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發表於 2017-12-4 20:18  資料 私人訊息 
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Persons passing through the Cheddi Jagan International Airport,Cheap Jerseys, Timehri, can now enjoy quality services that many Guyanese have become accustomed to as one popular local business mind has made a whopping investment in excess of $100M at the facility.The renowned Bakewell line of companies yesterday opened the Rituals Coffee Shop,Soccer Jerseys Cheap, a Roti Hut,Discount Football Jerseys, and Nestle Ice cream parlour.Upon the occasion Chief Executive Officer of Roti Hut/Rituals Guyana, Naeem Nasir said despite many challenges the entity will continue to offer quality services and standard to all Guyanese.He further expressed thanks to the administration for continuous support to business ventures which continue to benefit all Guyanese.“Anisa, Bakewell and Roti Hut have built a name of quality and for too long Guyanese have accepted second standards and services and the time has come now for Guyanese to demand better,” Nasir said.He added that the Cheddi Jagan International Airport is the place where visitors to this land form their first and last impressions and it becomes imperative that standards be set so that Guyana can be considered equal to every other airport that they visit.“This was a challenge by the Minister of Tourism to improve the standards at the airport, and we thank the minister for making the suggestion,” he added.“With the large number of early morning departures we realized that a lot of services are needed, so we decided to turn to one place that many Caribbean nationals have grown accustomed to over the years, our partners in Trinidad, Rituals Coffee.”He revealed that the investment is in excess of $100 Million.The opening of Rituals Coffee Shop now adds to a total of 74 outlets around the Caribbean.Also present at the launching was Mario Sabga-Aboud, Chairman Rituals Coffee House. The opening was fully endorsed by the Trinidadian.He said he was more than delighted to have been called in to offer his services to Guyanese.The opening was also approved by President Bharrat Jagdeo who lauded the investment by the Nasir family. He noted that other Guyanese, both locally and abroad,Wholesale Jerseys From China, should take note to make significant investments,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, since this clearly shows that there is still stability despite the negative reports in some sections of the media.The head of state further urged that the positive should be highlighted since all these new investments locally are happening at a time when the world at large is experiencing a recession.Meanwhile, the new facility will be opened 24 hours and offers a variety of ice-cream,Wholesale Jerseys China, cakes, pastries, teas and coffee.In addition, as is customary for Muslims when such an achievement is met, a donation is made to a charity. The Red Cross Convalescent home was the recipient of a cheque for $500,000.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-12-5 05:28  資料 私人訊息 
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“Police never responded to alert”- mother? A 24-year-old mentally challenged,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, Seon Nelson, of La Harmonie West Bank Demerara,Jeff Reine-Adelaide Arsenal Jersey UK, has disappeared with both of her children ages four and two, after breaking down and burning the items in her home on Monday.It is alleged that sometime last week, the woman had a psychotic break in which she started to burn the items in her home, eventually breaking down the entire house on Monday before disappearing.It was suspected that Seon stole a boat from a neighbour and paddled it across the Demerara River, to Supply,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, East Bank of Demerara, with the two young children inside. That was the last time she was seen.Her mother, Maureen Nelson, said that her daughter is mentally ill and has frequent episodes every two to three weeks. Prior to this one,Authentic NFL Jerseys China, the latest was last month in which she spent only a few days in the hospital.According to Mrs. Nelson during her daughter’s latest visit to the clinic she escaped from the hands of her doctor, Dr. Bhairo Harry, because she didn’t want to take the medication they were providing.“I call the police and they say they are going to come but they didn’t come…The police ain’t doing anything. If they had come she would’ve been in the hospital and my grandchildren would be home safe,” a very emotional Maureen said.She also noted, “Seon does usually trip out because she doesn’t take her medication… I don’t know where she is. I’m worried about my grandchildren; I raise them from one day old, now I don’t know if they’re ok,Jerseys From China, if they eat, if they’re alive. I’m really afraid because my daughter mad.”The matter was reported to the Wales Police Station where there seemed to be some miscommunication between the police and the relatives of the missing woman. The policeman who took the initial report said, “We were informed that the woman was found somewhere in town”.However, when this publication contacted the father of the missing woman,Krystian Bielik Arsenal Jersey UK, he said that she wasn’t found but that someone had said they saw her in town. But she was never located.Her mother is now pleading with authorities to institutionalise the young woman as soon as she is found, so she can get full treatment because of her frequent episodes that have taken some dangerous turns.She is described as “a short and average built woman, dark in complexion and very beautiful.”Seon Nelson was last seen wearing a red, white and black top and three-quarter pants and blue slippers. Her two-year-old daughter was last seen wearing a blue top and a denim skirt. Her four-year-old son, Antonio, was last seen in a yellow shirt and black trunks with a red weather boots.Anyone knowing the whereabouts of Seon Nelson is asked to contact the Wales Police Station on 592-267-2804 or the nearest police station.
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-5 08:20  資料 私人訊息 
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–?? ?wants special authority to oversee any new Amaila arrangements?“I don’t even know what background he (Winston Brassington) has to qualify him to sit there, let alone to handle the volume of money he has handled, and yet the government seems comfortable.” – Carl GreenidgeAny new arrangements of the Amaila Falls hydro project will have to include a special management authority to oversee the myriad of challenges that will arise, the main Opposition has said.Winston BrassingtonOn Monday, A Partnership for National Unity (APNU) also questioned the competence of Winston Brassington, a senior official involved in the sale of state assets, to handle what would easily be Guyana’s most expensive project ever.According to APNU’s Leader, Brigadier (Ret’d) David Granger, during a press conference geared to defend the coalition’s non-support of two pieces of legislation said to be critical to the financing of the project, there remains significant concerns about the measures in place to manage the hydro facility.With a massive amount, over US$850M, to be spent in constructing the 165 megawatts, Granger is convinced that the project is not something that could be handled as a mere extension of the Government. Rather, it must involve intense planning.Brassington sits as key figure in the National Industrial and Commercial Investments Limited (NICIL),cheap nfl jerseys online, a state-owned agency that is charged with the privatization of government assets. There has been controversy over a number of the deals done there, with Brassington coming under fire for his role. He also is the Chairman of the Guyana Power and Light Inc., another semi-autonomous state agency.Brassington is a senior official in Amaila Falls Hydro Inc., the local company that is partly owned by Government, and was the entity to handle the construction and management of the hydro facility. He is also central in the negotiations of a number of large scale projects between Guyana and Brazil, including a deep water harbour and the paving of Linden/Lethem Road.With the Amaila Falls project involving road construction, financing, the environment, the actual dam and transmission lines construction and issues involving Amerindians, the need for a special authority capable of handling the intricacies takes on even more significance, the Opposition Leader insisted.APNU’s Carl Greenidge“This is not something where you could be handling NICIL, handling GPL, handling hydro project… It is a massive expenditure,Jerseys NFL Cheap,” Granger said.He pointed to the aborted Upper Mazaruni hydro project in the 1970s, in which a special body, the Upper Mazaruni Development Authority,Brian Gionta Jersey, was established to oversee the process. To build roads there, another body called the Upper Mazaruni Road Project was also set up.“They have not assured us that they have created the institution which could handle everything that is going to take place…What we saw was this was not being seriously tackled by government…(it was) almost whimsical.”APNU was worried in also not seeing similar measures for the Amaila project.“If you could look back to what the government of the day in 1970 was doing, it required a massive amount of planning, and that has been absent here (Amaila). And APNU has taken the position that we have not seen the infrastructure…. we did not see the administration… we did not see the management.”Granger emphasised that the current configuration was a recipe for disaster and one of the key reasons for APNU feeling that project was bound for trouble or even “failure”.Former Finance Minister and senior APNU Member of Parliament,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, Carl Greenidge,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys China, also expressed reservations about the capacity of the Government and measures in place to deal with the hydro’s construction.Regarding Brassington, he had this to say: “I don’t even know what background he has to qualify him to sit there, let alone to handle the volume of money he has handled,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, and yet the government seems comfortable.”APNU stressed that Guyana has the talents to make the project a reality, with even officials of the coalition who have knowledge of the workings of hydro.Opposition Leader David GrangerThe developer of the project announced it was pulling out over the weekend saying that a failure by the Opposition to lend unanimous support to two critical bills in the National Assembly has placed the financing in jeopardy. The Alliance For Change (AFC) backed the legislation, but APNU voted against, saying it had concerns over the financing and other aspects of
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-5 16:49  資料 私人訊息 
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Shermin Miller was last Friday arraigned on a charge of smoking marijuana. For that offence,Cheap Jerseys From China, he was placed before Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine-Beharry.Miller told the court that he was indeed in possession of the drugs.“Yes I does use it,Wholesale China Jerseys,” the man told the court.The prosecution stated that the defendant was picked up by the police after he was seen smoking at South Sophia area on February 7.The police stopped and told Miller of the allegation and subsequently arrested him. He was later charged and brought before the court for the offence.The defendant did not offer any further explanation for his actions. As such,Jerseys NFL Cheap, he was sentenced to a one year jail term and ordered to pay a fine of $10,Cheap MLB Jerseys Authentic,000.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-12-6 20:11  資料 私人訊息 
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Days after the developer and key partner, Sithe Global, pulled out from the Amaila Falls Hydro Project, former Speaker of the National Assembly Ralph Ramkarran has accused the administration of failing to hold healthy debate, and it was because of this that the Project became a victim of the country’s political culture.“The new Cheddi Jagan Airport and the Specialty Hospital are now in jeopardy. It is not known how the PPP came about the idea that it can move these projects forward in the National Assembly without a far higher degree of collaboration and trust,” Ramkarran wrote in his weekly column posted on his website, conversationtree.gy,Cheap NFL Jerseys 2018, last evening.Former Speaker Ralph RamkarranBlaming the “authoritarian political culture” for Amaila’s failure,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Ramkarran who resigned last year after decades in the hierarchy of the PPP (People’s Progressive Party), said it is this culture that gave Guyana the Skeldon Factory, the new Cheddi Jagan Airport and the Specialty Hospital with no ‘healthy political debate’ or consultation,Bob Uecker Braves Throwback Jersey, and “Amaila with initially little more than nominal disclosures.”Government only made disclosures when the matter hit the National Assembly.“These flowed more freely only when Opposition votes in the National Assembly became necessary. Amaila was conceived, planned, negotiated and announced without any consultation or ‘healthy political debate,’ first as a fait accompli, then followed by a scramble for ex post facto support from the Opposition,” Ramkarran noted.He pointed out that over the past few weeks, in relation to Amaila, three significant issues were on the table. “The Opposition said that all their questions had not been answered, Sithe Global said that they will not proceed with the project unless there was national consensus, and legislation was pending in the National Assembly.”Ramkarran also believed that the party erred at its Congress held in Berbice by criticizing the Opposition, accusing the parties of “dictatorial tendencies,” “vindictiveness,” “campaign of lies and slander,” “lies and deceit,” “arrogance,” “criminal connections,” trying to create “violence” and “mayhem.”“Opposition’s support for the pending legislation, even if assurances were to have been given about the outstanding issues, could hardly be expected after this egregious political assault. This, of course, will not be acknowledged by the Opposition but does not gainsay the fact that they expressed concerns about several issues serious enough, they allege, to withhold their votes, despite extensive consultations with the Government, during which the latter claimed that all questions asked had been answered and the current issues were never raised.”Ramkarran opined that the administration could be planning elections soon.“This is speculation but there is no other rational explanation for its impolitic assault on the Opposition one week before one of the most important parliamentary votes in the history of Guyana when Opposition support is crucial. If this speculation is contradicted by efforts to persuade the Opposition to reverse its position, then the only other conclusion is that the PPP has been astonishingly reckless.”The former Speaker urged that different political conditions since 2011 required thinking outside the political box. “Proposals for a new relationship with the Opposition based on greater and more structured collaboration could have ensured a more productive future. The Central Committee did not rise to the occasion. And the abuse was superfluous because the public had heard about the alleged perfidy of the Opposition ad nauseam for years and up to the very recent past.”“Apart from the damage the attack will do to Government/Opposition relations,Adidas Mattias Ekholm Jersey, the intensification of gridlock and the creation of a lame duck Parliament and Government, no serious investors will engage Guyana in this political climate of intense friction which is now likely to get worse.With the failure of Amaila, going to elections is the only feasible option for the PPP. This major defeat for the Government together with the poisonous political climate suggests that the increased political bloodletting will make the PPP and Government appear even weaker and will induce more apathy among its supporters. New elections will settle the issue of whether the loss of the absolute majority by the PPP in 2011 was a one-off event or whether it will, at least for a time, be a feature of our political architecture. If the former,Wholesale Jerseys For Sale, we can expect a return to a past
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-7 18:15  資料 私人訊息 
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BaiShanLin International Forest Development is losing more of the assets it was able to lay its hands on in Guyana.The Commissioner of Lands and Surveys has gazetted a proposal for the cancellation and repossession of government lands held by BaiShanLin.The Official Gazette of October 1,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, states,Cheap Nike NFL Jerseys Wholesale, “Notice is hereby given by the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys that it is proposed to cancel Government land lease no. 2650,Charles Aranguiz Jersey, issued in respect of 5.17 acres of Government land situate at and being tract ‘SA’ of Block 2 (Cricket Stadium) Providence, East Bank Demerara,Soccer Jerseys China, held by BaiShanLin International Forest Development Inc.”It was stated that the cancellation was due to a breach of condition one of the lease agreement.Managing Director of BaiShanLin Forest Development Inc, Chu HongboLands and Surveys also stated that “such cancellation would allow for the repossession of the said land for reallocation.”The notice said that “all persons having any rights, interest or claim in and to the above mentioned tract of land or who may have just grounds to oppose the cancellation are hereby requested to do so at the office of the Commissioner of Lands and Surveys Commission, Lot 22 Upper Hadfield Street,Dallas Mavericks Jerseys, D’Urban backlands in the city of Georgetown during office hours, within seven? days from the date of the third publication setting forth his/her or their reasons for opposition in writing and duly signed.”BaiShanLin’s presence in Guyana is becoming less pronounced. First,Wholesale Jerseys USA, the Guyana Forestry Commission (GFC) refused to renew the company’s expired State Forest Exploratory Permits (SFEPs) that allowed it access to vast lands.The company then got some of its assets seized by the Guyana Revenue Authority because of taxes owed. Later, the joint ventures that BaiShanLin has with other companies were deemed illegal and canceled. Those ventures were all that the company had to allow it to still engage in logging activities in Guyana. And recently, GRA seized more of BaiShanLin’s assets.The company was quoted in other sections of the media that it still has operations in gold and that the housing scheme project is still on stream.BaiShanLin does not have a good track record in Guyana. The company has been accused of exploiting Guyana. It has not lived up to the investment agreements it signed with the People’s Progressive Party/ Civic government and has reportedly treated the few Guyanese with little respect.
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發表於 2017-12-9 02:50  資料 私人訊息 
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The Guyana Youth and Student Movement (GYSM) is lending support to the National Blood Bank’s ‘Good Samaritan’ programme. The youth movement held the first of its three-day blood drives,Cheap NFL Jerseys, yesterday.The drive attracted more than 20 voluntary donors. The first to donate were the members of the University of Guyana Rugby Team – most of whom were first time donors.Chairman of the GYSM and member of Parliament Mr. Christopher Jones,NFL Jerseys Outlet From China, M.P also donated blood for the first time. He said that he had initial fears about donating blood because of the needles,Cheap Jerseys NFL, but overcame them quickly as a result of the courteous, encouraging,NFL Jerseys Supply, friendly staff and the atmosphere at the blood bank.This GYSM programme is to assist the blood bank to reach its 100 per cent voluntary donor mark for the year. The Blood Bank’s voluntary donor collection currently stands at 85 per cent. The GYSM chairman noted that this venture is just one of the many humanitarian activities that the GYSM will be involved in. He has called on members of the general public to become voluntary donors.Giving blood takes just about 15 minutes and comes with health benefits. It gives the body an opportunity to replenish red blood cells.Today,Authentic NFL Jerseys Cheap, PNCR Executives,Cheap MLB Jerseys, GYSM Executives and APNU Members of Parliament will donate blood at the National Blood Bank on Lamaha Street.Photo in Thursday as blood donation; blood donation1
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-9 05:16  資料 私人訊息 
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– police patrol nabs twoA gang of cutlass wielding bandits returned to Sheriff Street with a vengeance, robbing a taxi driver and his female companion of their valuables.But it was not all smooth sailing for two of them who were caught by a police mobile patrol that was in the area at the time.Kaieteur News understands that about 12 gang members who were armed with cutlasses and ice picks attacked driver Rakesh Kanaya,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Belgium-Yannick-Carrasco-Jersey.html, 31, and a 48-year-old female, Bernadette Mangal,Cheap NFL Jerseys, relieving them of articles totaling $140,000 at about 03:00 hours on Sunday.According to reports, Kanaya and Mangal had attended a Sheriff Street night club after parking their car on the opposite side of the road.As they were returning to their car, the gang surrounded them brandishing their cutlasses and other weapons.The couple was relieved of a gold band, gold chain,Wholesale Jerseys USA, a cellular phone and $5,Cheap Jerseys China,000 by the bandits who then ran away.This newspaper was told that rank from a police mobile patrol unit in the vicinity gave chase and managed to catch two of the perpetrators.One of the captured bandits is a 19-year-old who hails from East Ruimveldt while the other,Jerseys NFL Cheap, a 22-year-old is from Sandy Babb Street, Kitty.A search of the 19-year-old unearthed the stolen cell phone.Several months ago, a number of persons had reported that they were robbed while leaving Sheriff Street night spots.Following these reports,Wholesale China Jerseys, the police had established a heavy presence in the area.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-12-9 08:23  資料 私人訊息 
Cheap Jerseys GABPC
– New York organisation to honour head of state,Wholesale Jerseys For Sale, two othersPresident Bharrat Jagdeo is among three persons to receive honours next month in Queens,China Jerseys Wholesale, New York.The Guyanese Head of State,http://www.theworldsoccersshop.com/Belgium-Yannick-Carrasco-Jersey.html, a US senator and an outstanding scientist will be the three honourees of the Guyanese and American Business and Professional Council (GABPC) at their “Green Gala” awards dinner.Jagdeo will receive the award for his pledge not to cut Guyana’s forests,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, this country’s contribution towards mitigating the effects of global warming.His award as one of the six Champions of the Earth is also a factor for him receiving the award from GABPC.Senator Kirsten Gillibrand,Cheap Jerseys For Sale, US Senator for New York is the second honouree. She supports aggressive action aimed at reducing carbon emissions by 80 percent by the year 2050, and is a leading advocate for investments in renewable energy production and energy efficient technology.Senator Gillibrand has worked closely with federal, state and local leaders as well as the private sector to encourage green development across the state. As a member of the Green Jobs & New Economy Subcommittee, she continues to advocate the policies that will help New York to be a leader in the green revolution.The third honouree is Guyanese-American, Dr. Frank L. Douglas who has already been the recipient of many awards in the field of medicine.Dr. Douglas has been awarded in recognition of his leadership and success in improving innovation and productivity in pharmaceutical companies.He was involved in the discovery, development and/or approval of more than 20 medications.Dr. Douglas holds a PhD in physical chemistry and a MD from Cornell University. He is the President and CEO, Austen BioInnovation Institute in Akron, Ohio.He is a University Professor in the Department of Polymer Science at the University of Akron, Professor of Integrated Medical Sciences at the Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine and Pharmacy.The central mission of the Guyanese and American Business and Professional Council is to promote stronger ties between Guyana and the United States and forge closer relations between the business and professional communities of both nations.“We are especially interested in professionals, independent or within corporate structures, who can contribute to our objectives.,” says Leyland Hazlewood, GABPC’s president.Hazlewood said the Green Gala emphasises “that we are part of one of the most important movements of our time that pertains to our very survival and future generations.Leaders with foresight and those who understand the imperatives of the emerging green lifestyles believe that it will provide the underpinnings of a new era of economic development and growth.? It offers immense opportunities for business. Some will ignore it at their own peril.”GABPC is expecting a sizable turnout of business executives including representatives from ‘green organisations’ and members of the diplomatic community.There will be a “green carpet”,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, not a “red carpet” reception for the VIPs and exhibits of green initiatives and technologies of sponsors and supporters of the Gala Awards Dinner.
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發表於 2017-12-9 11:21  資料 私人訊息 
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-Miners will not be granted a third extension – GGMC Head ?Yesterday,Wholesale Football Jerseys, a group of miners who have been operating in the OMAI area at a place called Boneyard,Wholesale MLB Jerseys, protested the office of the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission (GGMC), calling on the entity to grant them a fourth extension to mine in the area.But the GGMC Head, Ms. Karen Livan has announced that no extension will be granted for three main reasons. The reasons being, that the deadline is fast approaching; mining practices there are contrary to the law and the legitimate title holder of the site is about to assume occupancy.Geology and Mines Commission Head (Ag) Ms. Karen LivanDuring their protest action,Cheap NFL Jerseys, the miners claimed that they were not given first preference to buy the claim, which instead was given to one, Chunilall Baboolall by the Government. The miners said that they felt cheated.However,? GGMC said they were running advertisements? in the local newspapers calling on interested parties to make submissions for the claim. According to the GGMC, initially,Cheap Soccer Jerseys, five person expressed interested and four were shortlisted. Through a fair and legal process the title was given to Mahdia Gold Inc.Further the GGMC stated that the issue over the site was amplified almost a year ago when they found a group of illegal miners occupying and working the land at Omai property. According to Ms. Livan, these miners were made to cease their illegal operations by the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission.The group, Ms. Livan said,2014 Olympic Team USA #44 Brooks Orpik White Stitched NHL Jersey, then formed themselves into the `Kumaka Syndicate’ (consisting of 24 persons) and approached the then Commissioner, Mr. Woolford, seeking permission to mine the said area. They were informed that the area is ‘Closed’ and that efforts will be made to find them an alternative area. A geologist was sent immediately to the nearby area of North Kumaka to identify suitable ground but the Kumaka Syndicate did not consider this to be of interest to them.The group then approached the then President Bharrat Jagdeo seeking permission to work the Boneyard area. According to GGMC, the former President had referred the group to the Prime Minister, who consented, on compassionate grounds, to allow the 24 miners to mine for a three months period which was to end on August 13, 2011. Meanwhile, the Guyana Geology and Mines Commission prepared the land by cutting boundary lines and numbering 24 parcels of mining lands in the Kaburi area and allocated these by lottery to the original 24 miners. In addition, a Geologist took some members of the Syndicate to visit and test the area. All 24 miners participated in this exercise, the GGMC stated.? The Syndicate approached the Honourable Prime Minister in early September and obtained an extension to 31st October, 2011. However, at the end of September? there was protestation by an additional group of miners seeking ‘some of the action’ at Omai and Minister Robeson Benn visited the site resulting in an additional eight operations being authorized and 24 more blocks being made available at Kaburi. Once again the GGMC undertook the boundary marking and line cutting at Kaburi at a total cost of over three million dollars. According to the GGMC, for a third time, this time in November, the miners approached the Prime Minister for a further extension to mine and this was granted to the end of the year (2011).According to Ms. Livan, since the beginning of December, the group was given reminders about their deadline and the need for them to cease operation and move to their allocated blocks at Kaburi.The GGMC head stated that the miners were continually warned to conduct safe and environmentally acceptable mining practices. However, these large numbers of miners, working in a small space, resulted in a clearly unsafe work environment with considerable breaches in proper environmental controls. Further,NFL Jerseys Wholesale, Ms. Livan said that there will be no extension and already her officers are on the ground and the necessary will be done along with the police to have the miners removed.
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發表於 2017-12-11 17:18  資料 私人訊息 
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Leader of the A Partnership for National Unity (APNU), David Granger called on the Guyana Elections CommissionAPNU leader,David Granger(GECOM) yesterday to ensure that the forthcoming general elections are conducted in a clean and efficient manner as well as in an atmosphere of peace.The politician made this pronouncement at his weekly press conference which was held at the APNU’s Hadfield Street Headquarters. His statements were strongly supported and reiterated by Opposition Chief Whip, Amna Ally and APNU Shadow Minister of Home Affairs,Dan Marino Dolphins Jersey, Winston Felix.Granger said that an APNU team which included Dr. Rupert Roopnaraine, Basil Williams and Joseph Harmon met with officials from the Commission on Thursday at the GECOM Head Office,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Kingston.? He said that his coalition used the opportunity to lay a number of its concerns on the table.Those matters he said were related to the conduct of the People’s Progressive Party during its election campaign, GECOM’s readiness, the conduct of elections, the cycle of registration and the location of polling stations.The Opposition Leader informed the media that APNU made a formal complaint about the PPP’s “provocative propaganda and unrepentant misuse of state resources during its current general elections campaign.”On the topic of GECOM’s readiness,Cheap NFL Jerseys Wholesale, he said that based on the meeting, the APNU was informed that there were still significant shortages of personnel needed to be trained for the conduct of elections.Granger said that the Elections Commission was also asked to ensure that the selection of polling stations be located on privately-owned premises and changes of locations kept to a minimum.The Parliamentarian then reaffirmed his coalition’s commitment to the competent and clean conduct of elections and the preservation of a calm atmosphere that is free from fear and the threat of intimidation.He said that APNU, in this regard, expressed its support for measures to ensure the protection of the independence of theOpposition Chief Whip,Jose Calderon Jersey, Amna AllyCommission from political interference and the protection of the integrity of the electoral process from the contamination of problems that plagued previous elections.The coalition’s Chief Whip, Amna Ally also said that APNU was the first to meet with GECOM to discuss matters as it relates to National and Regional Elections because it wanted to be very clear on the role it is traversing in the upcoming elections.The parliamentarian said that the teams went through the ballot procedure to ensure what takes place in the polling stations would be the final declaration.Ally said she vehemently rejects the use of private residences and advocates the use of government buildings and where it is not possible, use venues that are not “compromised.”APNU’s Shadow Minister of Home Affairs, Winston Felix said that the cordial encounter with the GECOM officials was indeed one where it was able to bring to the front burner,Authentic NFL Jerseys Wholesale China, issues it considers to be worthy of attention if the elections are to be conducted with a high degree of fairness and integrity. He said too, that Granger made it clear to the GECOM team that certain attacks coming from some members of the government should be viewed as being contrary to any standard of conduct attributed to members of a political party.The former top cop said that GECOM has promised to reactivate its media monitoring unit so it can have an early shot at issues which may be going out of order and on this front, he said that the APNU welcomes the promise to have that in place. Felix said that the issue of campaign funds was also dealt with at the meeting which he said puts one party at a disadvantage.He said the Commission also sought to convince APNU that it is on track with certain preparations. Granger was asked by Kaieteur News about the complaint made to the Commission on the misuse of state resources by Government,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, and the impression garnered from GECOM that it had any power to effectively solve such a problem.“I did not get the impression that they had the power to do so but we felt they could use moral suasion. There is no law they cited that it could enforce to scrutinize the executive and prevent the misuse. It does not have the capability under the law but it is a question now of moral suasion because what we saw, with the use of state media, aircraft and the acceleration in the grant of state resources such as the cash grants and the cleanup
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-11 22:20  資料 私人訊息 
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Trinidad (Trinidad Guardian) -The local Interpol Bureau re-arrested a Guyanese born man wanted in the US for several charges including two counts of murder,Cheap China NFL Jerseys, according to a release from the T&T Police Service.Arrested: Balkumar SinghBalkumar Singh, 37, a Guyanese-born United States citizen with immigration status in Canada,Wholesale NFL Jerseys USA, was being sought by US authorities on charges of murder,Wholesale China Jerseys, assault in the first degree,Wholesale Jerseys From China, reckless endangerment,China Jerseys Wholesale, two counts of criminal possession of a weapon and tampering with physical evidence. He has 14 convictions in Canada, including assaults and weapons charges, the release said.He was detained in T&T on March 27 for violating immigration laws, under the name Shauwn Maharaj.?Based on information received by local Interpol, the detainee was positively matched as Balkumar Singh, who?is also known by the following aliases: Tevin Persaud, Terry Persaud, Kumar Doodnath, Terry Singh and Sean Maharaj, the release said.Attorney General Garvin Nicholas agreed to a US request for a provisional arrest, and a warrant was issued on April 30, the release said.Last Friday, Acting Sergeant Herman Narace of Interpol?took custody of Singh from the Immigration Detention Centre and served the warrant,Anders Nilsson Jersey, the release said.Singh later appeared before a Port-of-Spain Magistrate and was remanded into custody until May 28, the release said. His request for bail was refused.
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註冊 2017-10-30
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發表於 2017-12-11 22:41  資料 私人訊息 
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The capacity of the country’s drainage system to offset any potential disaster during the current La Nina conditions when rainfall levels were very high is the reward of the significant investment by Government in the drainage and irrigation system.Minister of Agriculture,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Robert Persaud, yesterday,Wholesale Jerseys China, at a press conference at his Ministry made this observation while noting the trend of increasing rainfall.In addition to heavy investments in the country’s drainage system,Wholesale Soccer Jerseys, people’s awareness has increased and stakeholders have begun to recognise the importance of taking the necessary steps to deal with the issue of climate change.However, more needs to be done in terms of adequately preparing the systems.Referring to the measures that were taken in the recent past to avoid flooding, the Minister said that the “most painful decision that I have had to make from time to time is to give the go-ahead to release water via the Maduni/Lama” sluices? overtime, it leads to flooding and discomfort for residents.Within the next few days, the country will also be facing the highest spring tide for the year which is expected to touch 3.35 meters.The Minister further noted that the expected spring tide so soon after the La Nina phenomenon will be the highest for the year at 3.35 meters. With regards to flash flooding, Minister Persaud informed that most of the regions have reported that the flash flooding situation is over. However,NFL Jerseys From China, the situation could be completely over within the next 12 hours once the current weather condition holds.He further stated that the situation remains manageable in the Mahaicony area where the Ministry is working closely with farmers and other stakeholders.The Agriculture Minister also announced that based on assessment only about 60 acres of rice in the Mahaica area were lost although there are some acreages that remain exposed and under threat.With regards to sugar,Cheap Jerseys Online, harvesting resumed today after one week due to the weather conditions.However,NFL Jerseys Supply, there has been no report of cultivation being affected by floods and no reports of loss of sugar cane.There has also been minimum disruption in terms of other crops but the survey to assess damage is continuing even as the Ministry continues to monitor the mortality rate of animals and livestock in the Mahaicony/Abary area. Around 70 animals reportedly died.
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UID 1856
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註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2473
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發表於 2017-12-11 23:37  資料 私人訊息 
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Chief-of Staff Commodore Gary Best has been given two weeks to respond to a lawsuit pertaining to the non-payment of bonuses which were granted to members of the Guyana Defence Force (GDF) by President Donald Ramotar last December. State Prosecutor Pritima Kissoon made the 14-day request on behalf of Commodore Best before Chief Justice Ian Chang at the High Court yesterday.Representing the plaintiffs; Major (ag) Lesley Ramlall; Captain Rono Joseph; Captain Harold Fraser and Coast Guard Lieutenant Andr? Cush, is Attorney-at-law Abiola Wong-Inniss, who had no difficulty with Kissoon asking for leave to file an affidavit in response.The Chief of Staff did not attend yesterday’s proceedings. The parties will return to court on April 2.Army Chief-of Staff,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys Outlet, Commodore Gary BestThe four officers in their complaint to the court have charged that the Chief of Staff has been unreasonable,http://www.soccerpro.us.com/FC-Barcelona/, unlawful and unfair in his action to withhold their bonuses. Best had taken a position subsequent to the President’s announcement,Cheap Jerseys Free Shipping, to withhold the bonus of soldiers who had disciplinary action taken against them in 2012. Over 100 were said to have been affected.The senior army men have however claimed that other officers received their bonuses, despite there being matters against them. Ramlall and Fraser stated that during 2012, there were no charges instituted against them. Ramlall said that in January 2013 he was charged with respect to allegations pertaining to the performance of his duties while attached to GDF Credit Union in 2011,Wholesale China Jerseys, but those charges were never determined.Joseph said that administrative action was taken against him in 2012 for what was referred to as “inappropriate relationship with a female”.? Cush said he was charged for insubordinate behavior in 2012,Wholesale Jerseys, but is yet to be prosecuted. The officers further said that they were never formally told about their incentives being withheld, neither were they afforded the opportunity to be heard on the issue.Cabinet Secretary,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Dr. Roger Luncheon stated last week during a post-Cabinet press conference that in the case of the decision by the President, “it had never been elevated to the level of an across the board measure…it has never been; it is a discretion that is exercised after the review of annual performances of the joint services.”Officers and other ranks of joint service organizations such as the Fire Service, Police and Prisons have indicated that they are paying keen attention to the issue and are anxiously awaiting the outcome of the court action. Several senior officers related that never before have their agencies withheld any of the bonus payments from any staff member for whatever reason and they believe that the ruling of the court could have a significant impact on how their organizations treat the matter of the annual one-month bonus payment in the future.
Rank: 1

UID 1856
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-12-11 23:40  資料 私人訊息 
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A 20-year-old gold miner lost his life when the all-terrain vehicle he was riding crashed into a truckJohn Shaka Batticeearly yesterday morning.John Shaka Battice succumbed to massive head injuries he received from the accident that took place at a location called Black Banana,NFL Jerseys From China, some 20 miles from Matthew’s Ridge in the North West District.Details of the accident are sketchy,Jerseys NFL Wholesale, but sources in Matthew’s Ridge told this newspaper that Battice,Cheap Jerseys, who hails from Non Pareil on the East Coast of Demerara,Cheap NBA Jerseys China, died before he could receive medical attention.Relatives could not provide any information,Jerseys From China, except to say that they received a message early yesterday morning that Battice had died in an accident.