the fact that he was pre-qualified since 2010.This means that in 2010, Ramroop’s New GPC would have been selected to supply drugs to Government without having to go to public tender until that prequalification status expires.Between the Ministry of Health and GPHC, the government spent just over $4B in drug purchases last year.