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發表於 2018-2-5 11:52  資料 私人訊息 
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Forty-year-old Brian Williams, of 20 Hill Street Albouystown received a severe beating allegedly at the hands of a group of firemen from the West Ruimveldt and Central Fire Station yesterday afternoon.Williams received a chop to the right hand, major laceration to the ear and suspected broken ribs, allegedly after being accused of stealing a hose from the fire station.Brian WilliamsAccording to the badly beaten man who is a patient at the Georgetown Hospital, around 13:00 hrs yesterday he went to the West Ruimveldt Fire Station enquiring about a friend who works there.“I went there to find out if meh friend Dexter working and they said no”. But Williams said that he was attempting to leave the yard when another fireman said that he had stolen a hose.“He tell me that I does always thief de hose so he gon mek they teach me a lesson,Nike Air Max Zero White,” Williams explained.The patient said that he started to plead with the firemen, telling them that they were mistaken. He said that they started to beat him with pieces of wood, which was in the fire station compound.Williams alleged that he fainted about three times as a result of the beating,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, but the firemen threw water on him to revive him.“I get blackout about three times and these men just throw water on me like is a dog they beating”.Williams said that after he was beaten at the West Ruimveldt Fire Station the firemen took him to the Central Fire Station where firemen there also beat him.“They carry me deh and them firemen beat too,Cheap Jerseys China, in all was like about ten of them beating me with wood,Nike Air Max Tn Ultra Plus, belts and all sorts of things”.He said that one of them even pinched his ear with a pair of pliers and told him “that he must hear when people seh that you should not steal”.Williams said he could identify the firefighters.“I know de one who pluck meh ears because he got a big cut in he face so he cant’ hide”. Kaieteur News understands that the firefighters eventually attempted to take Williams to the East Ruimveldt Outpost but ranks there refused to accept him because of his condition.He was eventually taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where tempers flared between Senior Fire Service Officers and the Guyana Police Force. After arriving at the hospital the two firemen who took Williams were told that they needed to give a written statement.They reportedly refused and quickly contacted their superior officers, who,NFL Jerseys From China, in the presence of Kaieteur News,Cheap Anaheim Ducks Hoodies, began to hurl abuses at a Senior Police Officer.The fire officers also instructed their ranks not to submit a statement.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-2-8 17:40  資料 私人訊息 
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By Jenelle Carter-WillabusAfter spending 15 months and five days in prison separated from each other,An elated Carol Ann Munroe,Air Max 90 Black And White Mens, is escorted out of the Court by a relieved family member after the Treason charge was dismissedhusband and wife, Major Bruce Munroe and Carol-Ann were happily reunited with each other, their family and two children yesterday.Huddled together with her husband and two children, Carol-Ann sat in her mother’s Princes Street home, in the living room. There she related a horrid tale, that had a happy ending, but it took nearly two years to unfold.In a surprising but welcomed decision by many,Jerseys From China, Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry discharged the treason charge which was level against the couple and their friend Reserve Officer Leonard Wharton.Recounting the last night she spent in the comfort of her own home with her family,Authentic Baltimore Ravens Jersey, Carol-Ann said the night started off like the typical night leading up to Christmas.She recalls putting the final touches to the decorations in her house on December 23, 2010 while ensuring everything was to the liking of her two children, aged eight and four at the time.“Soon after we put the children to bed and while we were in our bedroom, I told my husband I was thirsty and he said that he was going to get the water for me.”While her husband was leaving the bedroom Carol-Ann said she called him back into their room just to tell him that she loved him.“When I said I love you, he said, ‘I know’ and he walked out…While he was walking out I called him back and I said to him if anything was to happen to you I don’t know how I would cope.”Again her husband went back into the room to reassure her that all will be well and to appease her fears about anything going wrong for the family, as he gave her a kiss on her forehead, the kiss that had become a ritual for the couple over their years of marriage.“He would always kiss me on my forehead when he was trying to reassure me about something and he said I will ensure you have a good Christmas because he had promised to take time off from work.”Carol-Ann said that she had a gut feeling that something was wrong but never envisioned that it was going to take such a horrid turn.Within minutes of that reassuring kiss the Munroes’ life turned up-side down. From a respectable Army Officer, to treason accused, being led to court in shackles, and from a wife, mother and English teacher to being locked in cell with other female prisoners.After having their home being searched by police ranks on the night of December 23, Munroe and his wife were led away to Timehri Police Station. On Christmas Eve Day the couple was separated.Major Munroe was taken to the Brickdam Police Station while his wife was taken to the East La Penitence Police Station. Reality struck when the couple was informed that they were being charged with treason.For Carol-Ann, while her family started breaking down she realized that she needed to be strong for not only herself but also for her husband who at the time seemed to be falling apart.“I held him and I said we have been through so much and we will get through this…I hadn’t time to cry or show any emotion until I reached back to the lock up…I crept into the dark washroom and started to scream.”In my mind treason charge meant life in prison. Even my family couldn’t really process what was going on.Once the couple had their day in court and understood that bail was not an option they soon had to come to grips with reality; that they will be in prison indefinitely.Nevertheless, their faith and trust in God and the truth was what kept them both going. Soon enough Carol-Ann,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, who had her bout of classic schizophrenic, post partum depression and being claustrophobic, had to find a way to survive being in isolation.Turning positives into negatives Carol-Ann said that she quickly overcame her fears. She found ways to cope as well as treat herself for her depression.“I spent the first six months reading the many manuals on how to treat depression until I started treating myself despite the court orders to allow me to receive treatment. The Prison Medex started working with the treatment I started to administer to myself.”After being released from solitary confinement Carol-Ann Munroe said that she was allowed to see sunlight and breathe fresh air.“Definitely it was prayers that kept both my husband and I when we did get to see each other. In court we worked out a system where despite our distance we would wake up at the same time each morning to pray.”At that point Major Munroe pitched as he clutched his wife’s hand. The experience brought him and his wife together;
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發表於 2018-2-9 01:14  資料 私人訊息 
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Police are probing the death of a Venezuela-based Guyanese,Cheap NBA Jerseys Authentic, whose body was found at around 18:30 hrs on Saturday in a playfield at Mabaruma Settlement.Sources identified the victim as Jose Ramalho,China Jerseys, and revealed that he was a businessman who travelled frequently to and from Venezuela.According to reports,Cheap Jerseys, Ramalho was last seen drinking with a former policeman. A security guard subsequently found his body on the playfield.Kaieteur News understands that police found no marks of violence on the body. The ex-policeman with whom Ramalho was last seen drinking was questioned but was not detained.Kaieteur News understands that Ramahlo recently returned to Guyana with a quantity of raw gold.A source at Mabaruma stated that the dead man’s wallet and other documents were found at a house that the police searched.However,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, this report could not be confirmed by police,NFL Jerseys Cheap, who said that they are awaiting a postmortem to ascertain if they are dealing with a case of foul play.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-2-9 01:31  資料 私人訊息 
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Officers attached to the Anna Regina Child Protection Agency and the Welfare Department, are probing another rape, this time involving a pastor and his teenage granddaughter. The matter came to light through a confidante of the minor.Officers at the Anna Regina Police station have since requested advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP), before instituting charges against the alleged accused.The pastor has since been released on $25.000 station bail. He was previously arrested and was held, along with the father of the 14-year-old at the Anna Regina police station.Reports from the remote Community, located some seven miles from the township of Anna Regina,wholesale jerseys, are indicating that the pastor,China Jerseys Cheap, who is in his late fifties,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, raped his grand-daughter at his home.It was noted that the 14-year-old and her brother were left in the care of her grandparents, since they were toddlers.The report added that the child related the incident to an adult who lodged the report to the Child Care and Protection Agency at Anna Regina, and officials have since interviewed the girl and also accompanied her to undertake a medical report.Additional reports have indicated that the teen was said to be using an oral medication in an effort to terminate a pregnancy. The teenager and her brother’s mother died last year.Almost a month ago,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, another grandfather,Cheap Jerseys, this time at West Bury,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Essequibo, was charged for the rape of his eight-year-old granddaughter.Magistrate Sunil Scarce refused bail.The 14-year-old remains in the care of the Child Care and Protection Agency.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-2-9 07:42  資料 私人訊息 
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The?Ministry of?Natural Resources and the Environment,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, along with the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) of the United Nations (UN) and the European Union, yesterday launched a project with the Forestry Training Centre for the development of a pilot timber harvesting and forest monitoring model for small loggers associations. This model is aimed at improving compliance with the forests laws and ‘agreed-to’(From left) Manager of the Forestry Training Center Inc. Quacy Bremner, Minister Robert Persaud, EU Ambassador to Guyana Robert Kopeck?, and FAO representative in Guyana Reuben Robertsonforest management prescriptions in Guyana.The agreement was signed by Manager of the Forestry Training Center Inc. Quacy Bremner and the FAO representative in Guyana, Reuben Robertson at the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) building in Kingston.Minister of Natural Resources and the Environment (MNRE) Robert Persaud,Nike Air Max 1 Mens Cheap, observed that it was always the desire of government to manage and utilise the forests to provide economic opportunities for all Guyanese. The project targets six small loggers’ associations in Region Ten.The minister also noted that involving all communities within the Upper Demerara-Upper Berbice region would see them working together, as he reminded that with the downturn of the bauxite industry, forestry activities were introduced.He pointed out too, that there are no special concessions given to anyone,Cheap NFL Jerseys, adding that if there is a preference,Cheap Jerseys From China, it would be for a local company or organisation. He was referring to recent articles appearing in some sections of the media that the government was giving special treatment to foreign investors.He stated that, “I want to refute any perception that there is preferential access to non-Guyanese,” noting that if there is any discrimination then it is in favour of Guyanese as, “we don’t want Guyanese operators within the community to be left behind…”The minister also?noted?that with 260 forestry operators being trained in 2014, the target is 1300 in 2015. He pointed out that working with timber and non-timber in forests, value added timber?products?would provide the country with environmental services.The EU Ambassador to Guyana Robert?Kopeck? speaking of the EU’s satisfactory partnership with Guyana said that, “… The EU and Guyana (have been) working together on various levels to preserve its heritage in the climate change negotiations aiming to conclude the voluntary partnership agreement for timber exports and through capacity building projects like the one today is a noble cause.”?He added that forestry has to play a major role for sustainable development in climate change adaptation and mitigation.It was for this reason he stated, that the EU adapted the?FLEGT (Forest Law, Enforcement, Government and Trade) programme in 2003 as a response to illegal logging which covers both supply and demand measures. The action plan’s core procedures are the FLEGT measures which are the EU regulations, Kopeck? pointed out.He explained that the agreement between EU and Guyana in 2012 involved an agreement which has shown decent progress when it ended this month.The EU Ambassador observed that the FLEGT process in Guyana has also provided the opportunity to further strengthen and maintain its consolidation towards maintenance of forest government, improving legal compliance and building capacity for community engagement for forest policy engagement and implementation.Ambassador Kopeck? also said that the EU shared the initiative that forest laws could be further improved. He noted that the EU/FLEGT US$10M programme would ensure that countries follow the plans. He welcomed the six associations working together to follow the law.Bremner meanwhile?stated?that Region 10 is gaining funding from the FAO to carry out projects and to ensure sustainable overview and increase the capacity of the small loggers’ association and others. He also added that communities would also be enabled to monitor online and would also reduce the laws being broken, and would ensure sustainable forestry management.Ruben Robertson of the FAO observed that partnership is the best way to go in order to produce the greatest results. He pointed out that with the US$122,000 given by the EU; the MNRE would be the custodian of the funds to be disbursed. Robertson?added?too, that the FAO’s focus would be among global objectives which are to improve livelihoods across the world. He expects the Forestry Training Centre to achieve two objectives; to help ensure small loggers comply with the laws,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and assist all loggers in their capacity for co
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發表於 2018-2-9 17:31  資料 私人訊息 
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Eighty-eight year old Iona Stuger,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,must be regretting opening her door to sell a man a block of ice yesterday morning.After opening the door,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys China,the overseas-based Guyanese was stabbed and relieved of an undisclosed amount of cash by a lone bandit at about 10:15 hours.This newspaper was told that Stuger was alone at her Plum Park,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Sophia residence,Air Max 97 2018,when she responded to a rapping on her door.Upon opening the door, Stuger was confronted by a knife-wielding bandit who demanded cash and other valuables.When Stuger refused to comply, she was stabbed in the region of the left shoulder just as she was about to push in the door to keep the attacker out.The man proceeded to ransack the woman’s house and quickly located an undisclosed sum of cash.He subsequently fled hastily,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, leaving the knife and his cap behind,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, as the wounded pensioner raised an alarm. Stuger was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital where she received treatment at the accident and emergency unit.Police are investigating.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-2-10 03:58  資料 私人訊息 
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The Director of Public Prosecutions is expected to advise shortly on a report prepared by a Presidential commission that was set up to investigate the scandal involving the importation of Polar beer by the Fidelity Investments Incorporated.The DPP is expected to base her advice on the recommendations of the commission,NFL Jerseys From China, which included investigators from the police Criminal Investigations Department and the Office of the Auditor General.The probe was launched by President Bharrat Jagdeo earlier this year after allegations of corruption regarding the importation of millions of dollars in Polar beer surfaced.Initially,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, five Customs officers were implicated in the scandal,Cheap Anaheim Ducks Hoodies, and were immediately sent home.Kaieteur News understands that the report has recommended criminal charges for 13 more officers.It, however,Cheap Jerseys From China, cleared five senior officials of the Customs and Trade Administration.Speaking with this newspaper yesterday, acting Police Commissioner Henry Greene confirmed that the file on the matter was sent to the Director of Public Prosecutions.He said that the file was completed several weeks ago.However, the DPP sent back the file, requesting additional information.“The file came back asking us to do more things. Those things were completed,NFL Jerseys Clearance, and the file was sent back (to the DPP). We recommend charges, criminal charges,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale,” Greene said.Several of the Customs officers implicated are currently on leave to facilitate the investigations.
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發表於 2018-2-10 09:56  資料 私人訊息 
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Staffers of the Ministry of Health opted to lead by example yesterday when they decided to become voluntary blood donors to help replenish the dwindling National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) buffer stock.Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy last Monday made the call for donors to support the blood bank.And according to him more than 30 units of blood were donated which should have been supplemented by an additional 29 units from a drive held at the NBTS yesterday.The Minister anticipated that additional donations would have further boosted the stock by the end of yesterdayHe said that the decision by the Ministry staff is a clear indication that they will not just call on other people to be voluntary donors thus setting an example to be emulated.“We decided that while calling we would come out ourselves so that our buffer stock can be increased.”According to the Minister,Cheap Jerseys From China, since he announced the NBTS needs, the public has responded favourably,2018 Nike Air Max 98, a move which has seen a near 50 percent increase in the daily number of donors.This, he said, is an indication that the Guyanese public is listening and is willing to respond.Early last year the blood bank tried to maintain a buffer stock of 120 units of blood which was enough at the time to respond to the daily needs and for emergencies.The buffer stock quota was subsequently increased to 170 units, according to Dr Ramsammy.He noted,Jerseys Authentic Stitched, though, that given the workload at both the public and private hospitals it is likely that its blood bank will further augment the units stored to a possible 200 units.He lamented the fact that at the beginning of this week, the buffer stock level was a mere 48 units of blood.However, with the response from members of the public the Minister disclosed that the level has since improved somewhat.“We are going to have a number of the units we have in stock given out to hospitals and therefore it’s going to remain at about a quarter of what we need.That is really risky because if we have an emergency it would mean that we would not have and we would have to depend on the family donors and we don’t want to go back to that.”He noted that he will target public leaders in the society,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, business leaders among others to help lead the process of voluntary blood donation even as he mused at the fact that blood is not a commodity that could be purchased.Currently, only about .5 percent of the adult population of Guyana have donated blood even as regular donors or as family replacement donors.There is therefore a need,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, the Minister said for that percentage to be upped to about 1 to 1.5 percent.“My call is simple…Anybody who is a regular donor this is a good time to donate.And those people who have never donated blood this is a very good time for you to become a regular donor,NFL Jerseys Outlet,” urged Dr Ramsammy.
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發表於 2018-2-10 18:19  資料 私人訊息 
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Cheekies Mother Nikita Mclennon,cheap nfl jerseys online, (centre),Cheap NFL Jerseys China, was one of the recipients of a Cheekies hamper. Witnessing the event was Sister June Cato,Wholesale China Jerseys, Marketing Assistant Joel Lee and Onica Benjamin,Wholesale Baseball Jerseys, the Cheekies PromoterMother Ulanda Adams (centre) gave birth to the first baby girl born on Christmas Day.? Sister June Cato and Marketing Assistant Joel Lee were on hand for the presentation.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-2-10 19:28  資料 私人訊息 
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By the end of this year works on the Diamond Fire Station should be completed. Yesterday,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, in an invited comment,Wholesale Jerseys USA, Fire Chief Marlon Gentle said that most of the works on the building have been completed.The Fire Chief also stated that all the necessary equipment to make the station fully operational have already been acquired. New fire tenders are currently on a city wharf waiting to be cleared.Meanwhile,Sale NFL Jerseys, as it relates to the timely manner for the project being executed this publication was told that the works are ahead of schedule stipulated time.Yesterday at the site,Nike Air Max Zero White, workers were putting the finishing touches to the fence and the yard.Last year October,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online, the Minister of Home Affairs witnessed the signing of the contract for the construction of the Diamond Fire Station. The contract was awarded to Gharchand’s Building and Construction Services.Photo saved in server Sunday as Diamond Fire StationCaption: The spanking new Diamond Fire Station which will soon be commissioned to serve the East Bank Demerara area.
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發表於 2018-2-10 20:55  資料 私人訊息 
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–?? ?US$2M to facilitate sale of carbon credits by hotels that invest in efficient equipmentGuyana is to benefit from a US$2 million grant from the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). The money was recently approved for the Caribbean Hotel Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Action – Advanced Programme (CHENACT-AP),Cheap Jerseys From China, which will assist in the tourism sector.Other countries that are set to benefit are Barbados, Jamaica, Bahamas, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Belize, Haiti,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and the Dominican Republic.According to the IDB,NFL Jerseys Supply, the four-year project will finance energy audits for hotels in participating countries that want to cut their operational costs through greater energy efficiency. Efficiency measures in areas such as lighting, water use and air conditioning provide great opportunities for savings, particularly for small and medium-sized hotels.IDB studies have estimated that many of these hotels have the potential to reduce water consumption by 50 percent and overall energy consumption by 30 percent to 50 percent, when implementing an integral set of efficiency measures and microgeneration with renewable energies.But in order to make sound choices regarding efficiency improvements or obtain credit for such investments from donors or banks, hotels need to obtain detailed audits of their energy use. By providing grants for such audits, the IDB programme intends to jump-start efficiency investments in the hotel sector.The programme will also finance an innovative scheme to enable individual hotels to generate revenue from the sale of carbon credits in the international carbon market. Christiaan Gischler,Cheap Jerseys From China, project team leader at the IDB, explained that the transaction costs involved in selling carbon credits can make it prohibitive for an individual hotel or company to participate in the carbon markets.To overcome that barrier, the IDB will work with participating countries to bundle carbon emission reductions generated from energy efficiency or renewable energy application in the Caribbean hotel sector as a consequence of the CHENACT-AP. It will help them to certify those emission using United Nations carbon finance instruments.“In this way, multiple hotels will be able to access carbon markets at once, reducing the transaction costs of this process,” said Gischler. “This will make it easier for participating hotels to sell carbon credits to offset the costs of their efficiency investments,Cheap Jerseys, while promoting green tourism and helping to market the Caribbean as one of the main ‘low carbon tourism’ destinations.”Furthermore, the project will help hotels access existing funds and identify opportunities for new financial schemes to strengthen local governments and promote energy efficiency on a regional level.Counterpart funds provided by the governments of Barbados, Jamaica and The Bahamas as well as a number of regional and international organizations will bring the project grant up to a total of US$5,145,000 million. The grant will be paid out over a period of four years.CHENACT-AP was launched last Thursday, at the 2011 Caribbean Renewable Energy Forum (CREF),Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, the biggest and most influential gathering of renewable energy stakeholders in the Caribbean.Representatives of the Governments of Barbados, Jamaica and the Bahamas will be present during the signature of the agreement between IDB and the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), executing agency of the Program with operational support from the Caribbean Hotel and Tourism Association (CHTA) and the Caribbean Alliance for Sustainable Tourism (CAST).
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發表於 2018-2-11 22:07  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Essential Kaieteur Falls
– locals to benefit from reduced pricesEvergreen Adventures is promising adventure-loving Guyanese the opportunity to visit local historical sites and attractive locations by offering a packed tour at a reduced cost.According to Supervisor of Evergreen Adventures,http://www.soccerpro.us.com/AC-Milan-FC/, Gerianne Austin, her company specialises in adventure tourism throughout Guyana, including locations within the Rupununi Savannahs, Kaieteur Falls, the Essequibo River.She told Kaieteur News that as part of Evergreen Adventures’ aim to provide a product of the highest quality it was imperative for them to involve the Trans Guyana Airways,David Njoku Jersey, tour operators,NFL Jerseys China, the hotel industry and the media thus resulting in them taking the above mentioned for their new familiarisation tour of the Essequibo/ Mazaruni rivers yesterday.A tour guide from Evergreen Adventures gives visitors a brief history of Fort IslandThis newspaper understands that in keeping with its effort to offer choices and diversification to the Tourism Industry in Guyana, every step of the planning of the tour was taken with great care and caution,Cheap NHL Jerseys Online, as to ensure that it was quite successful and would attract more locals.While the Evergreen Adventures tour bus was en route to Parika, the passengers were all enlightened about various villages and locations along the journey as well as briefed about their history.The tour consisted of visits to Fort Island, Saxacalli, and Marshall Falls where experienced guides over-viewed the trek.From Marshall Falls, the journey continued to Bartica where lunch was served and then the final destination to Baganara.Those who were present were asked to rate the trip and give recommendations so as to notify the company where improvements could be made.This initiative was executed to further improve the choices offered by the tour company so that more persons would be able to afford to “have such a vacation” and learn more about Guyana’s beauty and history,Wholesale China Jerseys, while having fun.Fort Zeelandia, on Fort Island,Cheap NFL Jerseys, a location where the tour group was privy to witness and explore
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發表於 2018-2-12 03:08  資料 私人訊息 
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A route 40 minibus driver is nursing injuries at the Georgetown Public Hospital after being severely beaten by the residents of Joseph Pollydore Street,China Jerseys, Lodge,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, after he slammed into a parked car,Wholesale China Jerseys, injuring a child in the process,Nike Air Max Tn Shoes For Men Sale, last evening.According to a traumatized female occupant who was at the passenger side of the car PMM 877,2018 Nike Air Max 90 Essential, she saw the minibus BHH 6831 swerve from a woman who was crossing the road. After missing the woman,Cheap Air Max 90, the minibus driver hit a parked vehicle then lost control and slammed into the car in which the woman was sitting.She said at that time the driver of the car was playing with his son who was seated at the top of the vehicle. When the bus slammed into car the child fell off and sustained injuries to the body and face. “The child face was bleeding.”Residents were reluctant to disclose any information since some helped beat the bus driver. Police arrived on the scene and later took the beaten buss driver to the Georgetown Public Hospital.
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發表於 2018-2-12 12:37  資料 私人訊息 
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Early this morning,China NFL Jerseys, the lifeless body of Narine Rickyram was found hanging from a wooden beam in his home in Unity Street,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, La Grange,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, West Bank Demerara.The body of the 39-year-old was taken to the West Demerara Regional Hospital (WDRH),Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, where it lies awaiting a post mortem examination.The police are still investigating.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-2-12 14:24  資料 私人訊息 
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The relatives who have been implicated in the murder of 44 year-old US-based Guyanese Motilall Singh had reportedly paid another hit-man $180,000 to do the job. But the ‘hit-man’ made off with the fee without harming Singh and the relatives then allegedly paid a labourer $150,Cheap NFL Jerseys,000 to commit the crime.The sordid revelations came to light yesterday after police detained the suspect who was initially contracted to kill Singh.Kaieteur News understands that the man told detectives that he took the cash without killing Singh because the relatives who had contracted him owed him money.Meanwhile, detectives yesterday arrested a fourth relative of Singh’s,Adidas Hockey Jerseys Cheap, who went into hiding after the murder plot was uncovered.Investigators have reportedly established that the relative choked Singh while the labourer stabbed the US-based Guyanese.The relative had cuts on his body, which he apparently sustained while trying to subdue Singh.Kaieteur News has also learnt that the police found the murder weapon in a trench not far from the murder scene.Kaieteur News was told that the murder plot unraveled after some villagers witnessed the attack and tipped off the police. The labourer then confessed after police took him and some of the relatives into custody.The slain man’s stepdaughter,NBA Jerseys China, a stepson,Brian Gionta Jersey, the stepdaughter’s husband and a labourer are in custody.The four are expected to appear in court for various charges since the labourer has since told investigators that he was a part of a plot to have Singh killed because of a property dispute.The victim, Motilall Singh, called “Moti”, was found dead on a roadway at around 02:00 hrs on Monday with stab wounds about his body.One of the man’s stepdaughters, Bibi Fazeela Khan,China NFL Jerseys, had said initially that the man was slain during a robbery. The woman said she last saw her step-father around 17:00 hours on Sunday when he left the home in the company of his stepson. He never returned home.Singh arrived in Guyana some three weeks ago for the burial of one of his siblings and was scheduled to return to the US on Friday.It is still not clear if the police have recovered any of the man’s jewellery,Soccer Jerseys China, which relatives claimed was missing when his body was found.