標題: 2016-8-26 臉書分享按讚大作戰!
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-17 16:59  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys For Wholesale Wortmanville
One of four male prisoners at the New Amsterdam Prison who was charged with murder committed on a fellow inmate has been committed to stand trial in the next sitting of the Berbice High Court.Jason Mc Kenzie, 21, of Rosignol,Cheap Stitched MLB Jerseys, West Bank Berbice on Friday heard that a Prima Facie case was made out against him for allegedly murdering Sebastian Clato, 24, of 42, Bent Street, Wortmanville, Georgetown.McKenzie was confined to the New Amsterdam Prison, as was Clato. Magistrate Adela Nagamootoo at the New Amsterdam Magistrate’s Court heard the preliminary inquiry.Two others, Raymond La Fleur, 34, of Lot 28, Mount Sinai, West Canje Berbice, and Kevin James, 26, of Edinburgh Housing Scheme,NFL Jerseys Supply, East Bank Berbice, were freed. A fourth man Rickford La Fleur, 36,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, called Rickford Williams or Rickford Sabola, Bragga or Rastaman of Vryheid’s Lust, Smithfield and Canje River is at large,Cheap Soccer Jerseys Free Shipping, having escaped from prison before the conclusion of the preliminary inquiry.According to Prosecutor, Inspector Jairam Ramlakhan, the accused,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online, while being prisoners of the New Amsterdam Prison, armed themselves with pieces of wood and other implements, beat Clato and one Andy Adams who were also prisoners of the New Amsterdam Prison.After the beating they were both rushed to the New Amsterdam hospital where Adams was treated and sent away. Clato, who was rendered unconscious due to an injury to the head, was later transferred to The Intensive Care Unit of the Georgetown Hospital where he subsequently died.Clato and Adams were incarcerated for murdering Nizamudeen Khan,Cheap NFL Jerseys, a security guard attached to a Rosignol saw mill on July 20, 2007.Mc Kenzie was unrepresented while Raymond La Fleur was represented by attorney at law Mursaline Bacchus. James was represented by Charrandass Persaud.Raymond LaFleur remains in jail on a number of other charges
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UID 1856
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註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2475
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發表於 2018-1-18 09:28  資料 私人訊息 
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A female passenger was killed and at least 15 persons were reportedly injured after a route 50 minibusThe bus suffered a blowout before running off the roadtravelling towards Georgetown ran off the road in the vicinity of Number 42 village,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, West Coast Berbice,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, after one of its tyres burst.According to information,wholesale jerseys, the bus BNN 7615,cheap nfl jerseys, which was filled with passengers,Cheap Jerseys From China, including an infant, suffered a blowout and veered sharply off the thoroughfare, turning over in the process.The name of the dead woman was given as “Juliet” of Lovely Lass,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, West Coast Berbice. The surname of the driver of the bus was said to be “Porter,” also of West Coast Berbice. He was said to be the nephew of the dead woman.The injured persons were rushed to the Fort Wellington Hospital. While the baby’s condition was listed as critical, the other occupants were conscious and stable. Four persons were transferred to the Georgetown Hospital while two remained at the Fort Wellington Hospital.
Rank: 1

UID 1856
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-18 19:56  資料 私人訊息 
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Bandits early Tuesday morning broke and entered the T Town general store at Rose Hall town and stole over $ 4.6M in cash and other items.The store which is owned by Abdul Shafeek who resides at Corriverton Upper Corentyne Berbice was ransacked as the bandits made good their escape.About 01:00 hr bandits cut open the mesh in front of the store before cutting the lock entering the store which sells clothing,China Jerseys NFL, cosmetics and small electrical items among other items.After gaining entry the bandits then removed some of the most expensive items. They also broke open the cash register and removed over $2.5M that the owner had stocked away to conduct further business.Tenants who reside above the store heard the commotion and called the police who never arrived until daybreak.According to the owner this is the second robbery he has suffered. The police are investigating
Rank: 1

UID 1873
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-18 20:11  資料 私人訊息 
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ROSE HALL TOWN, CORENTYE – Laurie Ann Burnett, an employee of the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company in New Amsterdam,Wholesale Jerseys USA, has been adjudged Mother of the Year in Region Six.Her daughter, Nollyann Burnett, placed first in the Rose Hall Town Youth and Sports Club/DTV Channel Eight Annual Mother’s Day Essay Competition. Nollyann described her mother as a perfect role model who dedicates her life to her children and makes sure they understand right from wrong. Laurie Anne Burnett is 44 and is the mother of three girls and a boy.In accepting her award,Jerseys Wholesale, Laurie Ann Burnett said she was pleased to know that her teachings did not go unnoticed. She cited patience, discipline and her faith in God as main reasons for her success as a parent.Fifty-year-old Shushela Ramphal, of West Canefield Settlement in East Canje, is the first-runner-up. Her daughter,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, 13-year-old Shoma Hemchand, of New Amsterdam Multilateral School, sought permission to enter the competition. “I wrote that she is very caring, very loving, hard working, simple, and she is a very good mother to me and my brothers and sisters. She is the best in the world.”Ms. Shushela Ramphal said, “When she was finished writing the essay, she sealed the envelope and asked me to drop it in. She told me not to read it. I was so surprised when I heard we won. “Shakila Mohamed,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, of Cumberland, was the second-runner-up. Her daughter,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Wholesale, 14-year-old Radika Bissoondat, also of New Amsterdam Multilateral School, entered the competition.The mother said, “I feel happy for the surprise because I did not know anything. I did not know she took part. Is when the organizers called to say she won then she told me she had to write an essay.“She has always been doing well at school. When she wrote Common Entrance she got a place at President’s College but we chose Multilateral.”Their children all described their mothers as devoted parents who put the needs of their children first. The three mothers were each given a Mother of the Year certificate and tokens.Chief Executive Officer of the Rose Hall Youth and Sports Club,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, Hilbert Foster, explained that the aim of the competition is to reward outstanding mothers, all of whom must be nominated by their children. The winners are expected to serve as role models for the next year and be an inspiration for younger mothers.The presentation ceremony was held recently at the DTV Channel Eight office in New Amsterdam.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-19 10:38  資料 私人訊息 
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As the vote count for the 2011 elections continued yesterday,Cheap Jerseys From China, the main shopping areas along Regent and Robb Streets in the city were almost devoid of shoppers.Only a handful of businesses were partially open,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, however; employees still refused to turn out to work.According to a few business owners and operators,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, between the period when elections take place and when the results are announced is too long. It affects the progress of the country since many persons fail to turn out to work.They said that evidently such a delay is not only threatening the education system in the country but their businesses as well since children and teachers are not attending classes and shoppers are not leaving their homes.During the Christmas season the streets in Georgetown are usually congested. However,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, due to the election period, vehicles were hardly seen in the city minus.At the minibus parks during yesterday morning, a limited number of hire cars and minibuses were operating but as the day progressed, by 16:00 hrs (04:00pm) almost all were seen leaving the city. The parks were left empty.For some taxi drivers,Wholesale Adidas Hockey Jerseys, the day seemed normal. They said no one was showing any animosity and persons were traveling as usual but not many persons were on the road.One man said,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, “I don’t know what will happen when results are released. They got some stupid people who are expected to cause problems. My advice is to leave the city as soon as possible. I beating out of here before night.”
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UID 1873
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註冊 2017-10-30
用戶註冊天數 2438
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發表於 2018-1-19 10:40  資料 私人訊息 
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A newly rehabilitated airstrip at Surama, Region Nine (Upper Essequibo/Upper Takutu),Wholesale Jerseys, completed mainly by self help is proving to be a major facility for supporting a rapidly growing community tourism industry in the Rupununi village.Member of Parliament, Sydney Allicock, who lives at Surama and is a member of the village council,Wholesale Jerseys, said that ever since Surama won the? “Excellence in Sustainable Tourism” award from the Caribbean Tourism organization? in 2011,Wholesale Jerseys China, there has been a steady increase? in the number of tourists to the community.He said that the first eco-lodge was built in 1998 to facilitate the community’s first organized business. It attracted 42 tourists for that year.The village hosted 753 paying clients and 52 complimentary ones last year and the lodge already has bookings for 2014 and requests for 2015 rates.He said that the recognition of the potential of Surama had led to an urgent need for easier air transport access to and from the community for medical and other emergencies so that visitors would not have to travel to Annai to get flights.Allicock said that the airstrip at Surama was built and used by balata bleeders in the 1950’s for transshipment of balata to Apoteri. It was subsequently used by the military in 1970’s. It was last used in 1987.The 60-foot wide by? 3000-foot long? airstrip was completed by? residents of Surama with the? support of various groups and persons including the Ministry of Public Works? (CAD) , Torong Tours (Mr. and Mrs. Malcolm Chan A Sue),? the Art Williams & Harry? Wendt Aeronautical Engineering School(AW HW AES) Mr. Marcel Gaskin, of? Ministry of Amerindian Affairs,China Jerseys Wholesale, Conservation International (CI) Guyana, Mekdeci? Mining Company (MMC),NFL Jerseys China, Makushi? Yemkun Cooperative(MYC),Wholesale NBA Jerseys, BK International, Region Nine Regional Development Council, Office of the Prime Minister, Wings Aviation and Trans Guyana Airways(TGA)The airstrip can accommodate a 14-seater aircraft.Allicock said that the entire runway is fenced with five strands of barbed wire provided through the intervention of Prime Minister Sam Hinds.There are two gates on either side to ensure that stray animals do not pose a threat to aircraft landing or taking off. The ribbon to declare the strip open was cut by Mrs. Margaret Chan-a-Sue, wife of Captain Malcolm Chan-a-Sue, Executive Director of the Aircraft Owners Association of Guyana (AOAG).
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註冊 2017-10-30
用戶註冊天數 2438
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發表於 2018-1-20 02:19  資料 私人訊息 
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Prime Minister Samuel Hinds By Nadia GuyadeenPrime Minister Samuel Hinds yesterday described the Air Traffic Controllers’ strike action as blackmail.According to him, dismissal of the persons who have taken strike action is on the table.However, he added that he hopes that they will come to (reality) and resume duties.“I am still hoping that the Air Traffic Controllers would see that their action, more or less,Cheap Jerseys China, is amounting to blackmail of the society.”Minister of Transport and Hydraulics, Robeson Benn,Wholesale Jerseys USA, said that an advertisement is to be placed in regional newspapers for Air Traffic Controllers.According to Minister Benn, the Air Traffic Controllers are in a position whereby they have walked off the job and have voluntarily separated themselves from the Guyana Civil Aviation Authority.The Minister noted that as of now Guyana Civil Aviation Authority will maintain the situation whereby they have daylight landings.“…We expect that within a month or so we will return to full 24-hour operation.”He stated that he is of the view that those air traffic controllers who have been misled should quickly resume work.Minister Benn added that his position stands where a wage increase is concerned.“There is no money to give…there is no money. We have to have our feet on the ground.”He said that the Air Traffic Controllers have signed an employment letter accepting the conditions of work, pay and other related things. This, he added, amounts to a contract.On this issue, the Prime Minister also cited a similar case in the United States in the 1980’s whereby the then President,Supply Cheap Jerseys, Ronald Reagan, had laid off all of the Air Traffic Controllers who had gone on strike.He said that this is something that should be kept on the table.Prime Minister Hinds did not confirm whether or not the Guyana Public Service Union (GPSU) had approached him for dialogue with regards to this matter but said that he would have the same message to them as the air traffic controllers.“They need to be consistent; we can’t on the one hand be calling for even more pay for a group that is already being paid two to three times what their (compatriots) are being paid in the public service and in the security services.”He noted that the persons from the Met Office housed in the same tower had said that they were unhappy with the fact they are comparable people and were getting $45,NFL Jerseys Outlet,000 a month versus some $85,000 a month that the Air Traffic Controllers get.Also,Cheap World Cup Jerseys 2018, General Manager of Caribbean Airlines, Carlton Defour, said that in light of the situation the airline has been forced to cancel two night flights everyday until February 7.He said that he hopes that something will be done about the situation before February 7.According to him, the cancellation of flights has caused great inconvenience to passengers,Authentic NHL Jerseys, especially those coming from Miami and Fort Lauderdale.Defour noted that the airline has not modified its flying schedule as they are still going into Trinidad. “What we are doing is that we are pulling everything into Trinidad until we can get clearance to come into Guyana.”He said that they have been providing hotel accommodation and snacks to stranded passengers.He also said that they are informing customers of the situation when they are checking in so as to minimize the inconvenience suffered by the passengers.According to Defour, it is costing the airline because of the hotel accommodation and even the delays because sometimes they are forced to delay other flights.The situation at the airport led to a CARICOM function yesterday morning being delayed as delegates were unable to get into Guyana on time.
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註冊 2017-10-30
用戶註冊天數 2438
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發表於 2018-1-20 07:52  資料 私人訊息 
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…Capacity building across Caribbean seen as keyYears after Guyana became the first country in the Caribbean region to successfullyParticipants of the two-day workshop following its launch.implement the Global Micro-Science Experiments Project; its successes will be used as a model for the rest of the Caribbean as UNESCO launches the sub-regional component of the project.During the launch of a two-day workshop to share Guyana’s best practices with other Caribbean nations, the importance of building capacities in the field of science was touted as one of the main objectives of the project in the Caribbean.Representatives from a number of countries including Jamaica, Barbados, and Trinidad and Tobago were present for the workshop.Head of the National Centre for Education Resource Development (NCERD), Jennifer Cumberbatch, said that the workshop comes at a time when it has been recognised that science education is necessary as the world is being increasingly shaped by science and technology.She said, too, that quality basic science education is indispensable and necessary for innovation and sustainable development. She added that Guyana has recognised the importance of science education in fostering national development.She said that micro-science kits had been previously distributed to enhance the science field through these “portable laboratories”.The expansion of the programme outside of Guyana was spearheaded by Inge Nathoo, Secretary General of Guyana’s National Commission for UNESCO. Nathoo, who deemed the project as her “baby”, partnered with Belize and St. Lucia to push the expansion to UNESCO.According to Caroline Auguste of the St. Lucia National Commission for UNESCO, her country’s collaboration with Guyana is a crucial component in introducing the micro-science initiative to schools in St. Lucia. She said that the role of Science and Technology in advancing socio-economic growth is increasingly being recognised. This recognition, she said,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, is the key to sustainable development in developing countries.“In order to develop solutions to challenges related to climate change, food security,Cheap Jerseys China, and alternative energy, increased investment in the development of science and technology becomes a national imperative,” Auguste said.However, she said, the challenge of budgetary constraints face many regional governments. She said this challenge causes the level of development prior to the development of the science field to remain “largely inadequate”.She said,Wholesale Jerseys China, too, that investments in infrastructure and materials to develop fully functioning and well-maintained labs in schools are limited.“The micro-science project is therefore an alternative and provides schools with new teaching tools and techniques which can help to significantly enhance teaching capacities,” Auguste said.Similarly, Rudolph Anthony of the Belize National Commission for UNESCO emphasised the importance of capacity building through the UNESCO project. “This is a great opportunity for us to enhance the teaching of science to high school students so as to better equip them in their CSEC School based assessment components,Wholesale Jerseys 2017,” Anthony said.He added that the goal is to improve scientific literacy by increasing the number of high school students wanting to study science subjects and by allowing students to be exposed to more experimental skills.He admitted that he had initially been clueless about the project but was nonetheless glad to have been invited by Guyana to help implement the project in the region.Years ago,Cheap China Jerseys, the Micro-Science Experiments Project was initiated in countries in Africa where schools were too poor to have full laboratories. Instead, students at the secondary and tertiary levels were presented with portable labs to compensate.Years later,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, in 2011, Guyana and Jamaica were selected by UNESCO’s Kingston, Jamaica Cluster Office to be the first Caribbean countries to implement the project. Though the project failed in Jamaica, Guyana has been making tremendous strides in the Science field and is now being used as a model.The two-day workshop will touch on a number of topics including challenges in Science Education in the Caribbean, better understanding the micro-science kits, and linking micro-science experiments with the inquiry-based science education.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-21 03:17  資料 私人訊息 
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Tobacco is arguably the only legal product in the world that will harm an individual once used as recommended by the manufacturers. This fact was emphasised recently by Eshwar Raghunath who is the Project Coordinator of a Tobacco Control Programme.This programme is geared at ensuring that a standard for the sale of the nicotine-based product is brought into effect before this year ends.According to Raghunath whose operation is based at the Guyana Chest Clinic in the Georgetown Public Hospital Compound,Cheap MLB Jerseys Authentic, efforts are being made to raise awareness of the Tobacco Programme even as World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) (May 31) draws near.The World Health Organisation (WHO) has already selected ‘Tobacco Health warnings’ as the theme for this year’s observance.And as part of the programme, which has also been introduced in Jamaica,China Jerseys Cheap, Trinidad and Barbados, the Bureau of Standards of the respective countries will be tasked with implementing regulations as it relates to the addition of picture warning on cigarette packaging.The programme, Raghunath said came about through a venture called the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco control (FCTC),Authentic Jerseys Cheap, which represents the first public health treaty in the Caribbean.The treaty took effect in 2005 and details regulations that countries and Governments need in order to battle the tobacco epidemic, according to Raghunath.He added that based on surveys that were conducted, the WHO was able to deduce that the use of tobacco is the number one cause of preventable diseases thus the treaty contains a number of articles which address the demand and supply of tobacco, packaging and labelling of tobacco among others areas.“We have been advocating for 50 per cent of the packages to be covered in health warnings as a method of intervention and as part of the empower strategies which is consistent with the WHO guidelines. WHO has developed an ’empower’ policy that actually gives a blue print of activities and intervention which is aimed towards tobacco control.The local standard has already been finalised but we are awaiting a final set of images,” Raghunath said.The Project Officer disclosed that currently the Ministry of Health in Jamaica has responsibility for the images, which are expected here later this month.He said that it is expected that 24 images, which will highlight the health effects of cigarettes,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, will be utilised by the Tobacco companies,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online, being Demerara Tobacco Company in the Guyana scenario.“We will rotate eight images for a period of time that showcase different health warnings… We have re-used images from different countries such as Brazil, Singapore and Thailand that already have the standard in effect…We have been editing and trying to use the images in a Caribbean background.? So far we have about 22 images that have been finalised,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” Raghunath said.Once the images have been secured countrywide consultations will be held to garner suggestions from the public, Raghunath noted even as he expressed optimism that the venture would be well supported given the destructive nature of tobacco.It is anticipated that the Guyana Tobacco Standard will be passed by Parliament some time later this year and according to him the local Tobacco Company will have a maximum of six months to comply.
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UID 1873
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-21 13:54  資料 私人訊息 
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While Hand in Hand Trust Corporation has failed to claim for the monies impaired in the Allan Stanford scheme,China Jerseys, its Chief Executive Officer,Cheap Stitched MLB Jerseys, Keith Evelyn,Cheap Jerseys From China, says that he is not optimistic about recovering that money.He added that the matter is expected to be tied up in the courts for several years to come.As such that money has already been written off. The Hand in Hand Trust Corporation Inc.,Nike NFL Jerseys China, a member of the Hand-in-Hand Group of Companies,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, had previously advised that it is exposed to Stanford International Bank in Antigua (SIB) by way of Certificate of Deposit (CD) investments, as two of the pension plans under its trusteeship are also exposed.A press statement from the company yesterday stated, “The Hand-in-Hand Group in keeping with its policy of transparency and accountability wishes to inform the public that it employs an investment strategy that features a highly diversified portfolio of investments.”It was explained that the investment in the Stanford International Bank comprises less than 10 per cent the assets of the Hand-in-Hand Trust Corporation.The company has assured its customers and the public that any impairment of its investments in Stanford Investment Bank would therefore not affect the solvency or operations of the Trust Corporation.According to the Group Chief Executive Officer, Keith Evelyn,China Jerseys Cheap, Hand-in-Hand Trust Corporation has already put in place strategies to mitigate any such possible loss and has already begun pursuing every effort to recover its investment in SIB, including communicating with the regulatory authorities in Antigua and retaining the services of a legal firm in Miami.Evelyn stated that this information has also been fully communicated to the Central Bank of Guyana.“The Hand-in-Hand Group will keep its customers and the public informed as the situation develops and takes this opportunity to thank its customers and supporters for their continued confidence.”
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-21 18:00  資料 私人訊息 
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With millions of dollars at stake, Minister of Agriculture,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Robert Persaud,Cheap Jerseys USA, has established a Board of Investigators to ensure the smooth operation and management of Water Users Association (WUA) across the country.The setting up of the board, according to a statement from the Ministry yesterday, is aimed at strengthening the capacity of the WUAs through wider stakeholder participation.Officials yesterday confirmed that over time, millions of dollars were passing through the accounts of the associations, but there were instances where either the monies were misused or squandered, with nothing to show for it.Some WUAs across the country have more than $15M in their bank accounts while others have managed to record a deficit.WUAs were established as a means to allow farmers to actually collect rates, place it into the coffers of the association and then use it to improve drainage and irrigation structures across the country.“The purpose of the board will be to ensure that the WUAs are in conformity with established by-laws and delegation agreement, correct deficiencies, monitor and evaluate WUAs performance, ensuring there is proper accountability and there are no conflicts of interest, advise the WUAs management boards on important issues, make recommendations for the sustainability of the WUAs and make recommendations to the Ministry of Agriculture,” the Ministry stated.Heading the board will be Dindyal Permaul, Permanent Secretary,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Ministry of Agriculture. Also on the board are Dharamkumar Seeraj, General Secretary, Guyana Rice Producers Association (RPA), Steve Mangal, Co-ordinator of the Guyana Agriculture Producers Association (GAPA), a representative from the respective Regional RDC, a farmer’s representative from the respective area,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, Deonarine Shiwsankar, Institutional Specialist, Agri Services Development Unit, NDIA Engineer, Lall Piterahaue? and Omadatt Chandan, Corporate Secretary, NDIA.The Board’s functions will kick into gear once farmers complain about the functioning of a particular WUA.“The Ministry had seen it fit to conduct these enquiries in the interest of farmers. Following representation to the Ministry, investigations will start at WUAs in Berbice at 52-74, Charity-Zorg-en-Vlygt, Essequibo Coast and Vergeonoegen/Naamryck, West Demerara.”The Ministry urged farmers and interested stakeholders to attend meetings of the Board since it would bring clarity and transparency into the operation of WUAs.This mechanism will be used to empower farmers to manage and operate the drainage and irrigation system in a better way,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, the Ministry assured.There have been several complaints about the running of some of WUAs,Nike NFL Jerseys China, with farmers saying that over time, a chosen few in the hierarchy of the association used the funds to develop drainage structures in some areas while not paying attention to others. This led to losses and the frustration of some farmers.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-21 22:40  資料 私人訊息 
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Utilising Information Technology the Caribbean Examinations Council (CXC) in conjunction with the Ministry of Education in Guyana will host a Students’ Forum on Wednesday in Guyana.The forum will be held at the Queen’s College auditorium in Georgetown and is set to commence at 10:00 hours. The Ministry of Education in Guyana has arranged for students from secondary schools throughout the country to participate.The objective of the students’ forum is to give students from Guyana and across the region the opportunity to interact directly with CXC and to air their views and concerns about the examinations and programmes CXC offers. It will also give CXC an opportunity to hear directly from one of its largest target audiences – students.Students from other Caribbean countries will be able to follow and participate in the forum on UStream,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, where the event will be broadcast live from Guyana. Students can send their comments and questions via UStream or on the CXC Facebook site.“The organisation is taking a more pro-active approach to its outreach and the students’ forum in Guyana is just another example of the new way of doing business,NFL Jerseys China,” Dr Didacus Jules,China NFL Jerseys, Registrar of CXC stated. “The live broadcasting of the event on the Internet also signals this new CXC paradigm.”The panel for the students’ forum will include, Dr Gordon Harewood,Jerseys NFL Cheap, Senior Assistant Registrar Examinations Development and Production; Dianne Medford, Assistant Registrar-Examinations Administration and Security; Cleveland Sam,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Assistant Registrar-Public Information and Customer Services and a representative from the Ministry of Education,Wholesale Jerseys, Guyana.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-22 10:26  資料 私人訊息 
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–?? ? to be certified on TuesdayIn a matter of days the Ogle International Airport will be certified as a Category 2C operation by the Civil Aviation Authority- bringing the dream alive of accommodating Regional Class Aircraft like the Turbo Prop,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Dash 8s and ATRs flights operated by LIAT and Caribbean Airlines, as well as executive type class aircraft.According to the airport’s Public Relations Officials, this certification will form part of the celebration of 100 years of aviation in Guyana. President Donald Ramotar will deliver the feature address on Tuesday.Last May, the airport commissioned its extended runway that was built to facilitate this new development.The Ogle Airport Development Programme received 1.5M Euros funding from the European Union to extend the runway by 2,China NFL Jerseys,200 feet almost doubling its original length. The runway is also 100 feet wide.At the commissioning of that runway, Head of the European Union Robert Kopeck? had stated that the Ogle International Airport connects Guyana to the rest of the region, which is the institutional precondition to becoming the ‘Brussels of the Caribbean’ and in a sense,Wholesale Jerseys US, the heart of regional integration.According to the statement released to the media, as part of Tuesday’s certification a LIAT proving flight will land, for the first time, at the Airport at 1500hrs. This will precede the official occasion.It was noted that the LIAT aircraft will depart at 1900hrs at the conclusion of the occasion, proving the Airport’s certification for commercial night time flights.On November 5, 2001,NFL Jerseys Supply, Ogle Airport Inc (OAI) formed by a group of aviation pioneers and with the Government entered into a 25-year Lease Agreement for the management, operation and development of the airport. This lease agreement is renewable for two further periods of 25 years. OAI assumed management of the Airport on December 1,Cheap NFL Jerseys, 2001.OAI was given the mandate to develop the airport to comply with the requirements of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) involving a private investment of the shareholders of OAI of some US$3M.The Airport gained its International Airport status in 2009 after the completion of its Phase I development. International scheduled passenger operations commenced from that date.In the same year,Cheap Jerseys From China, Government and OAI signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for the funding of the second phase of the development of the Airport with funding from a 2007 EU grant of 1.5M Euros.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-23 03:14  資料 私人訊息 
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The recent decision by the Ministry of Education to sanction four of the teachers attached to the school will have a negative impact on the entire Queens’ College population. This is according to the teachers who recently got letters detailing their punishment for their involvement or lack of, in the Neesa Gopaul incident.Recently, three of the four teachers sanctioned,Wholesale Jerseys China, said while they will not be deterred by the Ministry’s action their action is having a negative impact on the students.The teachers explained that while the relevant authorities are pointing fingers and apportioning blame there is the bigger picture.Since the incident the teachers said that like many other Guyanese and persons close to Neesa Gopaul they have been grieving for the teen,cheap nfl jerseys online, whom they had grown close to.“Since this incident started you know the impact Neesa’s death had on her classmates and the other students. At no time did the Ministry of Human Services or the Education Ministry Welfare Department see it fit to send counselors to our school,” the teachers pointed out.The teachers went onto explain that it was left to them to be both teachers and counselors for their students at the time of Neesa’s death.“Both the Ministry of Education Welfare Department as well as the Ministry of Human Services Ministry is responsible for students welfare”.In addition to that,NFL Jerseys China, the teachers said that the students are now concerned that they will be left to themselves to prepare for their respective examinations.“Does the Ministry know the ramifications of issuing those letters? We are the ones left to explain to students that we will continue to work with them in spite of whatever,”.“This is messing with children’s psyche…It’s human beings we are dealing with,Nike Air Max 95 Sale,”.Only recently the teachers of QC decided to have their side of the story heard after being bombarded by some sections of the media about their involvement in the Neesa Gopaul incident. The teachers said that initially they stayed silent since they thought that it was totally out of place for them to speak out.“We have a boss and it was the Head teacher who was the one who should have spoken to the media.”The teachers further stated that they remained silent since they were of the opinion that their Ministry was competent enough.Four teachers including the former Head teacher of the school,NFL Jerseys From China, the recently appointed deputy Head teacher and two others, who all have in excess of 15 years in the teaching profession, are now the subjects of disciplinary action. Letters to this effect were sent to each teacher and also copied to several Government functionaries.However no letter was sent to the Guyana Teachers’ Union,Cheap NFL Jerseys, which has since stated that it will protest the Ministry’s decision.
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UID 1873
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-23 06:37  資料 私人訊息 
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Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carolyn Rodrigues-Birkett and Luis Almagro Lemes, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Oriental Republic of Uruguay, has signed an agreement that will see the visas being abolished for citizensCitizens of Guyana and Uruguay will soon be able to stay up to three months in each other’s territory,NFL Jerseys Supply, thanks to an agreement that abolishes visa requirements.traveling between the two countries.According to a statement of the Foreign Ministry, the Framework Agreement would allow for the consolidating and promotion of cooperative relations between the two countries in areas of common interest,Cheap NFL Jerseys Supply, including economic, commercial,Cheap China Jerseys, financial, industrial, agricultural, scientific,Jerseys Cheap NFL, technical and cultural fields.“The Visa Abolition Agreement,Cheap NFL Jerseys Online, which comes into effect 60 days after its signature, would allow citizens from both countries to enter each other’s territory for a period of 90 days without requiring a visa,Wholesale Jerseys 2017,” the Ministry explained.Government said that it has been actively pursuing the strengthening of relations with countries of the Union of South American Nations (UNASUR) especially since the Constitutive Treaty was signed in 2008.“The two agreements bode well for further integration of which the ability of citizens to move among the different countries of the continent without the hassle of visa restrictions is fundamental.”The agreements were signed Thursday during the 26th Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community which is being held in the Bahamas.Guyana’s delegation was headed by the Minister.