標題: 2016-8-26 臉書分享按讚大作戰!
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-12 15:33  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys Corentyne
With politicians currently engaged in a race to garner votes and be victorious come May 11, HighUK High Commissioner, James Gregory QuinnCommissioner of the United Kingdom and Northern Ireland, James Gregory Quinn has expressed concern over the language that is being used in all political camps.As he spoke to members of the media at his Bel Air Gardens, Georgetown residence yesterday, Quinn noted that it is imperative that voters feel that they can cast their ballot for any political party that they wish without intimidation or restrictions.Though he refrained from pinpointing instances or calling out any particular politician, the High Commissioner opined that the rhetoric being used is not conducive to a proper elections campaign.In this vein,Wholesale Jerseys, he called on politicians to avoid inflammatory or provocative language. This he has highlighted as the responsibility of all stakeholders,Wholesale Jerseys From China, regardless of who they represent.The UK envoy told members of the media that it is a “fundamental thing for us is to ensure that the elections are free,Wholesale Jerseys, fair, transparent and accurately represent the views of the electorate in this country so at the end of the day people can stand up and feel that they have had the opportunity to cast their vote for the person they want to vote for, without any hindrance.”He said “In terms of what we can actually do, I think it’s encouraging people to ensure that there is an atmosphere that our lives: you, your brother or sister or whoever can feel that they can have that free and fair vote without any intimidation or any restrictions.”With elections around the corner, some politicians have faced accusations of using inflammatory or provocative language on the campaign trail. Of note, Former President, Bharrat Jagdeo has been the center of discussions along these lines since he is being accused of fear mongering and race-baiting constituents.At several of the People’s Progressive Party/Civic’s (PPP/C) major rallies,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Jagdeo has been recorded rehashing alleged incidents of the past as he told thousands that their lives and the lives of their families would be in danger if the main opposition party, A Partnership for National Unity and Alliance for Change (APNU+AFC) were to gain office.Time and time again,Jerseys China, Jagdeo has spoken at length of the “danger” of the opposition forces.The former President has been called out too by the Media Monitoring Unit (MMU) who in its first report for the elections campaign period said that remarks he made on March 8, last at a Memorial Ceremony for Dr. Cheddi Jagan, at Port Mourant, Corentyne, Berbice were racially divisive.Jagdeo has since been slapped with a private criminal charge over the said delivery.The UK envoy has said, however, that the language that is being used on all sides on the campaign trail needs to be looked at. “Everybody needs to avoid any inflammatory or any provocative language,” he said.The UK envoy stopped short of giving specific examples but he said “there have been examples on all sides where the language used has not been conducive to a proper elections campaign.”It was also revealed that the United Kingdom will be observing the local polls on?May 11?and will have a team of 8 persons to undertake that responsibility.Additionally,NFL Jerseys From China, the Electoral Observation Mission of the Organization of American States (EOM/OAS) has called on political parties to sign and implement the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM)’s Political Parties’ Code of Conduct.The mission had earlier expressed concern at the escalation of provocative language being used in the run-up to the May 11 General and Regional Elections. Similarly, it called on all stakeholders to engage in a respectful exchange of ideas during the political campaign.After meeting with a wide range of political parties, representatives in the country during the EOM preliminary mission had said that they witnessed a general consensus among all stakeholder parties regarding the importance of a calm and civil environment during the electoral process.The mission urged all political parties to review, sign and implement the Code of Conduct with the intention of preventing divisive and inflammatory language during the electoral campaign.
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發表於 2018-1-13 03:52  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys immediately on arrival
But canals are integral – says fire serviceAfter the recent fire at Stewartville, West Coast Demerara, the Guyana Fire Service is calling on persons not to throw garbage into nearby canals in their respective villages. Apart from the limited supply of water in the fire tenders the canals are the only other source of water supply usually available for firefighting purposes in many areas.The Fire Service stated in a release,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, yesterday, that last Monday at 11:18 hrs the Guyana Fire Service received a report of a fire at Lot 5 Stewartville, West Coast Demerara.? A tender and crew from Leonora Fire Station were immediately deployed and arrived at the scene of the fire at 11:21 hrs.However, immediately on arrival,Wholesale Jerseys, firefighting operations commenced with the water supply in the tender to prevent the fire from spreading to nearby buildings which were under direct threat.With the exhaustion of the water supply,Cheap Jeseys NFL, efforts were made to access water from a nearby canal, however difficulties were encountered.? Due to heavy silt and debris in the canal the Fire Service pump was clogged up resulting in damages to the pump.A Land Rover PEE 9751 and crew from Uitvlugt Sugar Estate Works Brigade arrived shortly after and encountered similar difficulties at the canal.Another tender from West Ruimveldt Fire Station was summoned. It arrived shortly after and extinguished the fire.“The Guyana Fire Service wishes to emphasise that at no time would Fire Tenders respond without water.? However,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, when the water supply from the tender is exhausted, tactical decisions have to be taken.? This gives the public the impression that Tenders arrive without water when this is not the case,” the fire service noted.According to residents of Stewartville, the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) has been neglecting its duties to maintain the village,jerseys from china, especially the canals.“All the trenches in Stewartville dem (NDC) a condemn and it turning into little drains.Dem just got a couple men pulling the grass on the parapet and the drains keep getting smaller all the time; they are not digging the drains! Whenever you complain the NDC dem a vex with you,” a resident called Abena said.When this newspaper contacted the Stewartville NDC,NFL Jerseys Outlet, no one who was authorised to comment on the issue was present in the office and a number was given for the Chairman. However, the phone number could not be accessed.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-13 03:53  資料 私人訊息 
Wholesale NFL Jerseys Vreed-en-Hoop
Up to press time yesterday police on the West Coast of Demerara were on the hunt for a man identified as Michael Powley who reportedly stabbed his neighbour to death during a confrontation.The incident occurred around 07:50 hours yesterday at Plastic City,Cheap Arizona Cardinals Hoodies, Vreed-en-Hoop,China Jerseys Free Shipping, West Coast Demerara,NFL Jerseys Supply, resulting in the death of 26 year-old Vishnauth Narine.Vishnauth Narine after being rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital.According to a police report on the matter the two men were involved in a heated argument during which Narine called ‘Buddy’ received a single stab wound to the left side of his chest. The injured man was rushed to the West Demerara Regional Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.The dead man’s mother,Wholesale Jerseys, Sheila Narine, said that the incident stemmed from a previous matter that had been ongoing between the two men.She said that her son’s killer was accused of stealing a gas bottle from a relative and was invited to the Vreed-en-hoop police station for questioning,Nike Air Max 95 Womens Sale, some two days ago.“When Michael reach at the station he tell the police how Buddy know about the gas bottle so the police lock up both ah dem.”However the owner of the item indicated on Thursday that she did not want to pursue the matter because relatives of both men had indicated that they will purchase a gas bottle and return to her.Ms. Narine said that on Thursday evening Michael began taunting her son saying “if yo think it done hay I gon kill yo.” The woman further related that this remark sparked another argument between the two men.“Then Thursday night Michael run to the station and complain to the police that Buddy cuss he up. The police come looking fuh Buddy but he run away.”As any mother would do Mrs. Narine said early yesterday morning she advised her son to go to the police station again.“Meh say boy nah run. If de police want yo,NFL Jerseys Cheap, go see wa dem want. With that he de walking going out me yard fuh go to the station and Michael wife start cuss he up and even chuck he up in he head and me see she give Michael something in he hand.”According to Narine within seconds she saw Michael walking up to her son then stab him with an ice pick.“Me see meh son fall down pon de ground but he ain’t had no blood. All you seeing is a fine hole in he chest like by he heart and we rush he to the hospital. Michael run away.”Amidst tears Narine said that her son was about to go to the police when he met his demise and she did her best to appease the situation since she paid back for the stolen gas bottle. The woman said her son worked as a labourer and kept to himself in the area.The man’s body has since been taken to the Ezekiel Funeral home where it is awaiting a post mortem examination. Up to press time yesterday police were still trying to locate Powley.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-13 05:18  資料 私人訊息 
China Jerseys Free Shipping Dr. Roger Luncheon
There was a big brouhaha that emanated after the announcement of the five per cent increase for public servants last year. Opposition parties and labour unions insisted that there was enough in the voted provisions under revision of wages and salaries in the budget to pay at least 15 per cent more.As such Finance Minister, Dr Ashni Singh,Nike NFL Jerseys China, was asked to prove to the members of the House why more than five percent could not be paid using the $4.4B allocation in the budget last year for the revision of wages and salaries. Making the request was A Partnership for National Unity’s (APNU) Basil Williams.Williams in a question tabled in Parliament had asked the Minister to provide particulars,NFL Jerseys Outlet, “the specific amounts utilized in relation to the following components of the $4.4B allocated under the head Revision of Wages and Salaries in the 2013 Budget…These are: Increase in wages and salaries; new employment and promotions.Dr Singh in providing the formal answer to the House yesterday noted that in utilizing the $4.4B an amount of $1.6B was used to pay the five per cent increase.He said that employment shortfalls arising from new recruits amounted to $1.3B while employment costs shortfalls as a result of promotion totaled $300M.Dr Singh noted that $500M was utilized to pay the one-month bonus to the Disciplined Services.He stated too that another $700M was used as payment of employment cost shortfalls at subventions agencies while other employment shortfalls arising from payment of salary in lieu of leave and other activities was some $100M.Dr Singh did point out that some of the agencies were able to make the five percent increase payment from their own voted provisions.When word came of the five per cent increase there was a wave of protests countrywide. Nurses were particularly vociferous.Public Service Minister,China NFL Jerseys, Jennifer Westford had at the time defended the five per cent payout saying that public servants should be happy.She had told this publication in an earlier interview that workers need to understand that Government is proposing what it can afford.Minister Westford said that the workers should be happy because Guyana is one of the few countries in the world that has been offering any salary increases to its public servants.She said that Government has been consistently giving its public servants increases on an annual basis.Minister Westford posited that if one were to take a look at several countries in the Caribbean and further afield,NFL Jerseys Supply, workers are in fact being laid off and some have had to take pay cuts in order to keep their jobs.“We can’t give what we don’t have,China Jerseys Free Shipping,” said Minister Westford and urged that workers be more understanding of the prevailing economy not just in Guyana but across the world.Head of the Presidential Secretariat, Dr. Roger Luncheon,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, had announced that Government will be giving public service workers an increase in pay for 2013.
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發表於 2018-1-13 15:43  資料 私人訊息 
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Two gun-toting bandits attacked and robbed a grocer/businessman who was conducting a transacting with a customer Saturday night.The robbery was carried out in Rect-Door Zee,China Jerseys Free Shipping, Parfait Harmony at 21:00 hrs. Reports reveal that two men,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, who were not masked,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, brandished handguns. One proceeded to rob and search the businessman while the other bandit held a porter at gunpoint at the rear of the vehicle.It was further disclosed that the men relieved the businessman of all his valuables and an undisclosed amount of cash that was in the vehicle. The bandits then made good their escape on foot.According to a source,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, the businessman described his assailants to the police. Residents in the area are concerned about what seems to be an escalation of robberies and theft in the area. They are calling on the police to patrol the scheme.A report was made to the La Grange Police Station and police visited the scene the same night,NFL Jerseys Outlet, however,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, no one was arrested.
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發表於 2018-1-13 17:00  資料 私人訊息 
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Government yesterday dropped the hammer on the scrap metal trade amidst a recent surge of vandalism.Announcing the suspension of the multi-million-dollar business,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the Office of the Prime Minister linked the decision to vandalism, and made mention of a recent incident in which canecutters were nabbed in a sting operation after attempting to remove metal belonging to punts of the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GuySuCo).Currently, the export of non-ferrous scrap metal, which includes brass,cheap jerseys from china, copper and aluminium, is banned.With over 10 legal scrap metal dealers, the industry is said to directly employ almost 1,000 persons and rakes in millions from shipments, especially to China, whose industry growth in recent years has been fuelling the trade.Locally, the Guyana Telephone and Telegraph Company (GT&T),Wholesale China Jerseys, has been in the forefront with GuySuCo, complaining of significant losses from vandalism. In the case of GT&T, there have been reports of entire communities being left without telephone services because vandals damaged lines.Since 2007, government has been suspending and then lifting the ban after appeals were made by the dealers and others whose livelihoods had been disrupted.Last year, the ban on ferrous metals was lifted after a multi-sector team comprising inspectors from the Trade Ministry and representatives from the metal dealers’ association,Wholesale Jerseys, was established.However, it is unclear how well this system worked.Last week, GuySuCo expressed concern over what it described as constant acts of vandalism by “some” involved in the scrap metal tradeTwo persons were arrested following a sting operation conducted by the security department of the Corporation, the police, and a scrap metal dealer.The two men, said to be cane harvesters attached to the LBI/Diamond cultivation, used a welding torch to destroy cane transport punts belonging to the Corporation and had the metal secreted in the Diamond section of the cultivation.They were attempting to arrange a sale of the destroyed punts – totaling approximately eight tonnes – to the scrap metal dealer,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, when they were detained.According to GuySuCo,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the industry has been plagued by similar acts of vandalism at all its locations.“The security unit is constantly dealing with persons who illegally enter its locations to acquire scrap metal, which they in turn sell to dealers involved in the scrap metal trade.”
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-15 08:32  資料 私人訊息 
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By Attorney Gail Seeram,Cheap Jerseys 2018, [email protected]In many cases, the U.S. Embassy or U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services may ask a petitioner to submit a DNA test proving the parental or brother/sister relationship with the beneficiary.? Some people are taken aback by this request, since they feel that the birth certificate is sufficient in proving the relationship.The first reason why a DNA test may be requested is because the U.S. Department of State at one time had a fraud warning posted on Guyana birth certificates.The reason for the fraud warning was because it was believed that people could obtain a fraudulent birth certificate from the blackmarket.?Thereby, if the birth certificate presented displays any characteristics of fraud,Cheap NFL Jerseys Store, then a DNA test will be required between the petitioner and beneficiary.Next, a DNA test may be required when a parent is filing for a child and that child was born out-of-wedlock, meaning the parents were not married.? In particular, when a father is filing for a child and the father never married the child’s mother, then a DNA test may be required.In these situations,Cheap NHL Jerseys, the U.S. Immigration may request a DNA test to confirm this is the biological father filing the petition and not someone who claims to be the father.? In addition,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, evidence to prove that the father legitimize the child would also be required to prove the parent-child relationship (such as proof of financial support and proof father held child out to be his).Lastly, a DNA test may be required in sibling relationships where brothers or sisters have only one similar parent (in other words, step-brother/step-sister relationships).? In these cases, a DNA test is requested and the percentage of likelihood is examined in order to prove the relationship.WHAT IS DNA?DNA is the carrier of the genetic material that determines who you are (genetically).? Your genetic makeup (who you are genetically which controls things like eye colour, hair colour, bone structure, organ size, etc.) is controlled by the paring of the chromosomes contained from the female’s egg (23 chromosomes from her) and the chromosomes from the male’s sperm (23 from him).Each of the 46 total chromosomes is made up of long threads of a very specific type of molecule called DNA,China Jerseys, or deoxyribonucleic acid. Each molecule of DNA is made up of thousands of genes, which determine your “genetic makeup”.The DNA test is not intrusive,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, as the lab simply takes a quick swipe or sample of the saliva in your mouth (there are no needles or blood involved).? There are many labs that work internationally and coordinate DNA testing between petitioners in the U.S. and beneficiaries living abroad.? U.S. Immigration accepts DNA testing from labs accredited by the American Association of Blood Banks.? A list of accredited labs can be obtained from the following website: http://www.aabb.org/SA/FACILITIES/Pages/RTestAccrFac.aspxQuestion #1:??I live in the U.S. as a permanent resident but have a wife and child in Guyana.? The child was born while I was living in the U.S. but was conceived when I was visiting Guyana.? I filed immigration petitions for my wife and child and now the Embassy is asking for a DNA test.? Why?Answer #1:? Since you are living in the U.S., the Embassy wants to make sure this is your child.? There have been many cases where a husband living abroad thinks a child is their child but when the DNA test is done, it turns out to not be their child.? Please comply with the Embassy request for a DNA test.Question #2: Immigration is asking for a DNA test between my half-sister and me.? We have the same mother, but not the same father.? Will the DNA test prove that we are sisters even if we have different fathers?Answer #2: Yes, the DNA test is conducted in a manner to take these variables into consideration.? The DNA test will establish to immigration requirements that you are sisters.Question #3: Do I have to give blood for the DNA test?Answer #3: No, the DNA test is a simple q-tip swab in your mouth.? They use your saliva to gather the required DNA for testing.For more information, contact Gail Law Firmhone: 1-877-GAIL-LAW or 407-292-7730www.MyOrlandoImmigrationLawyer.comFREE in-office consultation – FREE Live Chat www.GailLaw.com
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發表於 2018-1-15 20:01  資料 私人訊息 
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Yorshabelle Liverpool, 24, of 136 Crown Street, Queenstown, was remanded yesterday,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, after she appeared before Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson to answer two charges of obtaining money by false pretence.It is alleged on September 28,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, last, the accused who is the niece of the virtual complainant, Ronald Ramcharran, with intent to defraud, obtained $350,000 by virtue of a false instrument, from the Demerara Bank.It is also alleged that on September 30,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Liverpool,China NFL Jerseys, with intent to defraud, obtained $455,Wholesale NFL Jerseys Online,000 by virtue of false instrument, from the Demerara Bank.According to Attorney at Law Nigel Hughes “the accused worked with Ramcharran for some time”.He added,NFL Jerseys Cheap, “Some of the money has been lodged at the Police Station.According to the prosecution led by Prosecutor Kevin London, “The accused entrusted her boyfriend with $150,000. He, when contacted by the police, denied any knowing of how the accused gathered the money and took it down to the police station and lodged it there.”According to Ramcharran, “The accused is the one who cashed the money at the bank”.Liverpool, through her father, told the magistrate “We will make restitution of the money on the next court date”.The accused was remanded and is expected to return to court October 8.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-15 21:06  資料 私人訊息 
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Despite returning with an “optimistic and open mind” after walking out of last month’s Region Three Democratic Council (RDC) meeting, Opposition Councilors said they are faced with more hardships from the Region’s Chairman. They have charged that the Chairman continues to act in a disrespectful and autocratic manner towards all Opposition representatives.More recently, the Councilors have spoken out against the alleged “unjust” gagging of one of the APNU members.A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) member Kathlene Armstrong said she has been barred from speaking at Regional meetings. She told Kaieteur News that she had raised the issue about the Chairman’s disregard for the members and he accused her of lying. He allegedly told her to provide the proof of disregard and disrespect, or she would never speak at another meeting. In the end, the woman said she was ordered to sit and be silent.Harry Narine Deokinanan, an Alliance for Change (AFC) member,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, said that, “Since the last meeting,” when all seven Opposition members walked out, “Nothing has changed, and the Chairman continues to disrespect and disregard the views of Opposition representatives.”Deokinanan said that he was present when Armstrong spoke up for the members, addressing the Chairman again on his behaviour. He said he, as well as the other opposition members, have cited the “gagging” as unjust and unfair.Deokinanan further related that he too had issues he wanted to raise. He said that he especially wanted to talk about the incidence of rape in his area, the lack of public facilities and the community’s non -functioning police outpost.? But before he or any other member could relate anything meaningful in the meeting, the Chairman closed the session after telling Deokinanan that he always brings negative things to the table.Armstrong has related that she consulted with her party about “gagging” and the Chairman’s behavior,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, and certain action may be necessary. The members are also contemplating the next step about attending meetings since they said none of the Opposition views are being heard, let alone addressed.At the January 9 meeting, Opposition members walked out, saying that they had enough of the Chairman’s frustrating antics. When they returned for another meeting on Wednesday last, they were met with the Chairman’s same dismissive and sarcastic attitude.They said that when they raised issues highlighting inefficiencies in their community, they are told to, “Sit down, shut up or are threatened to be thrown out the meeting.” They said that financial data, project progress and other important information are not being related to opposition members. In addition, the representatives said they are unable to measure success in their Region since works programme are not being provided.If one is not on the Region’s Finance Committee, then one cannot attain the work program,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, they lamented.“But the one and only opposition member that sits on that committee is not even informed or advised of any meetings,Cheap MLB Jerseys China,” they fumed.The Councilors also blamed the Chairman for the Region’s poor performance last year.They said,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, “We are dissatisfied with the progress made in 2012.The region is in a state of stagnation. We cannot account for projects that were done in 2012.”The opposition members pointed to the Chairman’s behaviour as “political games,” accusing him of trying to “frustrate and prevent” the work of the Opposition representatives. They have also accused him and his fellow People’s Progressive Party (PPP) members of using their one- member majority to function,Jerseys From China, undermining the opposition representatives. They said that while the opposition has seven members, the PPP has eight members seated on the Region Three Democratic Council.
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發表於 2018-1-16 08:26  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap NFL Jerseys China Dorothy Blackman-Fordyce
Shawn Fordyce,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the man who chopped his wife and three daughters last Thursday at Sophia,Wholesale Jerseys From China, turned up at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) late Friday night and told the security guard on duty, that he was the injured woman’s brother-in-law and that he wanted to meet her. Luckily, another guard recognized him as the “paper-man”, but before she could have raised an alarm, he became suspicious and quickly exited the hospital’s compound.Shawn Fordyce“Another security who lives in Sophia knows him but she couldn’t tell the other guard who he was talking with, anything because she was scared, but then he left and when he reach by the step, he murmur ‘I gone kill all dem. I gon finish the job I start’ and he walk out the compound,” a source noted.The injured woman, Dorothy Blackman-Fordyce,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, is currently hospitalised in the facility’s High Dependency Unit (HDU) with her 20-year-old daughter, Latoya Wilson, while her younger offspring, 12-year-old Donette Fordyce, is in the Pediatric Ward.Yesterday,China Jerseys Cheap, a relative said that a friend of her aunt received a telephone call from the accused who reportedly told her that he will finish the job he started.“A couple minutes after she received the call from him, my aunt received a call from the hospital. They explained what happened and my family went there and they sleep there (hospital) the night.”The relative said that persons informed her family that her aunt’s attacker was spotted in Berbice.Meanwhile, in a telephone interview with Shawn Fordyce’s sister,China NFL Jerseys, this publication was told that the woman has urged her brother to turn himself in.“I am not saying whatever my brother did was right, but there was a reason why he did that. My brother is a loving person and he did everything for his family. He didn’t even tell us when he married her. There was a time when he used to fetch her on his back out of Sophia, but she change a lot,” the suspect’s sister said.The woman claimed that her brother was “tormented” a lot in his home.Meanwhile,Cheap Atlanta Braves Hoodies, persons knowing the whereabouts of the accused are being asked to contact the nearest police station.
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發表於 2018-1-16 12:29  資料 私人訊息 
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By Clarence O. Perry?The curriculum must now be seen as the “means” rather than the “end”.A quality education system for Guyanese must have a new mission. This new mission must be to develop “great human beings who are valuable contributors to society”. Anything less will be incapable of turning this nation around.This new mission is critical to the reduction of violent behaviour and to our survival as a nation. This mission represents a new definition for education in Guyana and provides the key for breaking out of our curriculum bondage.Scholars who have studied the lives of persons who have made significant contributions to society, have identified three qualities or characteristics that make people inclined to be contributors to society.These three qualities are: a strong sense of self-worth,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, deep feelings of love and respect for all people, and an insatiable hunger for truth and knowledge. These three qualities can be kept in mind as a clear image to guide teaching and parenting.These three qualities or dimensions of human greatness offer a different frame of reference for education in Guyana. They can be used as master goals which are people oriented rather than curriculum oriented. They help us to concentrate on human development and maximum individual achievement,jerseys nfl wholesale, instead of curriculum development with its twin pillars of minimum competence and standardized achievement.These dimensions provide a framework for redesigning education in Guyana to empower each teacher and each youth to fashion and build us a nation of “One People”. Time and editorial constraints will permit me to discuss only one of these three dimensions – identity.Identity probes the question: “Who am I?” It describes the most intense need of any person – the need to be an important “somebody”. Identity comprises all of the elements of a person’s self-image (individual talents and gifts,Jerseys Cheap NFL, confidence, self-esteem, honesty, responsibility,Jerseys China Cheap NFL, spirituality, character, physical fitness).For many years educators have been aware of the central role that self-image plays in our lives as the governor of all behaviour. Each of us is always true to our self-image and behaves according to the kind of person we perceive ourselves to be. Those of us who have a poor self-image or low self-esteem are usually prone to anti-social behaviour or violence.Because of our traditional obsession with curricula we have tended to ignore the work of developmental psychologists which reveals the individuality of human nature. There has not been a psychologist (educational, social or any other kind) on the staff of any of our teacher education institutions during the past thirty years.A focus on people, instead of curricula, will allow us to provide for the unique talent profile of individuals. To help each student acquire an identity of greatness, we must emphasize the discovery and development of each student’s unique gifts and talents. The most important facet of a child’s identity is his or her unique set of intelligences, and it is this human attribute that deserves our greatest attention. It appears that this part of human development is most critical in determining whether a person will achieve the self-esteem and confidence necessary to become a contributor to society.Whenever we help a person to elevate his or her self-image we ourselves become contributors to society. Experience has shown that an effective way to raise self-image is to focus on a person’s assets which is in contrast to the traditional Guyanese school practice that focus on correcting “deficiencies” or “inadequacies”(so-called remediation) based upon someone else’s standards.Confidence and self-esteem result when students discover what they can do well and strive to develop their unique talents and gifts. When we accept identity as the first dimension of human greatness and primary goal of education, we unleash a force that offers the greatest potential for growth and for “constructive social change”: a person’s self-image.Fourth,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, we will need to reconstitute the Caribbean Examinations Council into a Caribbean Educational Council that will enable Research in Education Development, and facilitate the dissemination of initiatives in quality education,NFL Jerseys Cheap Authentic, such as student independent projects, portfolios, alternative forms of assessments and professional development.It is common knowledge that in our school system the “tail wags the dog”
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發表於 2018-1-16 17:57  資料 私人訊息 
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Dear Editor,As we approach the feast of Christmas, the celebration of the Birthday of the Lord, what are the thoughts that flip through our minds in the wake of the recent terrorist attacks in Mumbai here in India? What sort of celebrations should we have in our churches, SCC zones, and in our homes? What meaning does Christmas have for us in these tragic circumstances? These are the questions we would do well to ponder. The world seems to be full of hatred, injustice, violence and insecurity, just as it was nearly two thousand years ago when the Lord Jesus chose to be born into this world. How many of us, if we had the choice, would have opted to come down into this “valley of tears”, giving up the joy and peace of heaven? We must remind ourselves at Christmas time that this is precisely what Jesus did for our sakes. As St. Paul says, “Though He was in the form of God; He did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, born in the likeness of men.” (Phil 2,Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, 6-7) He loved us so much that He came to dwell amongst us to share our joys and sorrows, triumphs and failures, hopes and anxieties. It is by demonstrating that He is with us and understands all that we have to endure that He brings us hope and gives us inspiration and courage. This precisely is the message of Christmas: that in the midst of death and devastation, life is sure to triumph because He is there to give us company always. For those who welcome Him,NFL Jerseys Wholesale From China, in faith, there is no room for despair. Yet, while we celebrate the birthday of the Lord, we must not, at this time, forget to identify with those who are suffering around us, just as He,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, too, chose to experience, even at His birth, the humiliation of being denied “a place in the inn”, and the fear of being hunted down and put to death by the tyrant Herod. He accepted shelter close to nature, in a stable for humble animals, and later fled into exile in Egypt – like so many rendered homeless and abandoned in Orissa, India, and elsewhere in the world. Must not, then, our Christmas celebration also be simple, bring us closer to nature, and reflect our concern for hundreds of victims of violence in Mumbai and in many other countries? We cannot fail to be impressed by reports that many religious groups and communities in the city of Mumbai are toning down their traditional celebrations in view of the shocking terrorist attacks in Mumbai. It is fitting, therefore, that we, too, express our solidarity with the victims of these attacks in a similar manner. Our religious celebrations must instill hope in those who are losing hope,Cheap Jerseys, while our social celebrations should be sober and unostentatious, reflecting a mood of genuine concern for those who are in pain. May our Christmas stars radiate the hope that the Child Jesus brings, our cribs the joy of His presence among us in these troubled times, and our simple gatherings the oneness and unity we all need to defeat the enemies of peace in the world. A Very Happy Christmas filled with Hope, Joy and Peace,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, to all in the dear Land of Guyana! Fr. Joseph M. Dias, S. J. Mumbai
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-16 19:32  資料 私人訊息 
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Quinton Antonio Rahim of Sophia will be representing Guyana at the Kuwait International Quranic Competition for memorisation and recitation of the Holy Quran. The competition begins March 10 and continues to March 21,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, in Kuwait.This competition is hosted by His Royal Highness the Emir of Kuwait. Br. Quinton Rahim,NFL Jerseys From China, who is 16 years old has memorised the Holy Quran and was recommended by the CIOG to represent Guyana.
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UID 1856
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-16 20:28  資料 私人訊息 
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Natasha Ramphal, 28, who was viciously attacked by a male acquaintance, Rafeek Baksh, yesterday, is currently recuperating at the Georgetown Public Hospital.Baksh attacked the woman some time around 14:30 hrs, Tuesday. Speaking to Kaieteur News yesterday,China NFL Jerseys, the woman said that she was about to pick up her son from school.She said that she saw the man driving and he stopped and asked her how she was feeling. She in turn told him that he should leave her alone,Cheap Wholesale Jerseys, since she had secured a restraining order against him.? The injured woman told the newspaper that after she told him that, the car reversed and he came out armed with a cutlass.The woman said that what she said may have angered him,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, because he immediately started to chop her.Recounting what happened, the woman said that she begged him to spare her. The woman said she ran into someone’s yard and he followed her and kept chopping her about her body.The woman said that she collapsed and he probably thought that she was dead.? The injured woman,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, who lives at Industry, was rushed to the hospital.Baksh then went to his 471 Block Y Cummings Lodge home and ingested the poison. He was then rushed to the hospital by his relatives,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, where he died shortly afterwards. Sources said that when the man realised that the woman was not dead, he still tried to get to her in the emergency room.The dead man leaves to mourn a wife and three children,Cheap Jerseys From China, with the youngest being eight months old.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-17 15:32  資料 私人訊息 
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Officials at the launch of the Emergency Nursing Specialty Programme. Standing is Dr Zulfikar Bux and second from left is Minister George Norton in the company of specialists from the Vanderbilt Medical Centre.An evident gap between doctors and nurses in the delivery of Emergency Care at the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation (GPHC) was the driving force behind the introduction of an inaugural Emergency Nursing Speciality Programme.The programme, which was in the making for the past three years, was spearheaded by GPHC’s Head of Emergency, Dr. Zulfikar Bux, who secured support from the Vanderbilt Medical Centre in the United States.Dr. Bux himself, among others, was a beneficiary of Specialist Emergency training from the Vanderbilt Medical Centre.? With doctors so trained, it became glaring that there was a need for nurses to also be similarly trained in order for emergency care to be improved.According to Dr. Bux, “Our nurses were not up to standard,Cheap Jerseys From China, (it was no fault of theirs) but for me as Head of Department it was my mandate to ensure that we brought you (nurses) to a level that is expected so that we can deliver together effective and emergency care,” related Dr. Bux.According to Bux, “From day one, my challenge was to figure out a way to get this happening…” especially since there was not much local support forthcoming. But according to the Head of Emergency he was driven by his desire to make what seem impossible possible.However with the support from Vanderbilt a specialist emergency programme for nurses has now been realised with doctors and nurses being able to work together to resuscitate patients and do so very swiftly.Dr. Bux, in detailing the journey to where the programme is today, expressed satisfaction about the accomplishment during which he disclosed that Dean of the Faculty of Health Sciences,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, Dr. Emanuel Cummings, helped with the formulation of a strong curriculum that was accepted and eventually approved by the University of Guyana. “It was a very important step in getting to the right place…I personally went through a residency (programme) and I know what are the benefits of residency…“I am not trying to beat down the system in anyway but going and get a degree from the University of Guyana or any University, it takes you to a level but does not give you that completeness to become a well rounded professional,” related Dr. Bux.According to Paramedic/Emergency Nurse of the Vanderbilt Medical Centre, Dr. Jessica Van Meter,Cheap Jerseys, who helped with the realisation of the programme, there is still much hard work to do over the next two years.“I am already counting down the days when we can participate in such a glorious event,” said Dr. Van Meter as she also lauded the work of senior nurses of the GPHC including Sisters Noshella Lalkecharran,Cheap NFL Jerseys, who chaired yesterday’s proceedings,Cheap NFL Jerseys, and Sister Patricia Lewis.“In just a short time your contributions to the coordination of this event have been amazing, you have both quintessential examples of the effectiveness of this collaborative partnership…” She emphasised that there is evidence of a shared desired for the advancement of nursing.The launch of the programme yesterday was graced by Minister of Public Health, Dr. George Norton, who was high in praise that it has finally materialised. He assured that “it is not true that things are not improving at the Georgetown Public Hospital…At the same time it is not true that persons have not had some bad chances there. We have got to be real and understand that not because you get to the Accident and Emergency department in particular that you will not die…you die because of the extent of your injuries…you will have deaths but to refer to the professionals there as angels of death is totally unacceptable..,” asserted Minister Norton.According to the Public Health Minister, Emergency Medicine is the face of a health system and is the frontline in patient care and needs special attention and very skilled staff to ensure effective patient care.He noted that the Ministry of Public Health along with the Ministry of Public Security and the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation recently launched the national Emergency Medical System services.The EMS service,NFL Jerseys China, which was also Dr. Bux’s brainchild, was launched last week and will allow for a merger of the responses of emergency and fire services by dialing 912.Also present at yesterday’s launching Chairman of the hospital’s Board of Directors, Dr. Carl Max Hanoman and other