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發表於 2018-1-1 18:55  資料 私人訊息 
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– Student files complaint for death threatEvan PersaudA University of Guyana (UG) lecturer, who is under fire for allegedly using sexually explicit language during class and holding exams off-campus without permission, has found himself in even more hot-water.This time, one of his students has reported to police that Evan Persaud, a lecturer of the Faculty of Technology, threatened to shoot him while he was at the Turkeyen campus earlier this week.The student has since made a report to the Turkeyen Police Station and a statement is being prepared.Persaud, who received a letter terminating his services two weeks ago after a probe, has not been allowed to lecture since UG re-opened earlier this week. Dean of the Faculty, Sherwood Lowe, has assumed his classes in the interim, reports said.The lecturer had two weeks to appeal. That period came to an end yesterday. Sources last evening confirmed that an appeal has been handed in by Persaud.Speaking with Kaieteur News last night,Cheap Jerseys From China Outlet, the student said that he was walking out of the campus shortly after 17:00hrs,Cheap Authentic Jerseys Online, Monday, when he became conscious of a vehicle behind him.“I stepped to one side to allow it to pass and it pull alongside. I saw Evan Persaud and he told me thanks for making him famous.” The student then alleged that Persaud told him he will put a (expletive) bullet in his head.“What I want to know is who will protect me now. I hear he asking everybody at UG about me.” Following several verbal reports and letters by students earlier this year, UG Registrar,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, Vincent Alexander, had appointed a two-member Panel of Inquiry who after investigations, prepared a report that alleged Persaud victimised and threatened students and even held an exam off-campus.Nearly two dozen students, the lecturer and Dean of the Faculty of Technology, Sherwood Lowe,Wholesale Jerseys Online, were interviewed before the report was prepared and handed to the UG Council where the decision to terminate him was made.According to the report, the panel listened to a recording of the lecturer during one of his classes in which he was heard cursing and planning to victimise a student who had reported his behaviour to the UG management.The panel found Persaud guilty of grave misconduct for using profanity in the classroom and in addition, of violating the rights of students by writing directly to Prometheus Resources, a company which sponsors a few students,Cheap Jerseys From China, to terminate their scholarships.These students were said to be the same ones who reported his misconduct to UG’s administration, the report says.UG administrators are saying that Persaud bypassed procedures by writing directly to the company.It was also found that the lecturer acted “in a matter which can be considered inimical to the university’ by holding final exams off campus, “which would affect the quality of the degree offered by the university.”In its recommendations, the panel called for the termination of Persaud’s contract of employment because he had violated the University Statutes and Code of Conduct for Staff which urges staffers to be aware of their responsibilities and discharge them efficiently and conscientiously.Eighteen students disclosed that they had done at least one exam at the Russian Embassy, Kitty. However, three students of the 21 said they took part in that and exams were held on campus.The 18 students said that they had done “fake” final exams on campus but were told by the same three students who had denied writing the exams off-campus that they would meet at another location to “make modifications to their examinations papers.”According to the report, students said that for this off-campus test,Cheap China Jerseys, they were given examination questions in advance.Pro-Chancellor of UG, Dr Prem Misir, had denied that the university has fired a lecturer saying that due process has not been completed as yet.Persaud may more than likely now face a Special Committee and appeal the recommendations of a Panel of Inquiry. Kaieteur News had managed to acquire a copy of the report prepared by the Panel of Inquiry which clearly stated that it was recommending the termination of Persaud’s contract.The Pro-Chancellor had declined to comment on whether the council has issued a letter to Persaud that terminated his service.Dr Misir had said that Persaud, like any other staff member, deserves due process and that this is the next stage of the hearing.A person has the right to appeal the recommendations of any report by a panel of inquiry and the UG Council wi
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發表於 2018-1-4 02:25  資料 私人訊息 
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Fishermen given option of fine, boat seizure or face court?Several Guyanese fishermen who were arrested earlier this month for illegally fishing in Suriname waters could come home since prosecutors in that neighboring county are not inclined to prosecute.However, the 23 fishermen have to pay their fines and agree to the seizure of their boats, seines, fish cages and other equipment to Suriname if they wish to avoid a jail sentence once found guilty.?This was confirmed by Surinamese Prosecutor, General Subhas Punwasi, to Kaieteur News correspondent, Ivan Cairo, on Thursday. Three of the detained fishermen have reportedly paid their fines and are to come home shortly.According to Punwasi, a trial could last up to several months and if eventually the suspects are sentenced and their belongings confiscated,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, they could appeal, a process that could extend the process for several years.On May 31, some 15 fishermen were arrested by Surinamese authorities after fishermen there complained that they were being harassed by their Guyanese counterparts. Two days later, eight more were arrested. Five fishing vessels were also seized.“By the time the appeal could be disposed of by the Court of Justice, the boats for instance would have lost most of their value or perhaps become worthless. It could also be possible that by that time, the government would have paid more money to lodge the vessels than they will be worth,” Punwasi explained.?Referring to several cases in which the authorities seized airplanes used for cocaine transportation, the Prosecutor argued that these planes currently are wasting away on an airfield since the Court of Justice has to determine their status because the jailed owners are appealing their sentences.To avoid a similar situation, the Guyanese were given the choice of turning over the vessels, paying the fine and escaping prosecution and certain jail time.According to Punwasi, the suspects have agreed and in doing so the government has become the legal owner of the vessels.This path has been chosen by the judicial authorities, he said, to ensure that the same vessels are not used again in the future to “plunder” Suriname’s fishing grounds. Since they have violated the Law on Economic Activities, these matters could be settled out of courts with a fine.However, suspects who can’t pay the fines will be prosecuted. They risk up to six years in prison if convicted.On Thursday, Richard Griffith whose two brothers, Ray and Michael, and another family friend are still in custody, said the situation is getting desperate since the court has fined the captains US$5,000 each and crewmen,NFL Jerseys China, US$2,000 each.Admitting that from all likelihood the Guyanese fishermen were indeed in Suriname waters, Griffith said that his family was only able to raise about $350,000 in local currency.“They appearing again next week in court. We don’t know where else to turn to now,” the speedboat captain said.Griffith is willing to pledge his land transport to anyone willing to lend him $1.8 million for the fines that would free his brothers and their friend. But time is running out.“Ah visited them Saturday in Paramaribo lockups but the fines gotta be paid.”While Surinamese authorities are not commenting much, relatives have turned to the Guyana embassy in Suriname which has provided some information as to the fishermen’s status.“These people got children and wives. They want to know when their family coming home. All we asking for is some more time and somebody who could help us. We willing to wuk and pay them back,” Griffith pleaded to Kaieteur News yesterday.?It is the same situation with Marilyn, from Berbice, whose relative, Sachin Basdeo, 18, went out on his first fishing trip, was arrested and is in jail. He has to find US$2,Cheap Authentic Jerseys,000 in fines or face jail.He was working on one of three boats that belonged to a prominent fishing company on the East Bank Demerara.On Thursday, Minister of Foreign Affairs, Carolyn Rodrigues,wholesale jerseys, acknowledged that relatives of some of the fishermen had appealed for information, and from requests from the Suriname authorities, was able to determine that 23 persons were arrested.“We are continuing to vigorously seek information on the men’s whereabouts in Suriname and hopefully soon, we will tell the family.”However, the Minister pointed out that from the information received,Cheap Stitched Jerseys, the fishermen violated Suriname’s Fishing Act and Law on Economic Activity and these were among some of the main reasons they were charged.The official also pointed out that when foreign fishing vessels operate illegally
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發表於 2018-1-4 12:44  資料 私人訊息 
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First Lady Deolatchmee Ramotar has stated that the law enforcement officials are not doing enough to curb gender-based violence. She said, recently,NFL Jerseys China, that even though there are the relevant enacted legislations aimed at protecting the rights of women in the home, workplace and in society, the wanton abuse of women continues.Mrs. Ramotar shares a close moment with a female prisoner in New Amsterdam recently.Legislations, she stated,China NFL Jerseys, do serve a purpose. “They guide us legally—you have legal rights—so although right now we [women] are getting all the rights, law enforcement authorities—I don’t think are doing enough to stem this violence”.But she also blamed some of the victims who, after reporting incidences of gender- based violence to the police, ‘go soft’ and beg for their perpetrators’ release.“You go to the police and when your husband or partner comes—you beg for them and withdraw the case. This happens all the time and the police will get fed up too”.She urged women to go right through the process after taking the necessary legal steps. In this way,Cheap Jerseys China, the perpetrators can be dealt with according to the law.During recent times, several women have been butchered by their partners, lovers and husbands across Guyana. In some instances,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, the perpetrators commit suicide after the heinous acts.Mrs. Ramotar wishes that Guyana can go back to the days when the community raised the children. “So maybe in days gone by the whole community was a family and they took charge of your children…we would be a better place”She added that the family is the essential key to any stable society and that Guyana has come a far way in women issues. The First Lady recalled the time when Guiana’s women fought against colonialism; women such as Jane Phillips-Gay, Winifred Gaskin and former President Janet Jagan. She stated that the movement started in the 1900s when women were oppressed and experienced great inequality.She also said that there have been other heroines such as, Gail Teixeira, Indra Chandarpal, Former First Lady Viola Burnham, and Kowsilla. “We have moved a far way…These women have brought us a far way to prosperity,” she posited.Mrs. Ramotar stated however, that there are still a lot of challenges to face even though more women occupy jobs previously occupied by men. “Women still have a lot of challenges and one of the main challenges is equal rights…Our women are abused—both physically, verbally, emotionally and sexually.”Women, she added, have to make sure that they believe in themselves and respect themselves. “They must work with our menfolk to gain respect from them and we must give back respect. When we talk about equality, we should look at partnership—For example, if you and your husband work together….this would eliminate some of the ills of society and we must bring up our children in a healthy environment to give back that love and respect they received.”The First Lady added that the family is the first and foremost key to any stable society. But she remained resolute that women’s struggles in this country continue.She said that not all men are evil or bad men. “There are a lot of liberated men; who help their families? in the home, and who take responsibility.”Mrs. Ramotar gave her husband, the President, as an example. “He still does that. We have grown children who will ask for advice and he is there to give it to them”.“I am proud of my family—even my boys. They are very decent young men and my daughters too…so the struggle continues,” she related.“The men know what triggers them to commit heinous acts,Jerseys Cheap, so if we can work with them,China Jerseys, together we can move ourselves and [move] Guyana forward,” she asserted.
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發表於 2018-1-4 22:38  資料 私人訊息 
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…as Labour Minister lauds budget as pregnant with opportunitiesBy Gary EleazarLeader of the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) Robert Corbin yesterday warned members of the House that where leaders of a nation fail to act on the problems that face a nation the population of that country will rise up and take their own action.He cautioned that it was not a course of action he condoned but,Wholesale China Jerseys, were the government not to be inclusive in its decision-making and address the problems facing the nation,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, then the population reacting would be inevitable.“Do we want to reach the intractable situation like Zimbabwe before we are forced to the negotiation table?… Do we wait until the violence similar to that which occurred in Kenya before we are forced to invite outsiders to resolve our internal problems?… Do we want the situation of Fiji where it took several military coups before issues of division were taken seriously?”Corbin did point out that he was making no threats, but was merely seeking to illustrate the reality of the situation.He posited that the country had already experienced “what one man with a small group can do to drive terror in our society… Does it not occur to us that it is not impossible for a group with political motivations to achieve much more?”That being the case,Cheap Jerseys 2018, Corbin said that the issue of shared governance should be addressed immediately,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, “at this stage acting in good faith that we are serious about working together”.PNCR’S RECOMMENDATIONSResponding to a call by Home Affairs Minister Clement Rohee for recommendations to the government, Corbin listed what he said were his recommendations.According to Corbin there is need for a rearranging of financial priorities that is aimed at giving immediate relief to the workers of Guyana.He said that it was not too late to review a reduction of the Value Added Tax (VAT) to at least eight per cent, and provide for an increase in salaries for workers to cope with the declared inflation rate of food items in the Budget.According to Corbin there needs to be serious discussions with the Guyana Trades’ Union Congress and restoration of the subvention to the Critchlow Labour College.“The subvention does not go into the pockets of GTUC Leaders. It is used to educate young people who can contribute to the needed pool of skills necessary for Guyana’s development… To penalise our youth and deny them an educational opportunity appears to me to be sacrificing them on the altar of partisan political expediency.”Corbin also called for an immediate review of the impact of the high charges for crossing the Berbice River Bridge, as well as to have the company fall under the oversight of the Public Utilities Commission.He sought to illustrate to the House that the prohibitive cost was particularly harmful to the schoolchildren who had to cross the bridge to get to school.“I was shocked when I heard this dilemma,Wholesale Jerseys USA, and I am confident that working together we can find a resolution… Minister (Robeson) Benn, we can’t dismiss in this case… We have to find a resolution.”The PNCR leader also recommended that there must be a better way to adequately assist the farmers that suffered tremendous losses during the last December and January flood.“Surely, the Minister (of Agriculture) cannot truly believe that a few chickens and some seeds will help those persons who responded to his Grow More Food campaign to get back into production again.”Corbin did point out that in achieving the objectives of the recommendations some programmes would have to be cut, “but that is the sacrifice that we will have to make”.He also urged the House to commit to the reform of the local government system, and ensure that the regional democratic councils are allowed to function effectively without the dictatorship of the minister acting through the appointed regional executive officers.He posited that there should be an appointment of an Integrity Commission that would enjoy the confidence of all Guyanese.According to Corbin there must also be the appointment of a public procurement commission that is truly non-partisan.Minister of Labour, Manzoor Nadir, who spoke following the PNCR leader, lauded the budget as being impregnated with opportunities and would act as a stimulus for the country’s economy.According to Nadir, it was a credit to Finance Minister Dr Ashni Singh to have crafted budgets that now have the economy in its strongest position ever.As it relates to the opposition arguments that the budget was loaded with unachievable targets, Nadir said that the Budget was not rooted in one-year programmes.All the la
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發表於 2018-1-5 10:46  資料 私人訊息 
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The fifth member to the Commission of Inquiry (COI) into the shooting death of three Lindeners, Justice Cecil Kennard, CCH, took the oath of office as member in the presence of President Donald Ramotar,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, yesterday.Justice Kennard was out of the country when the other four members took their oath on September 5.In a brief comment subsequent to the swearing in,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, he said that all the statements given by residents will be carefully examined after which the Commission will decide on the witnesses to be called.Justice Cecil Kennard taking the oath of Office as member of the Commission of Inquiry (COI) before President Donald Ramotar (Courtesy of GINA)He explained that even though many persons will provide statements; it does not necessarily mean that all of them will be called,NFL Jerseys China, as many would repeat what was already said by a previous witness.“We are hoping that the inquiry proceeds smoothly and that witnesses attend when required, so that the work of the Commission can be finished within a reasonable time,Cheap NFL Jerseys China,” Justice Kennard said.The other four commissioners are Chief Justice Lensley Wolfe and Senior Counsel Keith Knights of Jamaica; Senior Counsel Dana Seetahal of Trinidad and Tobago; and former Justice Claudette Singh, CCH, from Guyana.The Commission of Inquiry is one of several positions agreed upon in a series of closed door talks that the government, Region Ten administration and the opposition political parties held at the Office of the President.At a press conference on September 6,Wholesale Jerseys, Chief Justice Wolfe,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who chairs the Commission, said that all decisions made by the COI will be influenced solely by the evidence given under oath or affirmation by witnesses, as the situation will not be prejudged.
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發表於 2018-1-5 16:42  資料 私人訊息 
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Neville Williams,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, a\k Accra, of Charity,Cheap China Jerseys Authentic, a man known for his previous breaches with the law was sentenced to three years imprisonment by Magistrate Faith Mc Gusty.Williams who pleaded guilty to a charge of break and enter and larceny was unrepresented.According to the police between February 2 and February 3,Cheap NFL Jerseys, last,Cheap Jerseys Supply, Williams stole three pairs of jeans,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, a haversack,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, a hat and three T- shirts from vendor Cheryl Parks.The Prosecutor Gibson also told the court that Williams is a habitual cocaine user.Williams had previously appeared before Magistrate McGusty at the Charity Magistrate’s Court. On this occasion the magistrate advised him to use his custodial penalty to reform his character.Williams had asked the magistrate to assist him in staying off the road.When the sentence was imposed Williams responded, “Thank you.”Williams was charged before for three similar offences.
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發表於 2018-1-6 04:09  資料 私人訊息 
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Charylyn Stephens of Lot 172 Laing Avenue,Discount Football Jerseys, West Ruimveldt,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, is reportedly missing since TuesdayCharylyn StephensDecember 13,Wholesale Authentic NHL Jerseys, last. The father of the 15-year-old, Alfred Stephens, told this publication that his daughter returned home from school on Tuesday last, around 16:30hrs. The father said that he and his wife, Charyl Howell, left for work around the same time.One of his 18 children, Coretta, called them that same night and reportedly told them that Stephens and a boy went on a bicycle to go into East Ruimveldt. The 15-year-old has not returned home.It was also reported that she called her mother that Tuesday night,CHeap NFL Jerseys China, and reportedly told her that she was at a friend and that she will be sleeping over since it was raining and she couldn’t get home.Stephens has not been seen or heard from since. She was last seen with a flowered leggings and a blue jacket.Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Charylyn Stephens,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, is kindly asked to contact the nearest police station of her parents on: +592 653 0417,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, +592 671 9094, +592 658 2901 and +592 231 0926.
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發表於 2018-1-7 20:46  資料 私人訊息 
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President David Granger on Friday evening joined several Government Ministers,Minister of State,Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, Joseph Harmon (second from left) and the Minister of Agriculture Noel Holder (left) being greeted by Ambassador Zhang, his wife Liu Yiu and his interpreter.members of the Diplomatic Corps, Chinese nationals and members of the Opposition in bidding farewell to the Chinese Ambassador to Guyana, Zhang Limin at a cocktail reception held at the Chinese Embassy.President Granger commended Ambassador Zhang on his efforts towards the strengthening of relations between the Republic of China and the Cooperative Republic of Guyana. Guyana salutes his personal efforts to ensure the success of the projects and agreements between the two nations, he added.“Guyana welcomes the Embassy’s public diplomacy in making contributions to small and large national causes; from bicycles to laptops. Ambassador Zhang Limin has been relentless in expediting agreements, encouraging cultural relations, while watching over a growing community of Chinese nationals in Guyana. He has been an outstanding servant of his country,” the President said.He noted that Ambassador Zhang’s appointment, four years ago, energised Guyana-China relationship. This, he said, can be seen in the increased impetus to investment, trade and other forms of cooperation between the two countries.Chinese Ambassador to Guyana (second from left) receiving a plaque from the Ambassador of Russia to Guyana, Nikolay Smirnov on behalf of the Diplomatic Corps in Guyana as the Head of State David Granger (third from Left); Limin’s wife Liu Yiu; Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo; and Minister of Foreign Affairs Carl Greenidge cheer on.The President extended his gratitude to Ambassador Zhang and wished him and his wife Madame Liu Yiu,NFL Jerseys From China, a “long, happy and pleasant retirement”.Guyana and China established diplomatic relations on June 27, 1972, eight months after Guyana supported United Nations General Assembly Resolution No. 2758. This Resolution recognised the People’s Republic of China as “the only legitimate representative of China to the United Nations.”President Granger said that Guyana has enjoyed cordial relations with China for the past 44 years. These relations, he said, have been based on mutual respect for each other’s territorial integrity and sovereignty, mutual understanding,NBA Jerseys From China, cooperation for mutual benefit and non-interference in each other’s internal affairs.Zhang, through an interpreter, said he has worked in Guyana for four years during which, working relationships as well as friendship with Government leaders and many political figures in Guyana were developed.“I have taken part in advancing the development of the friendly cooperative relationship between China and Guyana, witnessing many fruitful results in the exchanges and cooperation in political, economical, cultural, agricultural, health and educational fields.”Zhang said that at present, the China-Latin America and the Caribbean Cooperation are increasingly closer. He added that only a few days ago, President Xi Jinping paid successful State visits to Ecuador,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Peru and Chile. Following that visit, the Chinese Government released the second China’s Policy Paper on Latin America and the Caribbean.A section of the gathering last Friday at the Chinese Embassy.Ambassador Zhang said that China and the Caribbean should make progress together since they are a community with a common destiny at the same developmental stage.He added that the deepening of the China-Latin America and the Caribbean cooperation is not only in the interest of both sides but also conducive to world peace,Wholesale China Jerseys, stability and prosperity.He added that that the China-Latin America and the Caribbean cooperation cannot develop without the friendly cooperation between China and Guyana.“Over the past several years, China and Guyana have developed increasingly closer political relations. The Heads of two countries held bilateral meetings and there were frequent exchanges of visits. Several Chinese Ministers visited Guyana with delegations and many Guyanese Ministers also visited China to conduct field studies or to attend conferences. These visits have enhanced our mutual understanding and furthered cooperation.”There were several achievements, Zhang said,Cheap Jerseys From China, that need to be applauded. The outgoing Ambassador said that bilateral trade grows steadily every year and more and more Chinese enterprises come to invest in Guyana and several important investment projects are finish or are still in progress.
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發表於 2018-1-7 21:03  資料 私人訊息 
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While his alleged killer was being arraigned in court yesterday, family, along with scores of friends and business associates of 40-year-old businessman Bedi Ramjewan, gathered at the slain man’s Industry Crown Dam residence to pay their last respects.Ramjewan was cremated after a very emotional farewell service, performed according to Hindu rights, in celebration of his life.During the entire ceremony his wife,Wholesale Jerseys, Nalini Ramjewan,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, and his mother Ilene,Cheap Jerseys, sat beside the casket bearing the remains,Cheap Jerseys From China, while a number of persons delivered heartfelt tributes. The eulogy was read by his cousin, Minister of Human Services and Social Security, Priya Manickchand.Among those paying tributes were Reverend Dr. Dale Bisnauth, of the Guyana Presbyterian Church, Mr. Tota Mangar, of the University of Guyana, a representative of the Guyana Flood Light Softball Cricket Association and Sheik Moenul Hack of the Central Islamic Organization of Guyana.On Wednesday,NFL Jerseys China, last,Cheap China Jerseys, Ramjewan was shot in the chest, and beaten in the head with a helmet, after he was cornered near his home by two men on a motorcycle.Ramjewan had left a commercial bank in the city, moments before the incident occurred.The businessman was heading home in his vehicle, PLL 1817, and had reached the junction of Crown Dam and the Railway Embankment, when the assailants blocked his path.An eyewitness recalled seeing the two gunmen earlier at the entrance to Crown Dam.According to the eyewitness, one of the men was armed with a handgun.“The one with the handgun jumped off the bike and started approaching Ramjewan’s vehicle,” the eyewitness added.The bandit reportedly went to the driver’s side of the vehicle and began hitting Ramjewan in the head with his helmet. Ramjewan attempted to drive off, but ended up in a nearby trench.Unconfirmed reports had suggested that the bandits managed to grab a black bag from the vehicle before fleeing.Kaieteur News was told by a senior police official that the suspect was picked out during an identification parade.Yesterday Edward Skeete, 23, was charged with Ramjewan’s murder after he appeared before Magistrate Judy Latchman at the Sparendaam Magistrate’s Court. He has since been remanded to prison until May 27.
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發表於 2018-1-8 09:55  資料 私人訊息 
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…more to come -Town Clerk City Hall has spent more than $131M to date as part of efforts to clean up the Capital City while incorporating a communities’ involvement approach and this will continue.Town Clerk Royston King and City Public Relations Officer (Ag) Debra Lewis engage residents of Charlestown on the clean up exercise in La Penitence Market and environs.City Town Clerk,Cheap Jerseys, Royston King,Supply Cheap Jerseys, who has dubbed the fairly new initiative a resounding success,Cheap Jerseys USA, said thus far some 72 communities have benefitted from that initiative which was contracted out to 50 contractors with specific stipulations.“That particular project was extremely successful in our estimation. So far we have spent $131M with respect to the community projects and we will continue to do it but at present we are waiting on some more releases from the public purse (Submission from the Treasury) so that we can involve other local community groups to do similar works in other parts of Georgetown.”King further informed that it is the Council’s belief that if persons are involved in cleaning their local area they will exercise more pride and ownership while policing to ensure that there would be less prevalence of a dirty city.This move is to ensure that more residents participate in cleaning their area. It will also help us to do better at sustaining what we are doing in these local communities. This project,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, he said,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, is one being undertaken aside from the direct capital projects being undertaken by City Hall through private large scale contractors.Last weekend the Town Clerk and a team visited the Charlestown area on Saffon Street where one of several direct works was being completed to accommodate vendors who ply their trade on the road way in the vicinity of La Penitence market especially at weekends.“We are moving to clear a plot of land directly opposite the La Penitence Market to accommodate those persons who normally take over the road way and leave the drains and? road way clogged and we will also be moving to other areas shortly to ensure that the entire city is clean and green,NFL Jerseys From China,” King explained.
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發表於 2018-1-8 14:17  資料 私人訊息 
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Although the onus remains on individuals to seek crucial medical care in a timely manner, there is a need for more awareness campaigns in order to effectively combat the impact of heart disease.This observation was made by Medical Director and Consultant Cardiologist of the Caribbean Heart Institute (CHI), Dr. Mahendra Carpen.CHI’s Dr. Mahendra CarpenHis disclosure comes in light of the fact that the institution has seen a growing volume of new heart disease cases.“We have looked at some of the work that we have done over the last five years, and we have seen at least one-third of the volumes that we have done in the last five years in just the past eight months here,” disclosed Dr. Carpen.This existing state of affairs will be elaborated on this week when Dr. Carpen attends the 28th Caribbean Cardiac Society scientific conference in Curacao. The meeting will span the period July 24 through July 27,Wholesale Jerseys China, 2013, during which time he will make two oral presentations that will later be developed into scientific papers for eventual publication.According to Dr. Carpen, the CHI nurses,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, who number 12,Cheap NFL Jerseys, were instrumental in collecting the revealing data.The Interventional Cardiologist said that there are several things that can contribute to heart disease in Guyana, the main ones being the population’s natural predisposition to the disease combined with a sedentary lifestyle and an increasingly bad diet.Moreover, Dr. Carpen said, “We tend to have all of the factors combined to produce really significant heart disease cases.”Several patients seen at CHI are found to have diabetes, hypertension or both and those, Dr. Carpen said, are the biggest factors when it comes to the development of heart disease. Then there is the genetic predisposition in some patients who have smaller blood vessels around the heart.These factors all lead to higher rates of heart disease here, which according to the Interventional Cardiologist is something that really must be addressed at the national level.“We have to have awareness campaigns because people should not take their symptoms lightly…It is a very customary thing for at risk patients to have chest pains and think ‘oh maybe it is gas,Wholesale China Jerseys, I will drink a cup of hot tea and feel better’. Then two days later they come into the hospital with really big heart attacks and really severe stages of the disease,” lamented Dr. Carpen.He underscored the importance of patients’ education so that they could recognise their symptoms for what it is and seek appropriate care in a timely manner.The vast majority of patients opt to visit the CHI at the advanced stage of their disease,NFL Jerseys China, adding that very few people seek medical care early enough so that they could be monitored over a few years period.But this dilemma, according to Dr. Carpen, is certainly not unique to Guyana. “It is probably much more common in first world countries than has been reported but at least they have systems where you have primary care physicians taking care of patients for a number of years before they reach to specialists who address end organ types of diseases,” he noted.The increasing number of cases is indicative of the fact that there have been inefficient early prevention and recognition health care strategies. Early prevention strategies, he explained, is the ideal way to go whereby patients are screened appropriately at an early stage.“Unfortunately people keep waiting until they feel sick before they come to the doctor since there is not really an overwhelming culture of annual screening and routine checks so that doctors could pick up these issues,holesale Soccer Jerseys,” said. Dr Carpen.And although patients have a responsibility for their own health, he added that “the health care professionals who know better also have a significant role to play in trying to get patients appropriately managed once they seek medical care.”Management of patients is not only crucial for prevention but to help improve patients’ life after they would have been diagnosed and treated, stated the CHI cardiac specialist.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2018-1-8 18:34  資料 私人訊息 
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Angry residents of Laing Avenue are calling on the relevant authorities to properly investigate the circumstances surrounding the unlawful search of Alisha Shortt’s home.The woman, who resides at 144 Laing Avenue,Cheap Jerseys From China, had her house searched and ransacked by members of the Guyana Police Force,Cheap NFL Jerseys, yesterday.Shortt,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, who was not at home at the time of the search, said that the police said that they were informed that a wanted man was living at the premises.Shortt said that she was informed by her neighbours that the police came to her house around 8:00am yesterday just after she had left to take her children to school.The woman explained that her front and back doors were broken down by the police. She is also alleging that the police stole a DVD player,Soccer World Cup Jerseys, one touch screen cell phone, her passport, $10,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping,000 in local currency and a quantity of foodstuff.She further stated that the policemen ransacked the two bedrooms, kitchen and living room. Both beds in each room were broken.“I want de police tell me is where my two children going to sleep because they can’t sleep on de ground because the children suffering from asthma” Shortt explained.She explained to this newspaper that her reputed husband has a brother who was recently released from prison.“Meh child father brother just come out of jail and they say he living here,Cheap Soccer Jerseys For Sale, but he don’t be here” Shortt explained.The woman went on record stating that she hasn’t seen her brother-in-law since his release from prison. Police sources have also confirmed that two persons were arrested and taken into custody.? Up to press time the persons were assisting with investigations.Police sources yesterday told this newspaper that the search was in connection with Thursday night’s robbery that left one bandit dead and an employee of a private security firm nursing a gunshot wound to the elbow.
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UID 1873
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註冊 2017-10-30
用戶註冊天數 2438
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發表於 2018-1-9 05:49  資料 私人訊息 
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A Venezuelan national,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, who had in his possession an unlicenced firearm and ammunition,Wholesale Jerseys China, was yesterday remanded after he pleaded not guilty to the offence.When Oswaldo Mansoul Flores Montilla appeared before Magistrate Hazel Octive-Hamilton at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court he was told that the police have alleged that on July 20 at Eteringbang,Wholesale Authentic NHL Jerseys, Cuyuni River he had in his possession one .38 revolver and 12 live matching rounds of .38 ammunition without being the holder of a firearm licence in force at the time.Police Prosecutor Venetta Pindar made a successful application for the defendant to be remanded and for the matter to be heard at the Kamarang Magistrate’s Court. Montilla is expected to make his next court appearance on September 19.
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UID 1856
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註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2475
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發表於 2018-1-9 16:10  資料 私人訊息 
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–? Financial expertBy Keeran DannyGovernment’s propensity for irresponsible borrowing and the likely absence of a demonstrated debt policy are troubling factors that legislators should consider before significantly increasing the external debt ceiling from $1B to $150B, say financial experts.Within recent weeks, more so since the developments in the National Assembly last Thursday,Cheap MLS Jerseys, increasing the debt ceiling to allow Government to guarantee loans for public corporations and companies has been topical.Chartered Accountant, Christopher RamIn early June, it was reported that Government was looking to increase the limit on total guarantees that can be issued under the Guarantee of Loans (Public Corporations and Companies) Act.According to the Ministry of Finance, the proposed increase in the guarantee limit follows on the commitment to the Amaila Falls Hydroelectric Project, which will cost at least US$840M.The increase seeks to guarantee that the Guyana Power and Light Inc. (GPL) honours its financial commitments under the Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) to be entered into between the Power Company and Amaila Falls Hydro Inc. (AFHI).Under the PPA, GPL commits to purchase the power from Amaila for an average annual capacity payment.According to one financial expert aligned to an Opposition Party in the National Assembly, the Guarantee of Loans (Public Corporations and Companies) Act authorizes and empowers the? Government to guarantee that it will repay or provide coverage for moneys borrowed by Government for itself or national entities if they default.“For example, if a Government Corporation or Government Company wants a loan from an international financial institution, the Government can guarantee that loan. Now if that company cannot repay the loan, for whatever reason, Government would have to repay plus Government would have to repay the loans it took for national projects.”The expert explained that there is nothing wrong with a Government wanting to increase the debt ceiling. But,NFL Jerseys Outlet, the drastic increase from $1B to $150B is what is troubling some Members of Parliament.“When Government approaches the National Assembly to increase the debt ceiling, it does not have to present specific entities and loans that would be guaranteed. In fact,Cheap Jerseys, the ceiling that is usually requested is far above whatever is currently required. In 1973, the External Loans Act was passed for the purpose of waiving loans outside of Guyana, for the purpose of financing the general development of Guyana. That ceiling was $500M and increased in 1991 to $400B.”According to the expert, the debt ceiling itself is not an indicator for people to be alarmed about but the amount requested is.“This is an indicator that Government may not be coming back to the National Assembly to request an increase in the debt ceiling for quite awhile.”It was noted that during Finance Minister Dr. Ashni Singh’s hour-long presentation to the House he did not explain the drastic increase.“Nobody needs to argue with the increase, but Government should explain why…what the rationale behind such significant increase is,” the expert stated.“Government needs to appoint Boards that ensure that all projects are viable by way of proper due diligence before even considering guaranteeing any loans taken to fund the projects. The lack of a debt policy of Government for Guyana is a very troubling factor in this scenario. Government needs to have set criteria for which loans would be accessed, whether loans would be sourced from commercial financial institutions or countries, and Guyana’s capacity to repay loans. Having a debt policy would help Government to not over borrow or guarantee more loans than it could repay,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic,” the expert said in conclusion.Sharing similar views on the matter, Chartered Accountant Christopher Ram said had he not been aware of Government’s tendency for poorly thought out spending? such as the CJIA expansion, Skeldon Project, Marriott Hotel, Amaila Falls Road project and the Specialty Hospital,Air Max 97, he would have no difficulty with an increase in the debt ceiling.“Given its track record,Authentic MLB Jerseys Online, I would have some difficulty in the absence of strict guidelines to endorse any opportunity or facility that allows for more borrowing,” Ram said.According to Ram, borrowing foreign exchange can have a positive impact on the economy if it is spent locally and/or it will generate foreign exchange earnings.? But, foreign loans to finance foreign-sourced capital expenditure and not producing foreign exchange can have the opposite effect on the economy.
Rank: 1

UID 1856
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2018-1-12 01:07  資料 私人訊息 
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– says mom battling cancer To many, being told that your illness is in its final stage and there’s nothing left to do, is the ultimate breaking point. Depression sinks in, faith deteriorates and the little sanity that remains is like dust in the wind.But that is not the case with 53-year-old Desiree Kalamadeen, of 573 South Cummings Lodge. She is prepared to fight. And with faith and courage by her side, the mother of five has every intention, by all means possible,Wholesale NFL Jerseys USA, to prevent breast cancer from shortening the years of her life.“I am prepared to fight. I am not afraid and I want to tell other women like myself that they too do not have to be afraid. I am not ashamed or afraid of my sickness; you must have courage…and faith.”? Kalamadeen sat with Kaieteur News on Saturday to tell her story because she said almost daily one hears of cancer and the different types that exist,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, but the seriousness or the effects of the disease is not recognized until it hits home, “and that is why I can tell my story.”Kalamadeen said it all started with a lump in her right breast. Towards the end of 2010, she said the irregularity with her breast was noticed and as time passed, the lump seemed to be getting larger. Over time, it then began to ooze and as she described it, “became very awful.”On her first visit to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Kalamadeen said she was advised to take an ultrasound. This she did, as well as having a mammogram at the East Bank Demerara Regional Hospital.Kalamadeen and her loving daughter at homeThe test however showed nothing and doctors now recommended that a needle biopsy be performed. At that time, the doctor to perform the test was out of the country and to have it done elsewhere was too expensive.The fight, she said, continued when the doctor returned about a month later, but the biopsy test too came back negative for cancer. For almost three months Kalamadeen had to consume antibiotics, but during that time, she said the breast got worse. “It got harder and harder although there was no pain.”Following that, doctors now recommended that the 53-year-old quit her job as her illness would not permit her to continue with her cooking job. The pressure mounted, Kalamadeen indicated, as her second daughter, Onise Solomon, had the full burden of the home along with having to raise her two kids since the passing of her husband eight years ago.Another needle biopsy test was recommended, Kalamadeen recalled. This time she was admitted to the hospital on February 21, 2011. When the test results came seven weeks later she said that she took it to her doctor and remembers those grave words: “It is too big. Last stage; It won’t get better.”Kalamadeen said that she remembered saying,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, “No doctor, not by the grace of God.”? She said that subsequent to that she started chemotherapy. To her,China Jerseys, it is the worst of the healing process, Kalamadeen told Kaieteur News.“I had long beautiful hair, but ‘chemo’ makes your hair drop off and your hands and feet black.”As she showed her hands and feet, Kalamadeen recalled the times when her palms and insteps were black, but now, she said it is slowly regaining its natural colour. She remembered how awful but necessary the treatment was, despite the vomiting, the hair loss and various other side effects.After Chemo, Kalamadeen said that the breast started to get soft once again. By that time, she said she was already receiving treatment at the Guyana Cancer Institute where she underwent six cycles of chemotheraphy.Subsequent to that, Kalamadeen said the inevitable came. Her doctor informed her that the breast was to be removed. Not knowing what to expect, Kalamadeen remembered gearing herself to have her right breast removed, vowing to be courageous and desperate to not have breast cancer take her life.In the fourth stage of her illness, Kalamadeen said she was admitted to the hospital where the regular heart, lung and chest inspection was performed, “And by the grace of God everything was clear and okay to have the operation.”Following the removal of the breast, Kalamadeen underwent four more cycles of Chemotherapy, along with other recommended medication. She is now gearing for Beam Radiation Therapy which is scheduled for the coming weeks.? After conducting more internal testing Kalamadeen is in the clear for the radiation therapy and there is no fear, she said.“I am happy to do it. If it will make me healthy I have no problem with it,” she told Kaieteur News.? “I have faith that God will come through for me as he has before and I will get better.”When