標題: 2016-8-26 臉書分享按讚大作戰!
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發表於 2017-12-11 23:59  資料 私人訊息 
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Tourism will be the sole item facing the Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) as the working sessions of the 29th Meeting get underway today at the Hibiscus Room of the Jolly Beach Resort in Bolans,Wholesale NFL China Jerseys, Antigua and Barbuda.This was the information released by the CARICOM Secretariat yesterday.Eleven of the Heads of Government of the Member States of CARICOM,Cheap Jerseys From China, and four of the Heads of Government of the Associate Members will focus on matters related to Tourism, the single largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of the Community.This one-day focus on Tourism was agreed to at the 19th Inter-Sessional Meeting of the Conference at Nassau, The Bahamas in March.The leaders will discuss the issues identified by a task force presided over by Senator Allan Chastenet,Supply Authentic NFL Jerseys, Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation of Saint Lucia,Chris Chelios Jersey, as they search for options to enhance regional tourism in the context of current international trends. These trends include rising prices of food and fuel,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and cutbacks in routes by airlines.Over the course of the three-day meeting, the Heads of Government will have an exchange of views with Felipe Perez Roque, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Cuba; Kamalesh Sharma, Secretary-General of the Commonwealth, and Jose Miguel Insulza,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Secretary-General of the Organisation of American States (OAS).These discussions are being held against the background of three upcoming summit meetings, the first of which is scheduled for Havana with the President of Cuba in December 2008. The Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting and the Summit of the Americas are both scheduled to be held in Trinidad and Tobago in 2009.The Heads of Government are expected to discuss plans for the CARICOM/Spain Summit scheduled for July 11 in Madrid; the CARICOM/Canada Summit scheduled for the last quarter of 2008; the African Union Diaspora Summit scheduled for10th October 2008 in South Africa, and a meeting of regional and sub-regional integration groupings of Latin America and the Caribbean to be held in Brazil in December.The meeting will end on Friday with a ceremony at the Sandals Grande Hotel, marking the 35th Anniversary of CARICOM.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-12 02:09  資料 私人訊息 
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…lead police to ‘Rasta man’Berbice Police moving swiftly and acting on information were able to nab two market constables with a bag full of ganja. Police acting on information and after conducting surveillance was able to arrest two market constables,Cheap Jerseys, a man and a woman,Cheap Jerseys, attached to the New Amsterdam Municipality with a quantity of marijuana (ganja) in a bag which they claimed they were given to deliver to someone.According to information the police were informed that marijuana would usually be transported from the riverain areas and be offloaded at the New Amsterdam market in the early morning hours or in the evening.According to information the police got word that a shipment was arriving and after conducting surveillance secreted themselves.Early Friday morning the two constables were apprehended by the police as soon as they walked out of the market compound.Realizing they were nabbed the constables told police that they were asked by someone to deliver the bag to a ‘Rasta Man’ in New Amsterdam. The two then led police to a house in the town where the man allegedly lived.Secreting themselves the police asked one of the constables to knock at the door. A ‘Rasta man’ came out and was arrested by the police after he was identified as the man to whom the marijuana was to have been delivered.According to information the drug came in a boat from the Berbice River and arrived at the market wharf. It was handed to the constables who were operating for a fee.The names of the constables were not released,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, but it is understood that the female was a former member of the Guyana Police Force who was jailed after being convicted for aiding a man in custody to escape. She enrolled in the constabulary after serving her sentence.According to information the two constables were part of a gang doing private courier work for a fee.Investigations are continuing and charges are likely soon.
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發表於 2017-12-12 05:49  資料 私人訊息 
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The recent successes by Customs Anti-Narcotics Unit (CANU) were praised by President Bharrat Jagdeo who on Wednesday said that he is very pleased with the collaboration that is taking place with the international community.Despite the success, the Head of State said that there is need for more support for the drug fighting effort.Speaking with the media during his first press conference for the year,Jerseys NFL Cheap, the President said that poor countries such as Guyana need support from the developed world.Poor countries in general,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, he said, need more equipment and better training along with a wide range of assistance to fight drug trafficking.He pointed out that there was a study conducted in Jamaica which sought to highlight that deportees were not causing major problems, but in Guyana’s case,Brian Poole Falcons Jersey UK, this is a contradiction.In many instances, the President added, these deportees get back into criminality causing major problems within the country.The Head of State lashed out at the United States and Canadian Governments, accusing them of having ‘counter productive policies’.“They lecture us on drugs…they want us to fight drug traffickers more and if you look down the list of the people that get sent back often it is a long list of drug traffickers.”He added that quite a few high profile drug traffickers have been sent back to Guyana.“Whilst we welcome the partnership and we continue to work together with our international partners,Wholesale Jerseys From China, there are always these dimensions,” he added.Just about two weeks ago,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers in Miami discovered 373 pounds of cocaine hidden in furniture in a container at the Port of Miami.CBP officers inspecting containers at the Miami seaport were alerted by a CBP dog to a specific container loaded with furniture.The officers attached to the Anti-Terrorism Contraband Enforcement Team proceeded to examine the furniture,Cheap NFL Jerseys China Free Shipping, and discovered three packages concealed within one of the pieces of furniture.One of the packages was tested by the officers and the substance was positive for cocaine.The total furniture count was 72, which concealed 194 packages of cocaine.The container with the furniture arrived in Miami two Fridays ago aboard the freighter M/V Rio Para.The container was moved to the CBP facility for examination.The vessel’s last port of call was Guyana.
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發表於 2017-12-12 07:04  資料 私人訊息 
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As police continue their investigation into the $300 M cocaine bust,Wholesale NFL Jerseys China, Leonard Bacchus, his wife and 16 year-old son are expected to be charged today.Meanwhile,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, there are also reports that at least four other persons were detained over the weekend to assist with the investigation. A source close to the investigation has revealed that the charge was instituted against the teenager as there is photographic evidence suggesting that he had knowledge of the cocaine in the Kunds.This publication was told that several mobile phones were confiscated during the raid. There are reports that persons were taking pictures and videotaping the packaging process.On Tuesday last ranks from the Police Narcotics Unit swooped down on a house at Haslington New Scheme, East Coast Demerara, where they made the bust. Police said that the cocaine, wrapped in taped parcels and weighing over 50 kilogrammes,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, was found in the false bottoms of several hawan kunds (urns used in Hindu worship),Wholesale Jerseys, which were to have been shipped to the United StatesAttorney Vic Puran insists that his clients were unaware that the cocaine was concealed in the hawan kunds, which he claimed Leonard Bacchus had been hired to clean and polish.According to Puran,Nike NFL Jerseys China, Leonard Bacchus has given police a statement saying that he was merely doing a job of sanding and polishing the Kunds,NFL Jerseys China, “which were delivered to him by someone else.”Puran also accused investigators of trying to force Mr. Bacchus into a plea bargain deal and into implicating others in the drug find.
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發表於 2017-12-12 08:22  資料 私人訊息 
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Lord Nicholas Stern of the Grantham Institute for Climate Change and Environment of the London School of Economics has congratulated President Bharrat Jagdeo for receiving the 2010 Earth Champion Award.Lord Stern,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, who is widely credited with changing global understanding of the economic impact of climate change, described President Jagdeo as “one of the world’s foremost head of government for advocating for a low carbon future.”“His tireless advocacy,China Jerseys NFL, particularly on the urgent need to protect the world’s forests,China Jerseys Wholesale, has made a tremendous contribution to the international climate change agenda,Wholesale Jerseys Authentic,” Lord Stern said.“I know that he shares my view that a future high carbon world is one of disaster, and we must redouble our international efforts to build a prosperous,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, low carbon future.”And Nobel Peace Prize winner Professor Wangari Maathai has also congratulated President Bharrat Jagdeo for achieving the 2010 Champion of the Earth Award.Professor Maathai said, “I would like to congratulate President Jagdeo on becoming a ‘Champion of the Earth’. His tireless work to keep the world’s attention on the importance of saving our forests has been an inspiration to many across the world.“His leadership continues to remind us that progress is possible and that we can save the world’s forests while at the same time fostering prosperity and improving the lives of our people”.Professor Maathai won the Nobel Peace Prize for her contribution to sustainable development,Authentic Jerseys China, democracy and peace. She was the first African woman to win the prize.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-12-12 15:13  資料 私人訊息 
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A mid-morning fire at the Crescent Mall in Co-Op Crescent,Soccer Jerseys China, Linden, believed to be of electrical origin left one store completely destroyed and another scorched.Crescent Mall in Co-Op CrescentThe quick response of the fire service averted greater disaster.One eyewitness,Brad Kaaya Jersey, Kenton Jennings, aka ‘Peek a Boo’, said that it was around 9:45 hours he and his friend were on the road when they saw the smoke and went into action.“Me and Paul de just putting up de tent when we see de smoke and at de same time a lady came crying and say me daughter shop burning. So right away we run and get into action.”Jennings said that he and his friend ran in the building and saw fire under the door of the store on the upper floor so they broke the door. By this time the fire tender arrived and even though the firemen were disoriented for a moment they were able to control the blaze.Another tender arrived to assist but while some firemen were inside fighting, others were outside drawing water from the Demerara River.The owner of the store,Authentic Jerseys For Sale, Rushell Adams, of 1934 Lover’s Lane,Cheap NFL Jerseys, Amelia’s Ward, was in Georgetown at the time of the fire. According to Adams’ mother,Nike NFL Jerseys China, her daughter sold only brand name clothing.“Just de other day she get two barrels of brand name clothes. We lose bout $5M in goods.”A very emotional Adams said the only electrical equipment in the shop were a television set and a sound system. She blames the faulty electrical wiring in the building for the fire.She said,China Jerseys Wholesale, “Every time de salons around put on their dryer or anything we lights does go off. We tell dem so many times and dem ent do nothing. When we peep in de point by de door it was sparking.”
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發表於 2017-12-12 17:32  資料 私人訊息 
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Child Protection Week is observed in over 120 countries around the world,Cheap Jerseys USA, and the Ministry of Labour, Human Services & Social Security has chosen the week of 19th September for this purpose.This year’s activities will be centered on changes in the way children are viewed, treated and cared.? The observances conclude on September 25.According to the Ministry of Labour, Human Services & Social Security, the event was first observed in Guyana in 2004. It is generally a week to raise the level of awareness to the issues of child abuse, promote the value of children and to encourage individuals and local groups to take action to prevent their abuse.The Ministry disclosed that the focus this year is also on parenting, and child abuse reports continue to increase, while the home is where the hurt is the most.“A space that should offer a child protection, affection,Wholesale Authentic NFL Jerseys, developmental stimulation, shelter and promotion for their rights is where children suffer the worst forms of violence, degrading and cruel treatment that maim and disfigure them and even result in their death.”According to international reports,Cheap Jerseys USA, daily, children are beaten up in the worst ways as forms of punishment for wrongdoing,Wholesale China Jerseys, and hourly, children are being sexually violated, grossly neglected,Wholesale Jerseys USA, rejected and abandoned by their parents:? Abandoned being used in the wider sense of not being loved, wanted and accepted by the parent.An examination of the data collected by the Child Care & Protection Agency for the first half of the year revealed that 1,584 children were abused, with mothers and fathers being the main perpetrators.The Agency has revealed that 101 children were separated from their parents and placed in institutions.? There are now over 700 children in such facilities.? It was noted that institutional placement may be the best option at the time for the children,Josh Manson, but a child has a right to a family and to be brought-up free from harm and abuse.“The desire is for children to be safe in their homes, receiving the care and attention that promote their wellbeing and for them to realize their highest potential.
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發表於 2017-12-12 17:35  資料 私人訊息 
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Yet another United States-bound passenger has been arrested after being nabbed while trying to smuggle cocaine out of Guyana.This newspaper was told that the 24 year-old suspect was intercepted at the Cheddi Jagan International Airport,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, Timehri,Cheap NFL Jerseys, sometime after 14:30 hours yesterday while checking in his luggage.Ranks from the Custom Anti Narcotics Unit found the man with two milk tins,NFL Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, and upon checking them it was discovered that the contents were not milk. The substance was later tested and found to be cocaine. The man was arrested and charges are likely to be laid shortly.
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發表於 2017-12-12 21:19  資料 私人訊息 
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As local bodies continue efforts to reduce Guyana’s staggering suicide rates, a local stakeholder believes that the release of statistics on suicide could actually significantly aid suicide prevention efforts.Managing Director of The Guyana Foundation, Anthony AutarManaging Director of The Guyana Foundation (GF), Anthony Autar, opined that underreporting on suicide could do more harm than good.GF is a local nongovernmental organisation (NGO) that focuses on mental health issues.Autar stressed that revealing statistics would do no harm.“Overall, revealing stats, I don’t see the harm in it; I think only good would come from that. It would help show the public and the stakeholders how vast is the problem we’re dealing with. It would provide them with information to properly tailor whatever programmes they’re trying to implement. So,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, I think it’d be very helpful,” Autar said.Rather, Autar opined that the only harm that could arise from revealing statistics on suicides is the extent to which the reports are made.“What would do harm is if you reveal all of the details of how the person ended or attempted to end his or her life. That is what could cause the copycats [persons replicating suicides],” he said.However, while Autar believed that releasing suicide statistics could be helpful, he noted that in Guyana the stats might not be completely accurate. He said, too, that getting a hold of the information was oftentimes made difficult. He shared that in the past he would have requested suicide statistics from the relevant bodies but his efforts would have been in vain.“Even if the stats are made available, they might not be up to date statistics,” he said.In the past concerns were expressed that the suicide statistics coming out of the Guyana Police Force,Jeff Reine-Adelaide Arsenal Jersey UK, the body responsible for recording suicides, was greatly underreported.Autar believed that while the police should indeed play a role in suicide prevention, that role should not be a leading one. He said that greater trust must be established between the populace and the police for such a sensitive area.“The police have a role to play but they’re not the only ones who should be involved in dealing with mental health issues. They also shouldn’t have the lead role. Their function is to play the supporting role,” he said.Currently, the police force is involved in suicide prevention strategies, including its Cops and Faith programme as well as the Inter-Agency Suicide Hotline, spearheaded by the police force.“I think the reason you see the police being pushed to the forefront when it comes to dealing with mental health is because of the misconception that people with mental illnesses are naturally violent so people believe that the police needs to get involved to control that person,” Autar said.However,Claudio Bravo Jersey, he added,Bob Uecker Braves Throwback Jersey, this is oftentimes not true. “Only a small percentage of people with mental illnesses become violent and most of them do that when they engage in substance abuse. There are some with schizophrenia who will become violent but overall, very few people with mental illnesses engage in acts of violence.”He further said that in other countries studies show that people diagnosed with mental illnesses are actually more likely to be victims of acts of violence than the perpetrators.He continued, “So, we don’t really know about that in Guyana so that’s why we’ll see the police being pushed forward. Normally, when you hear about mental health issues in the news, it’s in regards to some act of violence being committed by someone who is said to be mentally ill.”Interactions between the police and those perceived to be mentally ill have not always gone down well in Guyana’s history.In July, Junior ‘Reggie’ Gulliver, 30, of Strathavon, East Coast Demerara, was shot dead by two police ranks. The officers had reportedly gone to Gulliver’s home to arrest him following reports that he had threatened a woman with a cutlass.However,China Jerseys, the police said that Gulliver attacked them with the weapon, forcing them to use their weapons.A police source had maintained that the ranks had acted according to standard operating procedures and would have been killed if they had not shot Gulliver.Autar stressed that the police must take up a supporting role in terms of mental health issues. He also opined that as part of its supporting role, the police can be an integral member in behavioural intervention teams.“These are groups made up of trained counsellors, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, police, and in so
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發表於 2017-12-13 22:06  資料 私人訊息 
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By Latoya GilesUN Independent Expert on Minority Issues,Wholesale Authentic NHL Jerseys, Gay McDougall,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, is expected to be called as a defence witness in the Bharrat jagdeo libel suit against Freddie Kissoon, Kaieteur News and Editor Adam Harris.This disclosure was made by attorney Nigel Hughes yesterday when the matter continued before Justice Brassington Reynolds at the High Court.McDougall visited Guyana between July 28 and August 1, 2008. Her sojourn focused on the relations between and comparative situations of Afro-Guyanese and Indo-Guyanese. She considered the legacy and impact on communities of an ethnically divided society and ethnic-based politics, and made recommendations to ensure that non-discrimination and equality is achieved through legislation, policy and practice.UN Independent Expert on Minority Issues, Gay McDougallDuring her visit,Cheap Authentic NFL Jerseys, apart from her interviews in Georgetown, she travelled to surrounding communities. In Georgetown she held consultations with the President, Ministers and other senior government representatives, NGOs, civil society groups, political parties, religious leaders, academics and others working in the field of minority issues and anti-discrimination.According to her report published online, she had visited Buxton, and talked to community members about their lives and issues.The report stated that Afro-Guyanese with whom McDougall met, described feeling excluded from having a full voice and stake in the national polity and equal enjoyment of rights in many fields of life including employment and economic participation.They reported stigmatization of young Afro-Guyanese males and entire African communities.Hughes said that McDougall is expected to testify “via Audio Visual means”.If this happens, it would be the second time that such a testimony is accepted in the High Court.Justice Reynolds ruled that he would not allow McDougall’s report on race relations in Guyana to be admitted through the chief witness, Cabinet Secretary Roger Luncheon.Khemraj Ramjattan’s observation was that the courts have a wide discretion as a result of the amended Evidence Act of 2002. That Act would allow the court to admit what was previously treated as document hearsay, he argued.On that basis the judge said that that would not be an appropriate case to do so.“ In my view, also by the view of the witness’s reluctance to verify the document,Wholesale Jerseys, the authenticity is not satisfied, the witness having not being able to contend with the official report from the United Nations website,” the judge ruled.The judge said that allowing the report through Luncheon would be very “unsafe…and unfair to the witness”.Reynolds said that the report could be admitted through another witness, but not Luncheon.Anil Nandlall, lawyer for the plaintiff,Wholesale Jerseys 2018, started his re-examination yesterday. However, as that began there were several objections by the defence, citing that the questions being asked by Nandlall were already answered in the cross examination.Both Hughes and Ramjattan asked the court to ensure that the rule of law prevents Nandlall’s tactics, which they said was his trying to bring in new matters.Nandlall argued that his line of questioning was admissible and cited several cases to support his claim.The judge interjected and said that Nandlall should ask specific questions which would be for the benefit of the court, and they ought to be amplified or clarified.As the matter continued, Nandlall questioned the witness about Linden residents only having access to the government television station NCN. Luncheon was asked to explain why licences have not being granted for broadcasts in Linden.Luncheon in his response explained that in 2001, the plaintiff and the then leader of the opposition Desmond Hoyte agreed on a number of issues which were to be critically examined.Out of that deliberation one such was a commitment by the plaintiff not to extend the licences until the enactment of the broadcast legislation.That legislation was passed some ten years after that discussion.Luncheon further told the court that the plaintiff has honorably complied with the agreed points committed upon and as such the licences have not been extended, not only in Linden, but nowhere else in Guyana.“In essence it was the basis in the agreement between the government and the PNC, that the licencing is not extended since 2001,” Luncheon stated.The witness was then questioned about the Norman Chapman and Mortimer Heywood case. However Nandlall’s questions asked were objected to by both Hughes and Ramjattan. The defence lawyers suggested that Nandlall was
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發表於 2017-12-15 10:15  資料 私人訊息 
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A trial for the sexual assault matter involving the Region Seven District Education Officer (DEO), Akbar Chindu,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, is slated to commence on April 22, next.? The trial date was announced yesterday by Magistrate Dellon Bess when the matter came up at the Bartica Magistrate’s Court.It is alleged that the DEO committed the unlawful act against an 18-year-old woman who was formerly employed at the Region Seven Education Department as an office staffer. Chindu previously appeared before Magistrate Bess and pleaded not guilty to the sexual assault charge.When Chindu appeared last month before the Magistrate he was asked if he was aware that if the allegation of sexual assault was true he could be convicted. He responded by disclosing he was indeed cognisant of that fact.The court hearing came to an end then with the DEO being granted $50,Cheap Jerseys,000 bail.The woman,Wholesale Jerseys USA, who has appeared in court each time the matter was called,Cheap NHL Adidas Jerseys, reportedly resigned her position, shortly after reporting the allegation of sexual assault earlier this year.Both parties,Wholesale Jerseys USA, represented by lawyers, appeared in court yesterday and were informed of the trial date. However the Magistrate instructed Chindu to return to court on April 9 but he informed the woman that she does not necessarily have to present herself on that date.This publication understands that it is likely that the Regional Education Officer and a Welfare Officer,Cheap Wholelsale NFL jerseys, to whom the woman had first shared the sexual assault incident, are likely to testify at the trial.
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發表於 2017-12-15 13:05  資料 私人訊息 
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– identifies killers before succumbingA feud between two Pomeroon families ended in bloodshed at around 23:00 hrs on Thursday, with a 54-year-old farmer being cornered and stabbed to death near a backdam.Wilfred Williams, called ‘Willo’ of Grant Friendship, Lower Pomeroon, was stabbed in the face and legs about a mile from a wedding house he had visited.Kaieteur News understands that the father of five positively identified his killers by name before breathing his last.Police have since detained a woman, her husband, and two other men for Williams’ murder.Ivy Williams,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, the slain man’s wife, told Kaieteur News that she and her husband had attended a wedding on Thursday night and that her spouse was attacked after he left the reception.Mrs. Williams said that after attending the church service, they returned to the bride’s residence in Friendship Canal, Pomeroon.She was helping to serve the guests and was unaware when her husband left the premises.But shortly after, the woman’s son-in-law,NFL Jerseys China, Dexter Benjamin, told her that Mr. Williams and another man were involved in a confrontation.Mrs. Williams said she told her two sons to search for their fatherKaieteur News understands that the sons were walking down a nearby dam when they saw two men attacking their father, who was in a canal. They also observed a woman nearby.On seeing the sons, the woman reportedly warned Williams’ attackers that his sons were coming. The trio then fled.The sons then took their father,Wholesale Cheap Jerseys, who had stab wounds to his face and body, out of the canal. He was taken to the Charity Hospital where he was pronounced dead on arrival.According to relatives,Cheap Jerseys Paypal, the farmer identified his attackers before succumbing to his injuries.Police, acting on this information,Cheap Jerseys, arrested three of the suspects shortly after the incident and reportedly detained a fourth yesterday.At the scene of the killing police retrieved a blood stained jersey, a hat, and a pair of slippers. However, no weapon was found.Mrs. Williams confirmed that her family and the suspects had a long-standing feud,NFL Jerseys China, but did not divulge what the dispute was about.
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發表於 2017-12-15 15:56  資料 私人訊息 
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With the increase of traffic accessing the Demerara Harbour Bridge, it is imperative that the existing maintenance programme be revamped with a view of improving the structure’s operation, according to People’s National Congress Reform (PNC/R),Cheap NFL Jerseys Authentic, Shadow Minister of Works and Communication, Ernest Elliot.A section of the Demerara Harbour BridgeHe explained during the 2011 budget debate last week that the floating bridge was constructed some 32 years ago with the aim of accommodating the growing population, businesses, workers and travel across Guyana. But according to Elliot, over the years, the volume of traffic increased significantly. He revealed that a release issued by the Demerara Harbour Bridge Corporation a few weeks ago, stated that the largest volume of traffic was recorded.“This brings to the fore that the maintenance programme has to be improved and managed properly and to be structured,” Elliot asserted. He disclosed that for the past three years Government expended over $2B on programmes and rehabilitation works. In fact,Cheap Wholelsale NFL jerseys, he revealed, that it was just last year a significant sum was used on a project which entailed the servicing of pontoons, replacing of hydraulic pumps, fabrication of distribution beams among other remedial works.This year too he said he sees the budget making allocations for the sum of $5M for further upgrading, which includes construction and rehabilitation of pontoons, beams and posts; construction of and the installation of concrete anchor piles and replacement of electrical cables and junction boxes for the retraction span.And while all of these components are regarded as vital to ensure that the bridge remains safe,China Jerseys Wholesale, there is still need to take into consideration the increased volume of traffic accessing the bridge, Elliot noted.“…Having invested these huge sums on this structurally sound bridge, could the Minister (Robeson Benn) say what plans are in store for a well structured maintenance programme for the next 10 to 15 years and if its capacity is assured?”Elliot revealed that during the past year, too, the Government had embarked on the rehabilitation and extension of 16 critical structures along the East Coast and East Bank of Demerara, which are expected to be completed this year at a cost of $953M. But according to the PNC/R Shadow Minister, when the government sought to award the respective contracts and commenced works simultaneously, it did not take into account,Soccer Jerseys Cheap, especially for the residents on the East Bank, that there is only one carriage way on the East Bank.“The travelling public includes workers, schoolchildren, the sick and visitors arriving and departing Guyana…Due to the long delays every day, some commuters become angry while some lose economically.? One noticeable obstacle at these sites is the lack of proper supervision of those persons who are directing the flow of traffic. There is a need for properly trained personnel to perform such duties so as not to further compound the long and unnecessary delays. It is worse at nights when no one is attending…”Elliot revealed, too, that it was some time ago that the government had embarked on a programme of street lighting throughout the country to improve safety on the highway by enhancing visibility during the hours of darkness. But while government has been spending millions on programmes to enhance safety on the roadways, there is still a need to address the problem of non-functioning lamps in the Regions, especially on the East Coast of Demerara,Cheap Jerseys, Elliot said.?? “Can the Honourable Minister tell us who is responsible for the maintenance and servicing of these lamps or is it just another project of waste,Wholesale NBA Jerseys, or jobs for the boys?” the Shadow Minister questioned.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-12-15 17:47  資料 私人訊息 
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Dozens of students from secondary schools in ten Caribbean countries met in Barbados to participate in a two-day conference to promote witness participation in the judicial system.? The No Witness, No Justice/CBSI Youth Network Conference was hosted over two days from December 3, last, by the United States Embassy to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean.The U.S. Embassy in Guyana nominated two students and one teacher from Marian Academy to take part in the conference. A statement from the embassy said that it will continue to work with the school to spread awareness on this issue throughout secondary schools in Guyana.Ambassador Brent Hardt meets with the Guyanese students.At the No Witness, No Justice/CBSI Youth Network Conference, students participated in training which emphasized the importance of participation in the justice system and how to use social media to build support for broader participation.Equipped with embassy-donated iPads, students practised taking effective photos, making compelling videos and using social media to promote the cause of justice and witness participation.In the “No Witness, No Justice” module,Cheap MLB Jerseys China, Embassy Criminal Justice Advisor,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Daniel Suter;? St. Vincent and the Grenadine’s Assistant Director of Public Prosecution, Colin John; and Crown Counsel Giovanni James of St. Lucia,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, and Clement Joseph of Dominica gave students hands-on,China NFL Jerseys, practical advice about the justice system and the critical role of witnesses.The students donned their black robes as the legal luminaries took them through two mock trials so they could put what they had learned into practice.Speaking to the group of students,Wholesale NFL Store, U.S. Ambassador to Barbados Larry L. Palmer urged them to stand firm in the face of pressure to do wrong.“Young people like you can face a lot of pressure to do the wrong thing or to cover up for those who are committing crimes.? This pressure comes from all around you – it comes from your peers and even older people who should know better.”Barbados Attorney General, Adriel Braithwaite, whose office has partnered with the Embassy and the National Task Force on Crime Prevention on the conference,Cheap NFL Jerseys Free Shipping, reinforced this message, noting that sometimes young people are reluctant to cooperate with the police.Braithwaite told participants: “If your justice system does not work, then your way of life as you know it goes to naught.? Ordinary men and women, boys and girls have to be willing to put their hands up and do the right thing if they are witnesses to a crime.”On Thursday, U.S. Ambassador to Guyana D. Brent Hardt met with the Marian Academy students and teacher to hear about their experience at the No Witness, No Justice/CBSI Youth Network Conference and to discuss their plans to share their knowledge with other students in Guyana.A representative from the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions and a Community Police Officer joined the meeting to offer guidance on real life scenarios in Guyana’s justice system.The No Witness, No Justice program forms part of a larger initiative – the Caribbean Basin Security Initiative, or CBSI.? CBSI forms an essential part of Hemispheric U.S. security strategy focused on citizen safety.
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UID 1856
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-15 20:57  資料 私人訊息 
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–?? ?Ministry officials liable to jail time/fine under the Audit Act—APNU Jaipaul Sharma ?Even though the law – Act 10 of 2004- provides for the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA) to be termed “a separate legal entity,Wholesale China Jerseys,” the Ministry of Agriculture continues to handle monies appropriated to the entity by Parliament.This, according to the Auditor General (AG) report of the year 2011, has resulted in a “failure to have related financial statements for the years 2005 to 2011 prepared and submitted for audit.”APNU Jaipaul SharmaThe matter was raised in the last parliamentary sitting by A Partnership for National Unity (APNU)’s Member of Parliament Jaipaul Sharma.Minister of Agriculture, Dr Leslie Ramsammy, told the National Assembly that the issue is being looked at by the Cabinet.However, when contacted by this newspaper yesterday,Cheap Jerseys Wholesale, Sharma asserted, “Cabinet cannot look into the matter of NDIA sharing an account with the Ministry simply because it is a breach of the law; therefore it is not a Cabinet matter. It is either they come to Parliament and amend the law or they comply with the law.”The concern was noted in the AG’s report under the heading “prior year matters which have not been resolved”; this means that the issue has been ongoing and has been before pointed out by the Auditor General.? However, as to how long ago the Ministry was first advised to separate the account could not have been verified as efforts to contact the AG proved futile.The AG report stated, “The Ministry continued to expend amounts voted as subvention and capital provision for the National Drainage and Irrigation Authority (NDIA). For the year under review, amounts totaling $4.037B were expended on these provisions with $2.809B being used from the current provision. Similarly, for the provisions reporting period, amounts totalling $2.982B were expended,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, with an amount of $1.957B being used from the current provision.”Further,Cheap NFL Jerseys, it was noted that “NDIA is a separate entity created by Act 10 of 2004 and is required to maintain its own accounting records and is subject to separate reporting and audit.? It therefore follows that it should have been in receipt of the subventions appropriated by parliament.? This situation resulted in a failure to have related financial statements for the year 2005 to 2011 prepared and submitted for audit.”Sharma pointed out that the AG has the power to hold the necessary Ministry officials accountable and those can, under the Audit Act, become subjected to jail time or a fine.The AG also noted in his report that “a similar situation existed in previous years”, where the Ministry expended the NDIA allocations.Sharma quoting the Audit Act, said that “If the Auditor General has reason to believe that an offence was committed, he shall request the Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) and the Commissioner of Police to take appropriate action and prosecute the offender if necessary.”Minister of Agriculture,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys Authentic, Dr Leslie RamsammyThe Parliamentarian also noted,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, again from the Audit Act, that “A person who is convicted of an offence under section 38 is liable, on summary conviction, to a fine not to exceed $200,000 and to imprisonment for a term not to exceed five years; an entity or body of persons which is convicted of such an offence is liable, on summary conviction, to fine not to exceed $1 million.”Sharma said that NDIA, “having its own accounting records and being subjected to separate reporting audit, is a lawful requirement and the Ministry’s failure to comply is an offence.”“The Auditor General should say why is he not using his powers and enforcing penalties,” said Sharma.