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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-16 00:18  資料 私人訊息 
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– electrical appliances, cell phones among items verified for compliance ?Over 634 scales, 752 masses, six measures and 88 rules were seized and removed by the Guyana National Bureau of Standards during several inspections last year.For 2012, the GNBS was successful in conducting a total of 1450 inspections at the Ports-of-entry and 893 at importers’ warehouses.Commodities examined were mainly new and used tyres, electrical appliances,China NFL Jerseys, fertilisers,Wholesale China Jerseys, toys,Cheap Jerseys NFL, furniture, cell phones, footwear, garments, PVP pipes, safety matches, soap powder, Christmas trees, decorative lighting outfits and gas stoves. The Standards agency noted that the commodities were examined to determine compliance with their respective national standards and were found to be generally in compliance. However, commodities which were not in compliance with their respective National Standards were placed on hold pending corrective actions and were subsequently released.During the year under review, the GNBS continued the verification of new, locally-manufactured and imported devices submitted for approval, resulting in a quantity of 1, 272 scales, 3,Cheap Football Jerseys,077 masses, three measures, 20 rules and 2, 300 electricity meters being initially verified for accuracy. At filling stations and bulk terminals 1, 649 petrol pumps, 269 flow meters,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, 107 wagon compartments and 55 storage tanks were verified.Inspectors also conducted surveillance activities and visited 6,533 stalls/premises countrywide to ensure that all weighing and measuring devices used in commercial trade were verified and stamped. The execution of verification activities along with weights and measures surveillance inspections by the GNBS is pivotal in providing consumer protection and equity in trade. It ensures that devices used in trade and commerce are in an acceptable working condition and are working accurately.In addition, the Bureau successfully completed 147 verifications on weighbridge scales used at sugar estates,Cheap Jerseys From China, rice industry and retail sectors and 93 Test Masses for the year 2012. Devices which were inaccurate were repaired and re-verified to ensure accuracy is maintained.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-12-16 02:15  資料 私人訊息 
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– places her in rocking chair with broken foot By Latoya Giles Relatives of 78-year-old Eileen August are appealing to the police to track down a callous driver who failed to take her to hospital after knocking her down.Mrs. August,Cheap Jerseys From China Online, of 704 West Ruimveldt, sustained a broke femur,NFL Jerseys For Sale, a broken leg and abrasions after being struck down on July 27, in the vicinity of Norton Street and Cemetery Road.She has been admitted to the Georgetown Public Hospital High DependeThe elderly woman yesterday at the hospital…ncy Unit.Mrs. August told Kaieteur News that she was walking towards Bourda Market.She said that she was near Norton Street when the driver struck her from behind. The woman said that after being struck down the driver whom she described as “tall and dark skinned” placed her in the vehicle.Mrs. August said that the young man began asking her questions about where she was heading before the accident occurred.“I tell he that I was going to Bourda Market to buy meh li’l greens and he seh that he gon buy it.”She said that the young man took her to the market and bought the items that she requested but,China NFL Jerseys, the elderly woman still requested to be taken to the hospital.However, against her will, the driver who had his “own mother” in the vehicle said that he needed to go his grandmother’s funeral instead.“De li’l boy and he mother were in the vehicle and they carry me by Sandy’s Funeral Home and tell me stay in de car like if I could have gone somewhere,Nike Air Max 97 Womens Sale,” the elderly woman explained.She said that after the funeral ended the driver continued to question her about her family.“I tell de li’l boy that I got me only son living in Canada and he ask me for the number to call meh son”.The woman said that the driver of the vehicle took her to the internet caf? and made a call to her son informing him about the accident.“I hear he calling somebody but I really don’t know if he called my son,” August said.She said that after the driver allegedly made the call to her son he then took her home and placed her into her “rocking chair” and left her there.The woman remained there until late Thursday night when relatives went looking for her.A relative who was at the hospital told this newspaper that August’s son kept calling and after he got no response,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, the young man then called relatives and asked them to check on the woman’s condition after fearing something was amiss.Relatives got the shock of their lives when they found August lying on the ground.The relatives further told this newspaper that even though the woman lives with a niece it didn’t make a difference because the niece is “mentally retarded”.The niece cannot talk, but she did hint to them that she brought August some water when she requested it. The same niece also brought the woman’s kerosene stove to the rocking chair and they cooked a meal which lasted for a few days.However, although sustaining a broken femur bone and left leg among other injuries, the woman was still in high spirits.August said, “I just looking at this accident as a vacation because I does work real hard.”She said that the doctors and nurses are giving her the best care, and she wouldn’t have preferred to have gone elsewhere.The woman said that she can identify the driver once she sees him. “I just want him to come in let the law take it’s course.Relatives however are worried that the hospital does not have a bone specialist at this time.The bone specialist is expected to return within another three weeks,Cheap MLB Jerseys, and August’s relatives are of the option that the woman could lose her leg.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-12-16 13:02  資料 私人訊息 
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A 65-year-old man,cheap jerseys, Mohid Wahab,NHL Jerseys Authentic, a resident of No. 72 Village,Wholesale China Jerseys, Corentyne is the latest road fatality in Berbice.Wahab was killed around 08:10 hrs Saturday when the truck he was driving slammed into the back of a parked lorry on the No. 56 Public Road, Corentyne.According to information, Wahab is a greens vendor who would purchase a lot of produce and take them to the Port Mourant market in his lorry to sell.KNews understands that Wahab and his assistant Turaj Hemchand,wholesale nfl jerseys, 17, of No.76 Village were in the vehicle at the time of the accident.Wahab allegedly began to pack pumpkins on his truck around 20:00 hrs on Friday and left his No. 72 Village home along with Hemchand around 21:30 hours and proceeded to Port Mourant and spent the entire evening selling his produce.The following morning, Wahab was heading home when he apparently fell asleep and slammed into the back of another lorry GMM 3455,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, belonging to Jagdesh Dewant of No. 56 Village which was parked on the opposite side of the road.As a result of the accident,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, Wahab was pinned in the vehicle and residents took a while to free him.He and Hemchand were subsequently rushed to the Skeldon Hospital where Wahab was pronounced dead on arrival.At the moment, the road fatality figure for Berbice stands at three in comparison to four for the corresponding period last year.One of this year’s fatal accidents involved a 15 year old who was driving a vehicle around 03:00 hrs in the morning.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-19 17:35  資料 私人訊息 
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Up to late last night doctors at the Georgetown Hospital were battling to save the life of a mini bus driver who was shot at point blank range in the face by a lone gunman in what appears to be an execution attempt.Devon Searles of 73 Hadfield Street received a single gunshot to his left side jaw when the gunman who was sitting behind him in the route 40 mini bus he was driving pointed a .38 revolver at his head and pulled the trigger.Clutching his jaw, Searles hurriedly exited the bus and ran several meters away to avoid being shot again.The bus had stopped near the David and Sherriff Street junction to put off a passenger when the gunman made his move around 18:40 hours.The gunman made no attempt to shoot or rob the conductor of the bus although he was sitting next to him and pointed the gun in his direction after shooting the driver.With the gun pointing to his head,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, the conductor bolted from the vehicle, leaving behind eight horrified passengers and some shocked onlookers.Speaking to this newspaper, the bus conductor, who did not wish to give his name, recalled that the gunman had joined the bus from the Kitty bus park at the Stabroek Market.According to the conductor, the man sat next to him and rode the bus for the entire round trip from the market to Kitty and back, without he nor the driver thinking anything was amiss.“I turn and ask he ‘whappen, you ain’t paying me?’ He give me $120 and say he going up back again,” the conductor said.Even then, Searles nor his conductor suspected anything,nfl jerseys china, since none of them recognized the gunman.When the bus neared the stop light at the David and Sherriff Street corner, a passenger requested to be let off.“When I buss de door and de passengers come out now,Cheap Jerseys Store, all I hear is,Wholesale Jerseys China, pow! When I turn now,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, I see de gun in front ah me face and I run,” the bus conductor said.By the time,Wholesale Jerseys USA, the wounded Searles also ran out of the bus.“When I run around at de back of de bus, I see de driver jump out same time, me and he cross-cross. But me ain’t know whey he run,” the conductor said.At the time he was not too sure who the gunman’s target was, since out of fear for his life he bolted and did not look back.“While he running I see he (driver) holding he jaw and I suspect that he get knock. Is when I come back to de bus now and I call I hear he deh at de hospital bleeding bad.”He could not say if the driver and the assailant had any previous altercation, since according to him, he only started working with Searles yesterday afternoon.It is not clear if the shooting had anything to do with Searles’ previous brush with the law. The 32 year old Searles was charged in December 2013 for his alleged involved in the theft of two cars the previous month.Back then, it was alleged that on November 15 at Lusignan, East Coast Demerara, he robbed Sanjay Babulall of two motorcars, an Allion and a Primo, together valued $6.3 million, property of Robena Khan.The Police prosecutor had told the court that on the day in question, two men robbed Babulall of two motorcars at Selena’s Auto sales at Lusignan and during the robbery they made use of personal violence against the victim.The prosecutor stated that the Allion was recovered at Lusignan, and acting on information received, the police arrested Searles, who admitted to taking the Primo to a mechanic.However, Searles’ attorney told the court that at the time of the robbery, her client was working on a minibus and had eyewitnesses to prove such.Searles was remanded to prison but was subsequently granted bail.It is not clear what was the outcome of that matter which was being heard at the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-21 10:08  資料 私人訊息 
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The Guyana Water Incorporated (GWI) is working to arrest problems with its sewage system, which according to Public Relations Officer,Cheap Jerseys USA, Rawle Aaron, is overwhelmed by the increasing number of households utilising it.Aaron yesterday disclosed that the sewage system, which was commissioned in 1929, was designed to facilitate 24 pump stations. He however pointed out that only eight of the pumps are currently working thus seriously affecting the ability to move sewage through the network.In addition, Aaron said that the failure of the system has been linked to the overpopulation of the city, adding that at construction it was intended to be utilised by a mere 20,000 households.“The population in Georgetown has increased tremendously over the years causing the sewage system to become overworked.Coupled with being overworked, there is also the situation of the system being aged,” Aaron highlighted.And since the system is driven by gravity flow, when materials enter the system they can only move by gravity to the main chambers at which point the pumps activate,Cheap Jerseys 2018, he said.However, misuse of the system has become a serious problem,China Jerseys Cheap, Aaron noted. He said that foreign materials,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys Authentic, the likes of dead animals, coconut shells,Nike Air Max 97 Silver Bullet Australia, sewing machines, sanitary napkins and pampers, have been constantly entering the system.“I think that the system is seriously being abused. If persons are operating restaurants and they do not use grease traps the grease clogs up the system and prevent the gravity mechanism from working…So the actual waste does not get a chance to get to the area to be pumped out,China Jerseys Cheap,” Aaron said.He pointed to the urgent need for persons to be sensitised of the proper usage of the sewage system, adding that the Public Relations Department will soon be taking information to the people.“We will go to the communities in Georgetown and talk to residents about water and sewage in a drive to educate them. We believe that if we have a more educated population then they will have more respect for our system and will not damage it.”The water company earlier this year inked a US$422,560 contract with FCT Technologies Incorporated of Miami, Florida, for the supply of 28 submersible wastewater pumps for the upgrade of the sewage systems in the city.Yesterday Aaron said that the pumps have already been procured and will soon be installed.He said that once the installation process is completed the number of overflows and blockages experienced by GWI customers will drastically decrease once residents are prepared to modify their current culture.In the interim he noted, “We are asking our customers who are affected to bear with us because we have to have contractors come directly to their locations and deal with the multiplicity of complaints we get every day.”Aaron asserted though that while GWI technical staffers are fatigued as it relates to the response process every measure will be implemented to ensure that the problem will be corrected in the not too distant future.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-21 12:13  資料 私人訊息 
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… stands at US$1.7B in March 2012Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni SinghAFC’s MP,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Moses NagamootooGuyana’s total public debt at March last year was a whopping US$1.7B, slightly less than the US$2.1B at 1992 when the government assumed office.Over the years,Discount NFL Jerseys, the government, through lobbying efforts and other economic measures, had secured several debt write offs to the tune of nearly 75 per cent of the total debt which had grown significantly because of the unpaid interest charges.Based on questions from Member of Parliament, Moses Nagamootoo of the Alliance For Change, the smaller of the two parties in the Opposition, Finance Minister, Dr. Ashni Singh on Thursday released figures on Guyana’s debts.Nagamootoo had asked a question seeking the total public debt- both local and foreign- in the US and Guyana dollars equivalent, as at September 30, 1992.According to the Minister, at September 30, 1992,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, it was US$2,Cheap Jerseys,087.99 M (US$2.09B). At that time the exchange rate for the US dollar was G$126. The debt was equivalent to G$263,086M.This contrasted to March 31, 2012 when total public debt stood at US$1.743B at an exchange rate of G$204 to US$1. This was equivalent to G$355,580M.Since assuming power in 1992,China NBA Jerseys, the People’s Progressive Party/Civic (PPP/C) has succeeded in getting some of its biggest debts written off by the US, Russia, Europe, Canada China and Libya.This was to the tune of hundreds of millions of US dollars. The figures would suggest that Guyana has been borrowing more. In addition to several roads and sea defence projects, government is also paying back for the Skeldon Factory and a host of other initiatives.According to Minister Singh, the total public debt stock at December 31, 2010 stood at $312,180.26M at an exchange rate of $203.50 for US$1.“The amount of $338,432.786M cited in the question, is sourced from the central government statement of the public debt as included in the report of the Auditor General for the year ended December 31,Cheap Basketball Jerseys, 2010.”The Minister said that because the statement relates to the Central Government, the amount shown would have included debts owed by the Central Government to other public sector agencies, principally debentures issued by the central government to the Bank of Guyana. It would have excluded debts owed by the Bank of Guyana and other parastatal agencies.As at December 31, 2010, the total public debt stock stood at $350,574.81M…at an exchange rate of $203 to US$1.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-21 14:12  資料 私人訊息 
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The Joint Services are now equipped with an additional 24 Human Rights’ Trainers. ???This follows a one week Trainer of Trainers’ Course conducted by the International Committee of the Red Cross (I.C.R.C) for members of the Guyana Police Force and the Guyana Defence Force.Participants and officialsConducted from October 26 – 30, 2015 at the Police Officers’ Training Centre, the course saw the participants in attendance numbering 14 from the Guyana Police Force and 10 from the Guyana Defence Force.Some of the subject areas covered during the training course included International Law and International Human Rights Law,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Law Enforcement Functions and Responsibilities, Law Enforcement Powers, Command, Control and Accountability and Situations of Armed Conflict.The participants also used case study from Guyana’s position and applied the local and international laws and best practices.The I.C.R.C delegation during its visit to Guyana prior to the National and Regional Elections, had engaged the Joint Services, and looked at local joint protocols, standard operating procedures and international best practices when respecting Human Rights while carrying out their mandates and responsibilities, to serve and protect.The delegation was reportedly highly impressed and convinced that both services,Cheap Jerseys Store, during their internal security posture and separate activities,Wholesale Jerseys, do have correct mechanism established to observe and respect human rights.However, it was noted that there were shortage of Trainers.Most of the Trainers have retired or are deceased, including Senior Superintendent Patrick Robin, Inspector Edward Greene and the late Assistant Commissioner Derick Josiah.The last two internationally trained Human Rights’ Trainers within the Guyana Police Force are Senior Superintendent Paul Williams (Force Training Officer) and Assistant Superintendent Angela Harding,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, who were trained in ?2008 in Barbados.This recent course, has created history within the Guyana Police Force,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, since it is the first of its kind where both Police and the Army would have trained jointly on the International Rules and Standards for Policing by the International Committee of Red Cross.The Guyana Police Force in a press statement, expressed thanks to the President of the International Committee of Red Cross (I.C.R.C.), Ms. Alexandra Ortiz, the Trainers,Cheap Jerseys USA, Mr. Taney Husty President of G.R.C.S and Mrs. Dorithy Fraser Director of G.R.C.S, also the Chief-of-Staff for allowing his ranks to be recipients of this important training.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-12-22 18:04  資料 私人訊息 
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Today Barticians will be observing the fifth anniversary of the Bartica Massacre. A programme in remembrance of those who died will include a wreath laying ceremony at the Monument of Hope as well as services in churches in the community.Region Seven Chairman,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, Gordon Bradford, has said that he is occasionally deeply disturbed by the lack of closure on the Bartica massacre on February 17, five years ago.“For me as a Bartician, I am firmly of the view that we should never let this heinous event pass from our memory.”“As Regional Chairman as well as a resident, I must say that I am still not satisfied that closure has been achieved. I don’t know why.”“The best way to honour them is to ensure that nothing like this ever happens to anyone else in Bartica or anywhere else in Guyana.”On Sunday night, February 17, 2008, a number of gunmen attacked the mining community of Bartica, killing 12 residents and injuring several others.A narrative of the event goes that the group of about 20 armed gunmen arrived at Bartica by speedboat.They landed at the Transport and Harbours wharf around 10pm on Sunday night.They attacked the Bartica Police Station,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, where they killed Lance Corporal Zaheer Zakir, Constable Shane Fredericks and Constable Ron Osborne.After murdering the three police ranks, the gang stole cash,MLB Jerseys From China, arms, ammunition and a vehicle from the police station.Using the stolen police vehicle, they drove through the streets of Bartica shooting at civilians, fatally wounding Irwin Gilkes.They then proceeded to CBR Mining Camp, where they killed Irving Ferreira, stole arms and ammunition,NFL Jerseys Cheap China, and removed two safes containing cash and gold.They next shot and killed Dexter Adrian before returning to the wharf. At the wharf, they executed Abdool Yassin Jr, Deonarine Singh,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys, Errol Thomas, Ronald Gomes, Baldeo Singh and Ashraf Khan.After their one hour rampage,Wholesale Jerseys From China, the gunmen departed Bartica by boat.Security Forces attributed the massacre to a gang led by notorious criminal Rondell “Fineman” Rawlins.
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發表於 2017-12-26 21:01  資料 私人訊息 
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Health Minister Dr Leslie Ramsammy has said that Guyana has worked hard over the past decade to tackle the scourge of HIV/AIDS. He added that with the reduced prevalence the country can now purchase better quality drugs to treat infected persons.Dr Ramsammy recently told media operatives that when Guyana wrote for grants years ago the projections were much higher.“We are using newer and more state-of-the-art medicine,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys,” Dr Ramsammy said.He reiterated that the same drug regimen being used in the United States of America as the first line drugs is being used in Guyana.Dr Ramsammy added that the programme is now maturing and soon Guyana will face the same problem that the USA faced in the mid-90s when people started getting resistant to the drugs“In another five years we will have to go to newer medicine which will be even more expensive.”Ramsammy said that this is something he has been preaching over the years but added that Guyana does not have nor gets all the money it needs.He pointed out that in other countries persons would have to pay for an HIV test but in Guyana it is done for free. The reagents used in the tests are very expensive.Dr Ramsammy said that there was no dishonesty on the part of the Ministry as it relates to the purchase of the Anti Retroviral (ARV) drugs used to treat infected persons in Guyana as well as with the procurement of the tests.“Guyana worked hard to reduce the prevalence…Before I became Minister the prevalence was reported to be three to five per cent.” The true figure was much less.He lamented the fact that at time 150 babies born infected and as much as 800 pregnant women were affected adding that these days it is only about a 100 and about three to five babies born infected.Speaking to the issue of whether officials at the Ministry could siphon off monies received for the purchase of ARVs Dr Ramsammy said that Guyana never had direct access to the money.“Its Global Fund and PEPFAR… The money is not put in our hands. We get the money when we have to pay the money…It goes directly to suppliers.”Dr Ramsammy stressed that when the Ministry of Health applies for grants it does not know how much the country really needs given that “we are applying based on projections that can change.”He added,Cheap NFL Shop, “If we don’t use the resources the money goes back to World Bank.”The Health Minister further added that the money can’t be spent on anything other than what it is intended. Of course there are instances of budgeted funding. He added that in cases where all the money is not used,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Guyana has been known to apply to the institutions to change the budget line and the adjustments were made.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-28 12:46  資料 私人訊息 
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-Deputy Prison Director’s leave exendedPrisoners of the Camp Street jail were yesterday returned to their cells during a visit by the Director of Prisons Carl Graham, a source close to matter revealed.One prison officer indicated that the prison keys were returned to the prison officers, yesterday, and the prisoners were ordered into their cells.This,Air Max 97 Buy Online, the source stated, occurred because Graham visited the jail and spoke to everyone—both the prisoners and the wardens. The officer opined that had he done this earlier the situation at the prison would not have escalated. The officer added that Graham instructed the wardens to continue working and that the situation will be changed.Graham, however, had denied that the keys were in the hands of the inmates, stating that the rumours were being peddled to further ignite the situation at the prison after the unrest in March.On Thursday, tension in the prison rose after prisoners were given the keys and were allowed to roam free in the jail yard. This caused 42 prison officers to send in sick leave certificates in fear for their lives.President David Granger, last week, had ordered security to be beefed up at the prison during an emergency meeting of the National Security Committee at the Ministry of Presidency. He called for the police and the army to secure the jail.Director of Prisons (Ag) Carl Graham was forced to seek replacements from the Timehri and Lusignan Prisons and from the Administration Division at the Camp Street Prison in order to keep the situation under control.President Granger had instructed that the outer cordons of the prison be extended to include D’Urban, John and Bent Streets,Nike Men Air Max 97, which will be blocked off to the public except for persons residing within those areas, as is done on Camp Street.The Guyana Police Force was ordered to assist Prison Officers in manning the Camp Street facility and the Guyana Defence Force to assist in guarding the outer cordons of its precincts.? On Friday, 12 soldiers were seen guarding the four points of the prison, along with police.Since the deadly prison unrest in March,Air Max 97 Silver Bullet 2018, the committee heard that inmates have become brazen in exposing their weapons, while behaving much more aggressively toward prison wardens. Thus, the officers, being fearful for their lives, have decided to stay away.The source indicated that policemen are inside the prison, helping the wardens to control the situation.This newspaper was informed that the wardens are frustrated because they feel nothing is being done to protect them. The officer related that on Thursday, the keys to the prison were handed over to inmates by a fellow officer. Since then,Air Max 1 Atmos For Sale, the officer said, the prison yard became crowded with prisoners.“They came out of their cells and went into the tuck shop and bought $17,500 in ration. When they were finished they went into the kitchen and cook their own food. Cobra, who is a high profile prisoner,Aaron Ramsey Arsenal Jersey UK, is the ring leader and he was seen making an egg sandwich in the kitchen,” the officer said.The officer,Nike Air Vapor Max Flyknit, in tears, had indicated that there was no prison officer left in the prison. “We are all afraid to go in because we cannot talk to them and they have cutlasses and jookas.”“If Samuels was here none of this would be happening. Right now the female officers cannot go into the prison because they were told that they would be sodomized if they do. I just want them to show the video of the day of the riot…is the prisoners who are causing all of this. They were told to come out but they lock the door and let the fire burn,” the officer stated.Deputy Director of Prisons Gladwin Samuels was sent on six weeks of leave following the prison unrest. However, this newspaper was informed that Samuels was served with another letter this time to proceed on administrative leave. The duration of the leave is unknown at this moment. Samuels was expected to return to work on Monday.The prison unrest left seventeen prisoners dead and several others injured. The deadly fire was started by inmates housed in the Capital Offences section of the prison during the riot. It is believed that the men were burnt to death.There are reports of an upsurge in cases of marijuana being thrown over the prison fences and instances where prisoners would spit on wardens and throw faeces and urine on them. It was reported that 80% of the prisoners were in possession of weapons.
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發表於 2017-12-29 13:36  資料 私人訊息 
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Police have detained a Norton Street, Wortmanville resident in connection with Wednesday’s shooting death of 47-year-old Allan Lloyd Profitt.There are reports that the suspect, who is known to the police,Cheap China Jerseys, was taken into custody after surveillance cameras on a nearby residence recorded the confrontation between Profitt and the gunman.However,wholesale nfl jerseys, the motive for the shooting is still unknown.Profitt,China NFL Jerseys, who made a living from selling scrap metal,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys China, was shot dead at around 07:00 hrs during a row with another man at the corner of D’Urban and Hardina Streets,Cheap Jerseys Supply, Wortmanville,Wholesale Jerseys From China, by a lone unmasked gunman.One eyewitness said he saw Profitt and another man arguing before the man drew a handgun and shot the labourer in the head. The killer then walked unhurriedly away.Profitt did odd jobs around town and stayed with his father in East Ruimveldt.Another relative said that although the victim was a ‘junkie’ he was not considered to be a troublemaker.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-29 21:52  資料 私人訊息 
Sale NFL Jerseys Vice President Sahadeo Angad
The Upper Corentyne Rotary Club recently brought smiles to the faces of hundreds of children and elderly citizens at two Christmas parties held at the home of businessman and Rotary member Mahendra Singh at No 62 Village, Upper Corentyne area.The recipients were drawn from Crabwood Creek to No 43 village. The children aged between six and 12 were feted in the morning between the hours of 09:00 hrs and 12:00 hrs.? The elderly citizens from the same areas were entertained from around 14:00 hrs to 18:00hrs.The children received a sumptuous meal,NFL Jerseys Cheap, gifts, played games and had a jolly time with Santa Claus and some of his helpers.? They were also given hampers.The elderly citizens, like the children,Cheap Jerseys 2018, were also treated to a sumptuous meal,Wholesale Football Jerseys, received gifts and given a hamper.? During their time spent at the venue they ate and drank and had a merry time with members of the Rotary.The activity which is an annual affair is repeated at various venues.The club also took the opportunity to present a new refrigerator to the Humanitarian Mission of New Jersey Arya Samaj Inc (HMNJAS).Mr. Lutchminarine speaking at the handing over ceremonyDoing the honours on behalf of the Rotary Club was President Bejai Lutchminarine who gave a brief outline of the club and some of the activities in which they are involved. He and Immediate Past President George Baijnauth are the two remaining founder members from the club, which was founded in 1993. It was sponsored by the Rotary Club of New Amsterdam.Baijnauth stated that when the club received the request from the HMNJAS they were more than willing to assist the organization in its humanitarian Mission.President of the HMNJAS, Pandit Suresh Sugrim, in response thanked the Club for their kind and ready response to the request made by his organisation.The other members of the club are President elect Nagasar Rangasammy,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Vice President Sahadeo Angad, Secretary Carmen Ally, Treasurer and Community Service Director Surujdyal Sahadeo,Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys, Sergeant of Arms is Alifa Ally, Club Services Director Rajindra Khemraj, Vocational Service Director Jaiswah Boodnaraine,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, the New Generation Director is Parshatam Sharma? with Parbudial Bharat serving as the Public Relations Officer.
Rank: 1

UID 1873
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帖子 10664
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閱讀權限 10
註冊 2017-10-30
用戶註冊天數 2437
用戶失蹤天數 2162
發表於 2017-12-30 01:17  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Stitched MLB Jerseys she said
As it continues to struggle to maintain its buffer stock quota,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the National Blood Transfusion Service (NBTS) is intensifying its efforts to reach an increased amount of donors. As part of this quest, the blood bank has been reaching out to donors located in far flung areas with the most recent being the Essequibo Coast.In fact, NBTS Co-ordinator,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, Ms Shameeza Mangal, said that a total of 25 units were secured when a blood drive was hosted two weekends ago. And that blood drive she said may very well be the first official drive that has been held on the Essequibo Coast.A donor gives blood “We have made several attempts before along the Essequibo Coast but they never really materialised to the anticipated numbers. So this is a first for us and we expect many more like this to come.”As soon as next week, the Co-ordinator is also expected to venture into the mining town of Linden to solicit the support from residents there as well.According to Mangal, it is her intent to undertake an awareness campaign even as she engages discussions with Community leaders about the NBTS’s urgent need for blood. Linden, she disclosed, is yet to have an inaugural blood drive intended to boost the supply at the central Blood Bank.“Just as how Lindeners are excited about Linden Town Day, I want them to be excited about having a first-time Blood Donation Day.”And the expanded blood drives will not stop at Linden as Mangal has disclosed her plans to head to the Upper Corentyne and other areas in Berbice. This move, she said,Cheap NFL Jerseys, may become a reality in a matter of weeks.But in order to maintain such activities, Mangal speculated that there will be a need for collaboration between several organisations such as Non-Governmental Organisations, Faith Based Organisations and individuals, including senior Regional Officials. With a wide network of individuals and organisations recruiting donors,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, there is a greater likelihood that blood drives will comfortably secure a satisfactory amount of units.At the moment,Cheap Jerseys From China, the blood bank is modestly stocked but according to Mangal, there will always remain the need for donors to give blood on a regular basis.She disclosed that the donation pace at the commencement of the year is usually slow but would usually reach a moderate level with some voluntary drives sponsored by private organisations. However, the Blood Bank has had to rely on its call back programme through which appeals are made for previous donors to return and give blood.“Every day we need donors to come because it is every day that hospitals are requiring us to supply them with blood…Demand is always greater than supply,” Mangal opined.She related that there are instances when the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation may require over 46 units of blood but a mere eight donors offer to give the life saving liquid. A single donor is required to give one unit of blood which can save at least three lives.But despite the challenges,NFL Jerseys Authentic China, Mangal revealed that the NBTS is surely heading toward the Ministry of Health’s 100 percent voluntary donor target, which has been three years in the making.As at the end of last year, she said that voluntary donors represented 68 percent of the donations the blood bank received. This development, she added, will soon rule out the need for family replacement donors.
Rank: 1

UID 1856
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帖子 10756
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閱讀權限 10
註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2475
用戶失蹤天數 2162
發表於 2018-1-1 06:21  資料 私人訊息 
Jerseys NFL Cheap the missing man’s father
As the saga continues to swirl surrounding the mysterious disappearance of a 28-year-old construction worker, his relatives are not satisfied with how the police are dealing with the matter.It’s as if the police don’t see the disappearance as a serious occurrence they said.James Nicholas Monroe Jr. of? lot 108 Carmichael Street, Georgetown disappeared on December 06,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, last, after he was involved in an argument with family members.He has not been seen or heard from since.Missing: James Nicholas Monroe JuniorIn an interview yesterday,Wholesale Jerseys NFL, the missing man’s father, James Nicholas Monroe said that he suspects that something happened to his son since he has never disappeared from home before.The older Monroe claimed that although he informed the police about the problem his son was having with his relatives, the police refuse to do anything to assist the situation.“The house we are living in is children property. It was passed down from our parents. My sister died and left her children in the house and they don’t want us there. To get to me, they does pick on my son and beat him,Cheap NFL Authentic Jerseys,” Monroe explained.He added that when this happens, he would usually send his son for a walk on Carmichael Street to relax a little.“He would take a walk and come home back a couple of minutes later but the last time they beat him, he disappeared. I don’t know what they did to him,” the father said.He explained that he made numerous police reports but failed to get any justice. He added too that he is convinced that a lot is not right and that a massive cover-up is taking place.“We don’t do these people anything. We have a room and we cook and do everything else in there. We don’t trouble anyone and the house belongs to all of us,” the older Monroe related.He added that, “I searched everywhere for my son and can’t find him. He has one sister here and he is not by her and there is nowhere else he would be. He never disappeared from home.”The father is pleading with the police to assist him in locating his son.“When my son and the people in the house have problems,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, them does call a rasta man to beat him. I want the police to question him. He has to know where my son is or what happen to him,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China,” the father said.He said his son was last seen wearing a short checkered pants,Authentic China Jerseys, a pair of slippers and a jersey.Anyone knowing the whereabouts of James Nicholas Monroe Jr. is asked to contact the nearest police station.
Rank: 1

UID 1873
精華 0
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帖子 10664
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閱讀權限 10
註冊 2017-10-30
用戶註冊天數 2437
用戶失蹤天數 2162
發表於 2018-1-1 16:23  資料 私人訊息 
NFL Jerseys China Driving
The care and use of tyres should be of paramount concern to drivers and vehicle owners so as to ensure safety and prolonged usage. Generally,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the cost of tyre care is negligible when compared to repair or replacement costs. The level of maintenance and the manner in which tyres are used on vehicles demonstrate care or a lack of it.For many years, the Guyana National Bureau of Standards (GNBS) has been monitoring new and used tyres under its Standards Compliance programme to ensure that they meet the requirements of national standards. Monitoring is done by Inspectors at ports of entry and at bonds and warehouses,Jerseys From China, and involves the examination of the commodity to ensure compliance with labeling and quality requirements.However, monitoring by the Bureau is not enough to ensure that safe tyres are used on our road ways. Frequent examination and care by users go a far way to guarantee that their tyres take them a far way, safely.As drivers,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, simple actions like checking your tyre pressure to make sure that they are properly inflated can make a real difference in how long your tyres last. Under or over-inflated tyres don’t wear evenly and won’t last as long. For example, a tyre that is constantly 20% underinflated can last 20% less in use. That means, a new tyre that could last approximately 95,000km would be worn out by 75,000 km.In addition, since the front and rear axles and the right and left side of vehicles wear down tyres differently, rotating your tyres regularly between the different positions will ensure they wear evenly and last longer.A visit to the experts is not necessary to determine the ideal requirements for optimal performance of your tyres. Usually tyres are adequately labelled with the information needed to guide users as to their size,Cheap Wholesale NFL Jerseys, pressure and load requirements, which must be complied with to ensure safety and to avoid the loss of lives due to road accidents.The following are some tips which will help in the care and use of tyres:TYRE PRESSUREa. Check the air pressure of each tyre at least fortnightly. Incorrect tyre pressure can lead to the inside of the tyre being damaged, resulting in tyre problems or even a blowout.b. Tyres must be inflated to specified pressures. The pressure inside warm tyres is naturally higher and must be reduced, and on cooling,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, can fall below the minimum tyre pressure. (Driving, especially at high speeds, causes heat build-up in tyres).c. Incorrect tyre pressure causes premature and uneven tyre wear. Under-inflated tyres have a higher rolling resistance, which means higher fuel consumption.TYRE DAMAGEa. If a tyre is visibly damaged (that is, it has a fracture or a cut that exposes the carcass) or has an unusual wear pattern, the tyre must be taken off and examined as quickly as possible by a tyre specialist.b. Driving over curb-stones or over potholed roads may cause internal damage to tyres, leading to failure at high speeds.c. Check tyres regularly for damage as sharp stones, nails etc. can penetrate the tyre thread. Theseneed to be removed. Check also if there are bulges or cuts on the sidewall.d. For virtually all vehicles,Cheap Jerseys Online, rotating the tyres from one axle to the other is permitted. In certain cases, changing them crosswise/ diagonally can also be advantageous. This does not apply to directional tyres. It is also advisable to have the alignment checked at 10,000 km intervals.e. Harsh acceleration, braking with locked wheels and fast steering movements shorten the service life of tyres.TYRE REPAIRa. Thread damage or cuts that extend to the breaker, belt or beyond must be repaired by the hot vulcanization process. Repairs using cold temporary repair measures, such as plugging, are used as emergency means to take you home and should be rectified immediately without any delay.Proper care and use will extend the life of tyres and reduce the incidence of accidents due totyredamage or “blowout”, so drivers are urged to monitor and properly use their tyres to ensure safety on the road.For further information, kindly contact the GNBS on telephone numbers: 219-0065, 219-0066 or 219-0069 or visit the website: www.gnbsgy.org.