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發表於 2018-1-23 17:20  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys Online GuySuCo
– Used paling stave to sexually assault wifeJustice Navindra Singh imposed a 15-year jail sentence on Ganga Persaud yesterday after he was found guilty of attempting to murder his ex-wife Sumintra Rampersaud.?? Persaud was charged for attempted murder but he also faced an alternative charge of felonious wounding.According to the indictment, on July 29,Cheap NBA Jerseys Authentic, 2009, Persaud, 54, of Meten-Meer-Zorg, West Coast Demerara,Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys, a former employee of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo) caused grievous bodily harm to his spouse with the intent to murder.It is also alleged that on July 29,Cheap NFL Jerseys, 2009 Persaud caused grevious bodily harm toRampersaud with the intent to maim disfigure or disable her.During the trial State Prosecutors Siand Dhurjon and Narissa Leander called three witnesses to the stand.? In his opening address,China NFL Jerseys, Prosecutor Dhurjon told the court that Rampersaud was attacked as she conversed with a male friend with whom her husband suspected she was having an affair.According to the Prosecutor, Persaud dealt his wife several punches to her stomach and head until she fell unconscious.The woman was then stripped and her husband used a “paling stave” which was approximately 1.5 inches in width and shoved it between her legs, causing gashes to an area close to her vagina.? According to the Prosecutor,Wholesale Jerseys, in addition to assaulting the woman with the stave,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Persaud penetrated the woman’s vagina with his fingers at the same time telling the man she was with, “You next; this is wuh yuh been want see.”Persaud had pleaded not guilty to the charges. He contended that he was innocent but was beaten by the police to admit to a crime he did not commit.However after two hours of deliberation, the 12-member mixed jury returned a verdict of guilty in relation to attempted murder.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-24 11:03  資料 私人訊息 
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…same coy enjoys US$40M GPL contract(Trinidad Express) A Chinese company listed as posing a national security threat to the United States has been secretly awarded a TT$512 million contract to upgrade the National Operations Centre (NOC).Sunday Express investigations have revealed that National Security Council (NSC) minute No 1005 categorised as “secret” was considered on March 13,Wholesale Jerseys, 2014 by the NSC which is headed by Prime Minister Kamla Persad-Bissessar .Fourteen days later on March 27,Cheap NFL Football Jerseys, Persad-Bissesar ratified the decision, clearing the way for the contract to be awarded to Huawei Technologies Ltd for the implementation of the Safe City System.The NOC headquarters is located in a building situated on the compound behind the Knowsley Building in Port of Spain. Investigations have further revealed that to date the sum of TT$170 million has been paid to the company.Temporary provisions have been set up at the Knowsley Building to accommodate staff while the works are being undertaken. Up to press time last Persad-Bissessar did not respond to questions sent by the Sunday Express on whether the award of the TT$512 million contract was made public and if she was made aware of the investigative report released by the US government in 2012 that listed Huawei Technologies Ltd and ZTE as posing a security risk and which alluded to potential cyber espionage.The investigation was launched after Huawei Technologies Ltd in 2011 published an open letter to the US Government inviting an investigation into its corporate operations.The US Government initiated the investigation and Chinese telecommunications equipment manufacturers-Huawei Technologies Ltd and ZTE—were evaluated to determine the level of risk and threat both companies posed.An excerpt from the report by the US House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence read: “The investigation concludes that the risks associated with Huawei’s and ZTE’s provision of equipment to US critical infrastructure could undermine core US national security interest.”Emphasising the level of threat posed to the US,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the committee in its recommendation stated: “US government systems,Cheap NFL Jerseys, particularly sensitive systems, should not include Huawei or ZTE equipment, including component parts. Similarly, Government contractors-particularly those working on contracts for sensitive US programmes —should exclude ZTE or Huawei equipment in their system.”The report also warned private-sector entities in the US to consider the security risk associated with doing business with either ZTE or Huawei for equipment or services. The John Abbot-led Australian government has also banned Huawei Technologies Ltd from providing any equipment to the nation’s broadband network following reports that Chinese intelligence services penetrated that country’s parliamentary network in 2011 accessing the e-mail system used by members of parliament,Wholesale China Jerseys, advisers, electorate staff and parliamentary employees.The Chinese Government,Cheap Nike Air Max 90 Online, however, has denied both claims.But while Persad-Bissessar has not yet responded to questions on the matter, former national security minister Gary Griffith told the Sunday Express that he never received a copy of the US report while in Government.Griffith was the line minister at the time the contract was awarded to Huawei Technologies Ltd. He was also a member of the NSC.Asked on May 7 if he was aware of the US report that blacklisted Huawei Technologies Ltd because of a potential security threat, Griffith said: “I never saw nor was I given a copy of that report.”Sunday Express investigations have also revealed that a request for a downpayment for commencement of the works was made via an invoice dated October 29, 2014 that was sent from NOC executive director Garvin Heerah to former permanent secretary and Public Service head in the Office of the Prime Minister, Reynold Cooper.The invoice, categorised as “secret” and obtained by Sunday Express, read: “Further to reference above and our subsequent conversation on October 29, 2014, please find attached a copy of the NSC minute which approved the funding for the NOC construction project estimated at $512 million.”Huawei Technologies Ltd has refused to say whether the company informed the Ministry of National Security of the US report before being awarded the contract.Huawei is the company currently laying the US$40 M Guyana Power and Light transmission line/fibre optic cable between Essequibo Coast and Moleson Creek.
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發表於 2018-1-24 15:20  資料 私人訊息 
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A 27-year-old man was clubbed to death in an alleyway in Beterverwagting, East Coast Demerara at around 19:00 hrs yesterday,NFL Jerseys Cheap, allegedly after attacking a police rank with a cutlass and knife.Jermaine Hamilton,NFL Jerseys Cheap, said to be of unsound mind,Wholesale Hockey Jerseys China, was reportedly beaten by civilians after he attacked the rank who was walking in an alleyway in Canterbury Walk,holesale NFL Jerseys, Beterverwagting.Hamilton was taken to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation where he was pronounced dead. Kaieteur News understands that the police rank suffered minor injuries during the incident.According to reports,Wholesale Jerseys China, the policeman had just left a friend’s home when Hamilton attacked him with a cutlass.A female resident said that she was in the area at around 19:00 hrs when she heard the sound of thudding blows. She reportedly then heard someone saying “throw water pun he,” and upon looking outside,Cheap Jerseys From China, saw Hamilton’s motionless body in the alleyway.A taxi driver and two other men reportedly hoisted the victim into a vehicle and took him to the Georgetown Hospital.At press time the police rank at the centre of the incident was still giving a statement to his colleagues at the Beterverwagting Station.
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發表於 2018-1-25 01:17  資料 私人訊息 
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– firm concentrating on miningFour months after a glitzy launch of a multi-million-dollar hotel atPresident Donald Ramotar and Sun & Sand Group of Companies, Bhushan Chandna, turning the sod for the construction of the new hotel back in July.Liliendaal,Cheap NHL Jerseys, East Coast Demerara,NFL Jerseys Store, construction is yet to start.At issue is the much-touted investment by Indian-owned Sun and Sand Group of Companies.There has been absolute silence on the project by both Government and the investor.? A visit to the Liliendaal site yesterday by this newspaper found only a signboard in evidence.There were no construction materials on the ground that was partially flooded from recent heavy rains.On July 9,Jerseys NFL Cheap, last, Sun and Sand turned the sod for the construction of a US$54M five-star, luxury hotel and casino at Liliendaal.There were several Government officials including President Donald Ramotar and Tourism Minister,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Irfaan Ali. Also, there was former President Bharrat Jagdeo and Managing Director of BK International, Brian Tiwarie.It was announced then that construction on the163-room hotel will begin immediately and expected to be completed in approximately 18 months.It was disclosed also that Sun and Sand was highly interested in investing in Guyana’s mining, housingNothing doing: – There was no sun and definitely not much evidence of sand yesterday at the Liliendaal site of the proposed US$54M Indian-owned hotel.and shipping sectors.When completed, the 290,000 square feet hotel is expected to house a commercial block and club house of approximately 45,000 sq. ft. It is being touted to provide direct benefits to Guyanese through the provision of several hundred jobs.Yesterday, asked about the status of the hotel, Tiwarie said, “I am not really the local contractor you know… I just watching over one and two fine things. Is me friend dem man. I just looking over some things for them but they are here right now, you should call them and ask them why they ain’t start as yet.”Calls to the Managing Director of the Hotel Project, Bhushan Chandna,Cheap NFL Jerseys From China, did not bear much success yesterday as his assistant who answered his mobile number insisted that he was not in Georgetown.The associate was asked the reason for the company not commencing construction, to which he said,Wholesale Jerseys, “The Company is not really looking at the hotel business right now.It is focused on other interests, but I can’t say (at this time). Mr. Bhushan will be here on December 1.The people for the mining are here but not for the hotel.? I cannot tell you much about the hotel business.”A source at the Lands and Surveys Department confirmed that the Indian firm is still to complete payments for the?? Turkeyen Lands. According to the official, Sun and Sand seems no longer interested in the hotel business but rather in the mining sector.The official revealed that former President Jagdeo had a hand in the deal and made promises to the Indian firm.This newspaper understands that the company is being more cautious with its investments considering the political climate in which the ruling party is under heavy fire for a number of critical issues.The situation will leave questions open – what happens to the land that Sun and Sand was granted at Liliendaal and whether the deal on the hotel was tied to mining permission.
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發表於 2018-1-25 12:10  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale Jerseys China GWR
Leader of the APNU+AFC coalition, Brigadier David Granger (rtd), and party member Catherine Hughes, promised to review Guyana’s burdensome tax system, if elected to office after the May 11 General and Regional Elections.This, the candidates promised, at a forum hosted by Guyana Women Roundtable (GWR) and Guyana National Youth Council (GNYC), at the Theatre Guild Playhouse, Parade Street, Georgetown, where they addressed issues affecting mainly women and youths.The pair was responding to a question posed by a member of the public, who wanted them to address the 30 per cent Pay As You Earn (PAYE) tax, 16 per cent Value Added Tax (VAT), and heavy import duties for used vehicles which currently oppress tax payers.The coalition’s presidential hopeful explained that his party (APNU), had examined this possibility before, and had even teamed up with the Alliance for Change (AFC), during the “short life” of the tenth Parliament, to propose a reduction for VAT.He added that the proposals were never approved by the executives. “We have made proposals for the raising of the income tax threshold with respect to PAYE, and we have been told by the executive that they would elect a Tax Reform Commission, since 2012/2013.” Granger lamented that the “Tax Reform Commission” is yet to be implemented.Under an APNU+AFC government, Granger assured that a credible Tax Reform Commission would be instituted, and income tax would be increased,Cheap China Jerseys, thereby decreasing PAYE and reducing VAT. He added, “Both the APNU and AFC have committed to, and are very likely to reduce the tariffs on used vehicles.”Granger explained that he was unable to provide specifics as to the new percentage that the coalition is looking at with respect to VAT and PAYE, without consulting his partner. He said, “The coalition only signed the Accord on February 14, and some of these decisions have not yet been addressed”, consequently, he refrained from making such an announcement at that time.Hughes, in keeping with the theme of the forum,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, advocated that under the coalition,Wholesale Jerseys, there would be the implementation of a tax credit system for employers that are willing to provide in-house day care facilitates for female employees.She explained that the role that women play in this country is very important to her party. Hughes said,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, “When it comes to the tax system,Discount Football Jerseys, we’re saying that, for employers,NFL Jerseys From China, we want to be able to create a facility where a woman does not have to worry about the care of her children.”She went on to address what she referred to as Guyana’s very “archaic banking facilities”, and the need for increasing micro credit financing.“Banking system is not friendly enough to women…” she recalled an incident where she went to the bank to borrow “a very small amount of money”, and had to wait three months before the transaction was completed.To this, Hughes stated, “This is not just Guyana but all over the world. Women have the highest repayment schedule. She explained that in order to face this challenge head on, the diplomatic community and local authorities would have to get involved.
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發表於 2018-1-25 13:14  資料 私人訊息 
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By Brushell Blackman?Christmas has been around for as long as all of us can remember, we usually share peace, love and goodwill in an atmosphere that is refreshingly unique. We use the time to reconnect with family and friends, we even eat and wear the most expensive around this time, many times unmindful of what tomorrow may bring with such actions.However many have never taken the time to really understand where Christmas has its origins. This article attempts to address from where and how Christmas had its origin.According to religious historians, December 25, designated as Christmas Day, can be attributed to Pope Julius I, sometime in the 4th century A.D. It was set to coincide with the Roman Winter Festivals.However, the truth about this season is complicated and it depends upon what tradition you’re referring to as Christmas.Christmas as “Christ’s Mass,” the celebration of Christ’s birthday, originated when the Roman Catholic Church decided to consecrate pagan traditions. The Church wanted to convert the pagans of Europe to Christianity, and as a way of doing so, they established a Christian religious meaning to the important and popular celebration. They chose the birth of Christ because it echoed pagan attributes of the holiday, which celebrated, amongst other things, the rebirth of the Sun. The truth is that, before then, Christians didn’t really celebrate Christ’s birth; it was his death and resurrection that were supremely important, and his birth was a minor point without a fixed celebration.According to some historians, Jesus ‘’wasn’t’’ born on December 25. In fact, the details in the Bible clearly point to his being born in the spring. Placing the holiday of December 25 was a direct attempt to co-opt solstice traditions.Christmas as a ‘’modern’’ celebration, including most of the things we associate with it: Santa Claus, gift-giving,Cheap NFL Jerseys, carols, etc.,Wholesale Jerseys Online, were a Victorian invention. A number of writers and politicians, including Clement C. Moore in his book “The Night before Christmas”, popularized Christmas as a family tradition,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, in part to replace undesirable older traditions that had become part of Christmas.For a detailed and fascinating account of the Victorian Christmas invention, read Stephen Nissenbaum’s excellent “The Battle for Christmas.”Other accounts of the celebration indicate that December 25th was initially celebrated as ‘Conquering the Sun Day’, in which the Romans at the time, who worshipped the sun,cheap nfl jerseys, thought the Sun God was pleased with them as the days started to get longer. They would have celebrations and exchange gifts. Those that believed in Jesus feared for their lives, and wanted to mark a day for his birth, and so did on the same day, under the guise of the Roman beliefs.So the birth of Jesus was celebrated around 460AD for the first time, and as the Church grew, it eventually took the day over. Further, there is a widespread theory that Christmas started in Rome as a response to the Pagan holiday that was celebrated around the Winter Solstice by Emperor Aurelia in AD 274, and was called The Birth of the Invincible Sun.Christmas, the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ began,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, obviously, after his life and death. There is evidence in early writings that such celebrations began as early as the third century (~200AD). These celebrations began in the areas where Christianity started and spread, the areas around the Mediterranean, including the Middle East, North Africa and southern Europe.Christmas today is a holiday shared and celebrated by many religions. It is a day that has an effect on the entire world. To many people,Cheap NFL Jerseys, it is a favourite time of the year involving gift-giving, parties and feasting.Christmas is a holiday that unifies almost all of humanity. The spirit of Christmas causes people to decorate their homes and churches cut down trees and bring them into their homes, decking them with silver and gold. In the light of that tree, families make merry and give gifts, one to another. For some when the sun goes down on December 24th, and darkness covers the land, families and churches prepare for participation in customs such as singing around the decorated tree and attending a late night service or midnight mass.
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發表於 2018-1-25 16:26  資料 私人訊息 
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“He told me that he will hurt the closest thing to me”- ex-partner By: Romila BoodramSeveral hours after one of the most gruesome attacks in recent times at Annandale,Cheap Jerseys Online, East Coast Demerara (ECD), relatives as well as residents of the area were still trying to grapple with the fact that an innocent baby was shot dead by her grandmother’s estranged partner.The man, Marc Angoy, who reportedly left the scene in a blue car,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, also shot the woman’s 12-year-old daughter, Ashley Wellington, twice in her left leg. She is said to be in a stable condition at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC).The baby has been identified as one-year-old Arian Gill of Lot 38 East Ville,Cheap Arizona Cardinals Hoodies, Annandale. She sustained three gunshot wounds, to her chest and both arms. The toddler was pronounced dead at the GPHC.The shooting occurred a little after 13:45 hrs at the aforementioned address.Kaieteur News was told that police recovered a sunshades believed to belong to the suspect, at the scene.According to information received,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Shelly Norton,China Jerseys, who is the toddler’s grandmother and Wellington’s mother, ended an abusive three-year-old relationship with the suspect about five weeks ago.Since then, the suspect reportedly started to harass her and at times he even threatened to kill her. This forced her to file a restraining order to keep him away from her family.However, the 54-year-old suspect allegedly showed up at her home yesterday and pushed his hand through a window and opened fire on Norton’s daughter and grand baby while they were watching television in the living room.He made no attempt to injure his ex-lover, although she was also in the house at the time.At the hospital yesterday, a visually shaken Norton said that she was in her bedroom when she heard what sounded like gunshots and later she heard Wellington screaming on top of her voice.“I run to the bedroom door and I see him with his hand through the window and he was shooting at the children. He was aiming his gun at Ashley and firing shots continuously,” a terrified Norton recalled.She said that she is not sure if her ex-lover saw her but from where she was standing, he could have seen her but he made no attempt to injure her.“He was too focused on the children because he knows Ashley is my last daughter and I love my granddaughter.”According to Norton, the suspect had previously told her that he will hurt the “things closest to her.” “I love Arian and he knows that, so he killed her and he getaway,” the terrified grandmother was heard shouting at the hospital yesterday.The woman confirmed that she and her ex-partner were supposed to attend Court on Thursday, after he violated the restraining order.“Last week, he called me on my daughter’s (Ashley) phone 17 times, so I took the phone to the Sparendaam Police Station and showed the police all the calls. He even told people that he has a gun and he will shoot me,Nike Air Max Cheap Wholesale,” Norton stressed.According to Norton, when she was living with the suspect, she could not meet with her children. “I couldn’t see them at all. And he does want to come in the house and smoke cocaine and I couldn’t say anything.”She said that her estranged partner would physically attack her very often. “I couldn’t take it anymore. The two of us use to run a shop in the interior and I gave him everything and then I leave him,” Norton said.The woman added that when she told him that she will be moving on with her life, he reportedly told her that leaving him would be the worst mistake she will ever make.“I filed a restraining order and then with the help of my son, I opened another shop in the interior but he would sabotage me…He threw sand in my generator and damaged it. Last week I leave the bush and come home back and he followed me here,” the mother of four said.She added that due to the constant threats, she and her children do not sleep at home. “We does be sleeping at strangers’ house because of him. We only went home today (yesterday) to pack up some clothes to leave again,” the woman revealed.Meanwhile, the alleged suspect, in an interview with this newspaper late yesterday, said that he knows nothing about the shooting.He acknowledged that he and his ex-lover, Shelly Norton have to attend court on Thursday, in connection with the restraining order that she filed against him recently.Angoy said that he last saw his ex-partner about two weeks ago.According to Angoy, he has absolutely no idea of the
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發表於 2018-1-25 19:13  資料 私人訊息 
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Despite missing 2010 gold target…Despite falling short of a targeted amount last year, gold declaration, buoyed by high world prices, earned the country US$65M more in 2010 than the previous year. It was also the second year in a row that Guyana topped the 300,000 ounces mark.According to the Guyana Gold Board, declaration was 308,438 ounces,Soccer World Cup Jerseys, an increase of 3,260 ounces over 305,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale,178 ounces in 2009.The surge in declarations in the last few days of December was not unexpected, with several miners and traders paying a keen eye on the world prices which went past the US$1,400 mark.It would have meant that almost 16,000 ounces were declared in the last four or five days in 2010.“While declarations did not reach the 311,816 ounces as projected in the National Budget 2010,Cheap Jerseys From China, this marks the second year in succession that declarations have topped the 300,cheap jerseys from china,000 ounces mark.”The Guyana Gold and Diamond Miners Association, obviously heartened by the 2009 performance of the industry, had set an ambitious 500,000 for last year.The Gold Board, in its explanation of the shortfall in declaration,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, explained that there are varying views, with the main reason being the weather – the early dry spell in the year and the heavy rainfall around July/August period.“Despite the small decline in declarations, export earnings were US$346.4 million compared with US$281.7 million in 2009, an increase of 22.98 percent. These amounts include exports by dealers licensed by the Guyana Gold Board.”According to the Gold Board, the increased earnings are attributed to the higher prices that prevailed in 2010, the average being US$1,235 per ounce compared to the 2009 average of US$972 per ounce. In 2010, the price of gold reached a high of $1,426 and a low of $1,052 per ounce.The Guyana Gold Board also disclosed that it recorded its highest turnover ever, in 2010, reaching US$291.7 million compared with US$243.8 in 2009, with profitability also expected to be at the highest in 2010.During last year, the entity disclosed it managed to invest in two new mercury abatement systems to be installed at its offices in Georgetown and Bartica, which will enhance the processing of gold sold by miners to the Board.In 2010, the Board made contributions to the Guyana Relief Council to help the residents of Mahdia who were affected by fire. Contributions were also made to activities in the Bartica area where the Board has a branch.A severe dry spell early last year saw many miners forced to cease operations. However, in July,Cheap NFL jerseys China, the rains came and many roads were impassable and waters swamped a number of mining areas.For the second year in a row, gold declaration topped 300,000 ouncesGold prices have been rising in the last year over fears of a sluggish US economy and the financial situation in Europe. Traders have been hedging their bets on gold, with analysts saying that prices may even reach the US$1,500 mark in months.
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發表於 2018-1-26 09:21  資料 私人訊息 
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Two children perished in a fire last evening when a kerosene lamp caused a blaze at their Lot Q Hadfield Street home.Dead are three?-year-old Ewan Monroe and his brother one-year-old, Isiah who were reportedly alone when the fire started.The incident occurred at around 19:00hrs.According to neighbours and relatives,Wholesale China Jerseys, the mother who arrived after the blaze had started fled the scene after realizing that her children were trapped in the inferno.The mother, Anita Ramdeo, 22, later returned only to be greeted by angry neighbours who attacked her verbally and attempted to do so physically.However,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, the situation was brought under control by police ranks who took the mother to the police station for questioning.The father, Keron Monroe, feinted when he turned up and learnt what had transpired.The Children’s great aunt,Cheap Jerseys From China, Glenys John who lives in the same building,cheap nfl jerseys, told this newspaper that the area had experienced a power outage and as such she was sitting outside her door when she saw flames coming from the house.She raised an alarm and concerned citizens rushed to her assistance. They began throwing water at the flames.“I run to get water and them boys come and join me but by the time them boys get inside fuh throw,Wholesale Jerseys, them (children) did done dead…the girl (the mother) was nowhere when the fire take place, is till when we go to throw de second bucket of water she come and collect de water and she seh want help and I ain’t see she back since.”According to John, the children’s mother was outside on the road talking when the incident occurred at her shack which is situated at the back house of a long yard.A neighbour said that after the John raised the alarm, he went to the scene and saw one of the children lying in the house and the other lying outside.“She would normally go and leave them but somebody said that she took one of them out and drop him and went away,nfl jerseys china,” he added.He said that she is of sound mind but noted that she is very young and described her as an “upstart.”There are reports that the mother of the two dead children is currently pregnant with her third child.
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發表於 2018-1-26 23:47  資料 私人訊息 
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– No comment from PSM on “imposed” increases By Zena Henry General Secretary of the Federation of Independent Trade Unions of Guyana (FITUG) and the?National Association ofGPSU’s Patrick YardeAgricultural Commercial and Industrial Employees (NAACIE),?Kenneth Joseph, is of the view that trade union leaders have become weak in contemporary politics. He in fact believes that they should “totally” shoulder the blame for the many woes which the public workforce has faced and is currently facing.“All of us should take the blame for being foolish and for allowing the situation between the government and the union to deteriorate,” Joseph asserted. He opined that unity is required to cross the current hurdles positioned against public servants, but many leaders are looking too much into politics “instead of doing what they are paid for.”The weakening of the trade union movement, he suggested, came with political division and the intimate association of trade unionists with these bodies.? Speaking specifically to the imposition of increases on public servants, Joseph said that the unions have also been “allowing the government to get away with the illegalities” against public servants.He reiterated the need for unions to stand united since according to him,Cheap NBA Store, it is not an easy task to get the union leaders together.“It’s very difficult to get the leaders together. Unless they unify, the unions will remain defeated.”The trade unionist also noted that union members have been allowing the government and their representatives to “get away with the incomplete representation of their rights”. He said these major factors, among others, contribute significantly to the workers’ troubles.Head of the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) Patrick Yarde also believes that union leaders should take blame for public servants’ troubles. He said however that, “everyone…leaders, members… everyone could have done better.” He reflected that there are things that he too could have done better.“But you are dealing with a very peculiar situation in this country and sometimes the leniency that I have displayed I have regretted it. There is no blueprint where there is a perfect way to deal with things.“In taking action,Cheap NFL Jerseys, you must be clear that there are things that must trade off. There are sometimes very difficult decisions.Public Service Minister Jennifer WestfordDo you think I would be happy to know that I pull out the staff at GPHC and it results in the death of anyone?”Yarde emphasised that there must be significant consideration when making decisions, which usually carry a cost. He reminded that it was not ideal for workers who lost 57 days’ pay during the 1997 strike. “They were gravely inconvenienced, while other sectors were severely disrupted,” he said.Yarde said too that the union is dealing with ‘an uncaring and unreasonable government” before reminding that in 1999 it was former President, Bharrat Jagdeo,China NFL Jerseys, who went to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and related that public servants should get three percent for the next 10 years. Yarde said Jagdeo claimed that the country would be economically devastated if the workers got any percentage more than the three percent. The arbitrators, Yarde continued, decided to give public workers 31.1 percent in one year and 26.6 percent the next year and the national information showed that in 2001 inflation was at its lowest ever.“It’s either he (Jagdeo) is the biggest dunce or it was the biggest scam to be played on public workers,NFL Jerseys Wholesale,” Yarde charged.First Vice President of GPSU,Cheap Hockey Jerseys,?Mortimer Livan, told Kaieteur News yesterday that tomorrow will be one week after the 48-hour ultimatum was issued to the government following the imposed increase of five and eight percent increases.Since the government announced the increases, correspondence was sent by the union demanding an explanation. A specific letter was sent to the Public Service Ministry’s Permanent Secretary (PS) Hydar Ally asking him to explain the part he played, since he signed the circular for the public workers’ increases, but kept telling the union that he was awaiting directionsFITUG/NACCIE’s Kenneth Josephfrom his superiors for negotiations of wages and salaries. The union said it has not received any response from the PS or his superiors, and it is currently strategizing its next move.Kaieteur News made contact with Public Service Minister, Jennifer Westford,NFL Jerseys Clearance, who was at the time in Lethem. When asked for a word on the ongoing matter involving the imposed increases, the Minister said she has “no comment” at thi
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-27 17:28  資料 私人訊息 
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…telephones not working for over three yearsWhile most Guyanese were relaxing at home and enjoying the Christmas season, residents of Sandvoort Village,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, West Canje Berbice were contemplating what wrong they might have done to be neglected by the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company and the government.And this neglect came despite their many pleas to all the relevant authorities.Almost half of the telephones in the village are not working, some for more than three years. They said that their many complaints to all of the relevant authorities at the Telephone company and the government, including Prime Minister Samuel Hinds, have brought them no reprieve.Blind resident, Eustace Hinds,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, 74,Cheap China Jerseys, who has lived his entire life in Sandvoort, said that the situation is bad enough. His phone has been giving problems for the longest while. It has been working on and off for a few years but stopped working last August.He said that he has made numerous complaints to GT&T. He even sent his children and many relatives to remind the company of their obligation and promise.Hinds stated that he was promised that his phone would have been fixed before Christmas, then New Year. That has not been the case.“The company only promising, promising,” Hinds stated.Mr. Hinds said that he has many relatives overseas and in other parts of the country who would usually call during the Christmas season. Nobody can communicate, he said.Telephones were installed in the village in the mid 90s, but the situation has never been so bad with about half of the phones not working.He also said that the government had promised then to fix the streets in the village,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, but that again is only promises. He said that the water pressure is not like before and is also discolored.Leon Thomas said that his phone has been crossed for over one year. It stopped working permanently since September.A number of other residents, among them Faye Munroe,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, Palton Austin,Air Max 98 Sale, Vanessa Cadogan, Janette Keweley, George Hintzen and Phillip John have different issues with their phones and most of them haven’t had the use of the instruments for over two years.What is more heart rending for the residents is that they are still being sent bills to pay the monthly rentals. The Sandvoort Health Centre and the Sandvoort Primary School and Library are also without telephone service.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-28 07:56  資料 私人訊息 
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A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) is calling for a national Commission of Inquiry (COI) to ascertain why the overall results at the primary, secondary and tertiary public education levels continue to be unsatisfactory.APNU, the largest faction of the Opposition in the National Assembly, at a press conference yesterday, said that it is alarmed that the Teaching Service Commission (TSC) has been obliged to dismiss an average of two to three teachers every week for offences within the public education system.According to APNU’s Leader,Cheap Jerseys From China, David Granger, offences ranging? from teaching under the influence of alcohol,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, carnal knowledge of students, flogging of children without authority,Wholesale China Jerseys, inefficiency and poor supervision and misappropriation of school funds, are but a few of the worrying problems.Granger noted that the Guyana Teachers’ Union (GTU) has raised concerns of the dangerously worrying trend of school violence.“There has been the appearance of the so-called ‘Gaza’ and ‘Gully’ gangs which target teachers they dislike. The number of violent incidents and the severity of those incidents immediately require a comprehensive investigation.”Concerns were also raised by APNU as to the plan by the TSC to recruit overseas Mathematics and Science teachers for the public education system.According to the Opposition Leader, it is a fact that not enough is done to amend the problems of educating and employing Mathematics and Science teachers locally.The coalition also expressed concern with what they called “educational apartheid”- the disparity between performances of private schools as against public schools, with the former performing seemingly better.Issues were also raised about the level of education in the hinterland.“It is evident also that, of the 16,cheap jerseys from china, 811 candidates who sat the National Grade Six Assessment (NGSA) this year, only 173 students who comprised the top one per cent were placed in the best secondary school. Over 80 of the 173 students were from private schools around the country. No student from the hinterland, namely the Barima-Waini, Cuyuni-Mazaruni, Potaro- Siparuni and Rupununi regions or from the Mahaica-Berbice Region, qualified among the top one per cent.”According to APNU, an alarming number of candidates who sat the examination performed so badly that there could be a conclusion that they were probably “functionally illiterate”. Mathematics in particular is a problem for concern.“The CSEC pass rate for this subject declined from 34.5 per cent in 2010,Wholesale Basketball Jerseys, to 30.4 per cent in 2011; to 29.69 per cent in 2012; and to 28.92 per cent this year, 2013; the trend is clear,” Granger warned.He said another contributing factor to this “education apartheid” is the alarming dropout rate that prevails in public schools,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, particularly in the hinterland, where completing secondary school often takes students far from home and family.“Children who fail to attend school regularly or who drop out of school completely are most likely to be unemployed face a life of poverty or become involved in crime which can lead to imprisonment.”Granger said that there is enough evidence to warrant a formal investigation into the entire public education system.“Silence will not solve the problems. The Ministry of Education is well aware that discipline and performance in the country’s public schools have been unsatisfactory over the last decade.”
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-2-3 20:38  資料 私人訊息 
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Post-elections shooting…Member of Parliament, Joan Baveghens, one of those who brought civil charges against two senior police ranks of the Tactical Services Unit (TSU) following the shooting of A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) members late last year, is expected to present a medical report to substantiate claims that she sustained injuries after being shot by rubber bullets.Baveghens and her friend 75-year-old Sarah Johnson who is also a victim in the case against the police officers were the only two present before Magistrate Judy Latchman when the matter was called at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court.Apart from Johnson and Baveghens,NFL Jerseys Wholesale From China, shot victims Attorney-at-law James Bond, retired Brigadier Edward Colin and William Thomas Dalgetty have also brought charges against Superintendent of Police Lyndon Alves and Assistant Superintendent of Police Errol Watts,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the two senior TSU ranks charged with inflecting grievous bodily harm to the complainants.Baveghens had to present the medical report but the matter had to be adjourned since she had left the document at home. She informed the court that she had changed handbags and the medical report was left in another bag. The matter was put off for next Wednesday.On the previous occasion,MLB Jerseys From China, Baveghens had testified that she and her friend Johnson were walking peacefully when they came across a police blockade. She said the police had ordered all the people who were walking to turn back in the direction from which they had come.Baveghens said she enquired from the police why they had to turn back. She however said that before she could get a response from the police her friend advised her not to question the ranks and to do as they had ordered.The parliamentarian said that the persons had turned around and were walking away from the blockade when she said she heard the clicking of guns. Baveghens said the ranks without warning started to shoot at the people and everyone scampered to safety.The woman said it was “a mass of confusion” as persons started to run in all directions. She said what was worse was that the police were still shooting persons as they ran for cover.Baveghens,China Jerseys Free Shipping, however, said that she too was trying to avoid the? pellets but after a while,Stitched Jerseys, the woman said she started to feel a sharp pain on her left leg. She said she still could not stop to inspect her injury since the police ranks had not ceased fire. The witness said when she finally checked her leg she realized that she had been shot at the back of her leg.Attorney- at-Law Llewellyn John is representing the victims. He had requested that the matter be put down for the woman to present the medical to prove her story about the injuries. That will be done on the next occasion.In the meantime,Cheap Jerseys From China, Attorney-at-law Patrice Henry is representing the charged senior ranks. Alves and Watts were put forward as the two officers who had given the order to shoot protestors who had initially congregated at the Square of the Revolution over matters stemming from the 2011 General Elections. Those issues included the release of original statements of poll from the Elections Commission.At least 12 persons were charged earlier in the year for allegedly marching in an illegal procession. Amongst them were Attorney-at-law James Bond and retired Brigadier Edward Collins. The case against those persons was recently dismissed by Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine Beharry.
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UID 1873
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-2-5 00:42  資料 私人訊息 
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The Trinidad and Tobago Coast Guard is currently investigating the matter of two missing Guyanese fishermen who left these shores on September 27,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, 2016.Missing: Samuel DabydeenThis is according to Harbour Master of the Maritime Administration Department Robert Millington. When contacted, Millington informed this newspaper that based on reports the men would have drifted into Trinidadian waters and henceforth,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, that country’s coast guard is looking into the issue.The two men, 42-year-old Samuel Dabydeen of 86 Tuschen Old Road,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, East Bank Essequibo, and his stepson Arjun Persaud, 23,China Jerseys, went missing after venturing on a fishing trip in Venezuelan waters. This was reported to Kaieteur News by Dabydeen’s relatives.The two men apparently went on their trip along with 32 year-old Omadatt Basdeo. Basdeo has since returned. Details reaching this newspaper are that the men were in a small boat and it suddenly flipped. Basdeo informed Dabydeen’s relatives that he drifted to Trinidad where he was rescued and sent back to Guyana.The survivor told Dabydeen’s relatives that during the mishap he clung to a jar which kept him afloat; at that time he had no idea what happened to Dabydeen and his stepson,NFL Jerseys 2018, since he (Basdeo) was busy trying to save himself.Dabydeen’s sister, Radica,Cheap China Jerseys, told this publication that the uncertainty which surrounds her brother’s wellbeing is heartbreaking, since she lost her husband under similar circumstances and nothing was done to locate him.“My husband die in river too, doing the same fishing work, we never find him back. Now is like the same, we back to square one. History repeats itself.”According to Dabydeen’s sister, she recently learnt that Basdeo has not been seen after providing information on the mishap to her relatives and police.Dabydeen’s mother last saw her son on September 27 around 09:30hrs when he visited her before going on his trip.The man’s sister said that the family is shaken up over the situation. It was expected that Dabydeen would have been home in time to celebrate his 43rd birthday last Saturday.
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UID 1856
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-2-5 03:05  資料 私人訊息 
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The Guyana Police Force has come in for high praise from their Brazilian counterparts for the capture of a man described as one of Brazil’s most wanted.Last week local police handed over Euclid Da Silva, who also goes by the name Euclides Erian Da Silva,NHL Ice Hockey Jerseys, to Brazilian authorities at the Guyana/Brazil border.The man was held here on suspicions of being in possession of a forged Guyana birth certificate through which he managed to obtain a Guyana passport. They later learnt that he was a fugitive from Brazil,Off White Nike Vapormax Release Date, after contacting their counterparts in the neighbouring country.A senior police official had told this newspaper that Da Silva was arrested in Brazil in 1998 on drug trafficking and money laundering charges but later escaped from custody after being sentenced to 29 years in prison.Local police, acting on their belief that Da Silva did not prove that he was Guyanese, then commenced preparations to send him back to Brazil where an international warrant had been issued for his arrest.There were attempts to block the move after attorney Nigel Hughes secured an order from the High Court to stay his expulsion from Guyana.However,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, police are claiming that by the time the order could have been effected, Da Silva was already in the custody of the Brazilian authorities.According to a release from Police Headquarters, Eve Leary, Interpol Brazil, on behalf of their National Central Bureau, has expressed gratitude to the Guyana Police Force “for the priceless help of the National Central Bureau Georgetown” and complimented “the vital Guyanese initiative” which led to the quick arrest of Euclides Erian Da Silva, one of Brazil’s most wanted fugitives.“Brazilian national Euclides Erian Da Silva was arrested by the police in Georgetown on August 13, 2010, and handed over to the Brazilian authorities on August 17,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, 2010,” the police statement said.But family members are adamant that he is a born Guyanese who was residing in Brazil in his formative years.“My husband is a Guyanese. He born at Annai and his mother is Maria Joseph. His father is Milton Saigo,Air Max 97 2018, Guyanese, all from the Rupununi,” his wife Rozana Melville had told this newspaper.She said that she met Da Silva around 1990 in Brazil, where she too was residing after fleeing the Rupununi in the wake of the 1969 Uprising.She said that Da Silva managed to obtain Brazilian papers through his mother who was married to a Brazilian.“He never take out a Brazilian passport, he only take out an ID,NFL Jerseys From China,” she said.She said that they cohabitated in Boa Vista where their first two children were born. Their third child was born in Guyana.Da Silva is now serving out his time in a Boa Vista prison.