標題: 2016-8-26 臉書分享按讚大作戰!
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發表於 2017-11-29 07:15  資料 私人訊息 
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Linden’s First Mayor, Egbert Benjamin,Cheap Jerseys, was yesterday laid to rest at the Christianburg cemetery, after a stirring funeral service at the Mackenzie Sports Club Ground,Wholesale NFL Jerseys, in Linden.Lindeners turned out to pay their last respects to the town’s first MayorAmong those paying their last respects and tributes to Benjamin,NFL Jerseys China Online, were Mayor of Georgetown, Hamilton Green, PNC General Secretary Oscar Clarke,Wholesale Nike NFL Jerseys, IMC Chairman of the Linden Municipality,Cheap NFL Shop, Orrin Gordon,Cheap NFL Jerseys China, Regional Chairman Mortimer Mingo and representatives of the United Mission Churches in Region 10.Benjamin passed away at the Linden Hospital Complex on Monday, September 1.
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發表於 2017-11-29 16:51  資料 私人訊息 
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Peter Giddings,Wholesale Jerseys Paypal, 20,Hockey Jerseys 2018 Cheap, was yesterday remanded by Acting Chief Magistrate Melissa Robertson.The youth who hails from Linden appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court to answer a charge of break and enter and larceny.It is alleged that between December 30 and December 31,Nike NFL Jerseys China, 2009 at Mahdia,Wholesale Jerseys China, he broke and entered a store and stole a quantity of cell phones and other electronic items with a total value of $3.7 million and belonging to Roger Hinds. Giddings who was unrepresented pleaded not guilty.Police prosecutor Stephen Telford objected to bail for the accused and stated that some of the items were recovered in a bag which the accused had in his possession.He added that they are currently lodged at the Mahdia Police Station.The acting Chief Magistrate then remanded the accused and transferred the matter to the Madhia Magistrates’ Court where he is expected to appear on January 20.
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發表於 2017-11-29 18:00  資料 私人訊息 
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Port Mourant murder suspect, Kumar Singh, in defending his actions, said that his wife Yashpattie Samaroo, had been blatantly unfaithful for a number of years.Singh stabbed his wife to death on Friday in the presence of his eight-year-old daughter, before failing in his attempt to hang himself.In an interview with this publication,Wholesale Authentic Jerseys, Kumar, who is currently a patient in the Male Surgical Ward of the Georgetown Hospital, wept uncontrollably as he related the different times he confronted his cheating wife.According to the man, he and his wife shared a union of over 26 years.The union bore three children, two boys 21, 17, and an eight-year-old girl who witnessed the attack.He said his troubles began in 2008 when rumours of his wife’s affairs surfaced around their community.Singh said that he brushed off the rumours and acted like nothing was wrong. However, the man said that one Saturday night, the rumours became a reality.“I see she in de same man car who everybody saying she deh with….So I called her and mek she know I see she,” said Singh.The man said that instead of coming out of the vehicle, his wife drove off and never returned until the following morning.After that incident Singh said he left Guyana and went to work in Barbados. There he spent over four months, “working very hard, just to make sure me family was fine.”“I worked so hard to maintain my family and the time she was just doing whatever she pleased.”Upon his return to Guyana, Kumar made the decision to reunite with his wife. “I really loved my wife so I said let’s work things out…,Cheap Jerseys,” Singh said.However, he alleged that his wife continued with her promiscuous behaviour.“After I tek she back, she still got somebody else and everybody talking about it.”Singh said he knew his actions were wrong, but that was his limit.“I know is wrong fuh kill she….but I couldn’t tek it no more. Is everybody talking,” he cried.The man said he knows his youngest child would be looked after by her two older brothers.Samaroo, 43,Wholesale China Jerseys, of 175 Second Street, Johns, Port Mourant, died from gaping stab wounds which were allegedly inflicted by her husband Kumar Singh.Relatives of the dead woman yesterday told this newspaper that the woman had suffered years of abuse. Kaieteur News understands that the woman had walked out a few months ago and had been living with her mother.It was reported that Samaroo had gone to a nearby shop when Singh allegedly attacked her.The man, according to reports, had blocked the entrance of the shop, and started stabbing the woman about the body.Relatives found Samaroo lying face up and bleeding profusely.***************************Mass migration from Guyana a result of Administration’s failure – PNCRChief Whip of the People’s National Congress Reform, Lance Carberry, during the party’s most recent press briefing, said that the PNCR is appalled by revelations from the United States Embassy that, on average, 14 Guyanese leave daily to take up permanent residence in the US.He said that the information confirms the observations of the PNCR and others that the PPP/C Administration, particularly under the Presidency of Bharrat Jagdeo, has failed to create the national conditions which would encourage Guyanese to want to stay at home to contribute to national development.Carberry said that the party leader Robert Corbin had stated that, based on the statistics recorded in a United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Report, Guyana had the highest emigration rate in the CARICOM region.He said that Corbin had also noted the alarming emigration of skilled and experienced Guyanese workers to the USA and our CARICOM neighbours.“Factors which compel Guyanese to want to emigrate, apart from the high levels of unemployment, include: working conditions; low salaries and wages; high levels of taxation; racial and political discrimination; the cost of housing; the widespread corruption at all levels; and the crime and security situation.”He said these factors contribute to the creation of a feeling of hopelessness among Guyanese of all ages, “particularly the growing army of young people, who have graduated from the schools and tertiary institutions, such as the University of Guyana, only to be faced with long periods of frustration because they cannot find a job…Many have no choice but to emigrate.”He said that as a result, many young people are lured into a life of crime – including narco-trafficking.“Many would like to attend the University of Guyana but cannot do so because of the high level of poverty in our country…Parents are busy paying bills and putting food on the table with meagre salaries and the high cost of living burdening them.”Carberry also slammed the school system which he said has failed a large number of young peop
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發表於 2017-11-29 18:24  資料 私人訊息 
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-Chairman seeking urgent interventionOver the past few months farmers of Region Six have been plagued with various issues with theRegion Six Chairman, David Armoganmost emphasis being placed on the price of paddy per bag and irrigation.Recently, Kaieteur News sat down with the Regional Chairman,John Gibson, Mr. David Armogan as he shed light on what has been happening with rice and irrigation in the region for the past few months.According to the Regional Chairman, problems have been escalating as it relates to the price per bag of paddy. He noted that farmers are working at a loss and have been making very little to no profit for the sale of paddy per bag.“Nand Persaud has been taking off quite a lot of paddy,Wholesale Stitched Jerseys, as well as the other mills and the problem with farmers still is the price”.He said that the price per bag of paddy is still too low, at the same time pointing out that since the loss of the Venezuelan market the farmers have not been able to recover.It was also highlighted that because they are dealing with the world market, the world market price has not met the standards of the farmers. “The farmers are currently getting $2500-$3000 a bag per paddy. They would expect $3500-$4000 per bag.Many farmers are complaining. Armogan said that the profit is marginal compared to what they were getting with the Venezuelan market.The Chairman is lobbying for an intervention. He said that the farmers are crying out. The Chairman is also urging rice farmers to avoid losing again, as the region on Monday last, has begun to pump irrigation water for the new rice crop.“As I speak irrigation water is being pumped into Black Bush Polder and the irrigation water coming out of Black Bush Polder should be able to supply about 35,000 acres of rice land.”“So the people in Black Bush Polder have about 18,Wholesale Jerseys USA,000 acres that will have to be satisfied,” he said.He stated that the irrigation water being pumped should be satisfactory to the farmers. “As the water is being pumped through Black Bush Polder the farmers there will pull the water for themselves and then when they are finished the roadside farmers who have about 20,000 acres will also be benefiting from the irrigation water coming out of Black Bush”.Meanwhile, according to Armogan the region was asked by the Ministry of Agriculture to advise farmers in the region that if they cannot be ready to plant the new crop before December 31,China Jerseys Cheap, they should hold off until the next crop.He underscored that the region will stop pumping irrigation water in mid-February next year. “It means that if you plant from now to the end of the year you will have irrigation water to grow your crops.”“If you planting later than December 31, it means we will have to run irrigation water till sometime in April.”However,Cheap Jerseys, Armogan said that the region is not prepared to pump irrigation water past February 2017 since “It will have implications for fuel and additional wear and tear on the pumps”.He is pleading with farmers who intend to plant rice for this new crop to complete their sowing by December 31.According to the Chairman,Wholesale Jerseys, if farmers choose not to follow the advice they will be planting rice at their own risk.Armogan also divulged that the two pumps in the Number 52/74 Villages will start working from next week. Farmers in the area can look forward to irrigation water during that period.

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註冊 2017-11-17
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發表於 2017-11-29 21:07  資料 私人訊息 
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發表於 2017-11-29 22:48  資料 私人訊息 
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-say some fishermen involved in attacksThe Guyana Police Force yesterday refuted suggestions by a Corentyne official that the Force has been tardy in investigating acts of piracy.Chairman of the Upper Corentyne Fishermen’s Co-operative Society and Berbice Anti-Piracy Squad, Mr. Pravinchandra Deodat, had made the allegation in last Monday’s Kaieteur News. He had also claimed that the Force and the Judiciary have failed to enforce the Piracy Act.Deodat had also accused the police of not sharing information with the Society.But a release from the Police Public Relations Department stated,Kevin Love Jersey, that police have made numerous arrests of suspected pirates and that a sibling of a Corentyne co-op society official was among those implicated.“The Guyana Police Force wishes to state that we have been dealing aggressively with acts of piracy,” the release stated.“Over the past five years the Police have conducted investigations into 30 reports of piracy in Berbice, that occurred within the territory of Guyana,Alexander Mogilny Jersey, and which resulted in 23 cases being placed before the courts.“In many instances fishermen living in and operating from Berbice have been implicated and charged,Discount NFL Jerseys, including a sibling of the Chairman of the No. 66 Fishermen’s Co-op Society. Given the fact that fisherfolk from Berbice are involved in these acts of piracy,Cheap Jerseys NFL, the Police have some reservations concerning the sharing of information on their operations/strategies,China Jerseys,” it added.Deodat had also stated that the Force is not adhering to the Piracy Act, which he said gives power to the law enforcement officials to deal with perpetrators of piracy, even in cases where the crime is committed out of Guyana’s territorial waters.Responding to this charge, the release stated that “it also appears that the Chairman’s understanding of the law in relation to the Piracy Act is not adequate. With the exception of incidents occurring on the high seas under certain circumstances, the Police can only prosecute offenders for offences committed within the territory of Guyana.The Guyana Police Force has a very productive working relationship with our counterparts in Suriname on reports of piracy, in addition to other law enforcement issues.President of the Upper Corentyne Chambers of Commerce and Industry (UCCCI),Wholesale NFL Jerseys, Mr. Krishnand Jaichand, had also acknowledged to Kaieteur News that some fishermen are believed to be involved in acts of piracy.

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註冊 2017-11-20
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發表於 2017-11-30 02:13  資料 私人訊息 
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註冊 2017-11-17
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發表於 2017-11-30 07:13  資料 私人訊息 
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註冊 2017-9-23
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發表於 2017-11-30 11:10  資料 私人訊息 
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The police handling of an incident that left a young Wismar, Linden resident dead and a policeman battling for his life, has come in for severe criticism from relatives of both men.Victor FausetteIn the aftermath of the shooting, Marcel Bobb, the mother of the badly wounded policeman, was not too pleased with the way the police administration had initially treated her son.On the other hand, Vera Sandy is blaming the ranks at Linden for not dealing with the arrest of her son, Egan Richards, in a professional manner, thus leading to him shooting the policeman and his eventual demise.On Sunday, a party of policemen trailed Richards to his house at One Mile extension, Wismar and shot him dead, minutes after he had relieved Constable Victor Fausette of his service revolver and shot him in his head at the Wisroc Police Outpost.The police say they had initially arrested Richards at the request of his relatives.But relatives have denied this saying that they merely called them to assist them get Richards to the Mackenzie Hospital for psychiatric attention since he was behaving out of the ordinary.Richards’s mother,Authentic Jerseys Cheap, Vera Sandy, said that he was the third of her seven children. He became mentally ill several months ago, the result of him being lost for seven days in the interior, where he had been working.“He walked all the way from Mowasi Landing to here, and since then he start tripping out, but he wasn’t a violent person- he never trouble anybody. I never mek me son like dat,” she declared.Sandy said that contrary to reports in the media,Supply Cheap Jerseys, her son was not armed with a cutlass,NFL Jerseys Cheap Wholesale, prior to being takenEgan Richardsinto police custody. He had in his possession a piece of wood which his sister used to wrap crochet thread.“We call the police to help we get he to the hospital, for some injection to quiet he down, because he was chasing we out de house. They didn’t have to carry he to the station; what he needed was help.”She blamed the police for the way they handled her son while transporting him from his home.“The police were very unprofessional; they carried me son to the station and they didn’t even handcuff he. They just throw he in the vehicle just like that. If they de handcuff he, he woulda be alive today,” Sandy told this newspaper.The police in a press release issued shortly after the incident said, “The circumstances are not yet clear, but while in custody at the Outpost, Regan Richards managed to overpower Police Constable Victor Fausette and take away his service revolver. He then shot the police rank above his left ear and escaped with the firearm.”Kaieteur News understands that another rank had arrested Richards and had brought him to the outpost. The rank then left Richards in Fausette’s custody,Cheap Adidas NHL Jerseys, without placing the prisoner in a cell. It is alleged that Constable Fausette was attempting to place Richards in the lockups, when the mentally ill man attacked the rank, relieved him of his firearm, and shot him in the head.Nearby residents reportedly heard the gunshot and saw Fausette stagger out of the police outpost before collapsing.He was rushed to the Mackenzie Hospital, before being transferred late Sunday night to the Georgetown Public Hospital Corporation.Vera explained that after the police arrested her son, she and other relatives went to two police stations, Mackenzie and Wismar, to ensure that Richards was okay.Sandy said that they were finally told that he was at the Wisroc Police outpost.However a visit to that outpost also proved futile as Richards was not there.Sandy said when they returned home, they were surprised to see that the police had barricaded the premises.“They kill me son right in this house, because if you see how the house tumble up,Wholesale NFL Jerseys,” she said.One eye witness claimed, “I see Egan walking with the gun behind he back and he was very calm, then he go in the house.”Shortly after police reportedly converged on the scene, and there was a rapid exchange of gunfire.An ambulance was later called to the scene, but subsequently left and the hearse was called in. It took Richards’s body to the hospital, where he was pronounced dead on arrival.The police service revolver with six spent shells was recovered.Several bullets from at least two different caliber weapons were also found in the Richards’ house.Meanwhile, as the young badly wounded Constable Fausette lies in the GPHC’s Intensive Care Unit, battling for his life, his mother Marcel Bobb has been undergoing a battle of her own.The woman told Kaieteur News that up to late yesterday afternoon, no one from the police administration had
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發表於 2017-11-30 14:22  資料 私人訊息 
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De opposition talking about joining. All of a sudden some political parties that can’t even get one vote talking how dem joining wid de main opposition to form a team to fight de government.And dem boys want to know if de PNC get stupid. It joining wid people who nobody don’t know and these people demanding position in de government if de PNC win.Normally,Wholesale Jerseys China, a coalition involve people who got support. This got to be de most curious coalition in history. It suh curious that people laughing.Bar-Rat ain’t even worrying wid dem because he traveling so till he out more than in. Last week he been in Trinidad. This week he in Korea. Next week he in London and de week after that he in Australia.De man got more frequent flyer miles than some pilot and he training de Donald to get in stride.Dem boys seh that he is one of de few men who don’t like he own bed. And while he traveling people playing wid de PM siren. By de time he come back de siren spoil.Dem boys seh that de rain spoil some people fun. When it flood Rupununi and Kwakwani people mek extra money.Dem boys seh that whenever dem have a disaster people does get rich. If de relief effort cost two million dollars de people who offering de relief does put in fuh five million dollars. Don’t ask wheh de rest of de money going.Flooding that does cause suffering is a good thing for some people.Talk half. Lef half.
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發表於 2017-11-30 15:51  資料 私人訊息 
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Mr Stanley Ming recently donated $1 million to School of the Nations to support theIn picture Mr. Brian O’Toole, Principal of School of the Nations,Cheap Authentic Jerseys, receives the cheque from Mrs Audrey Ford, Director of Mings Products and Services,Wholesale Authentic NHL Jerseys, in the presence of Mr. Stanley Ming (CEO, MPS),Josh Manson, Mrs. Pam O’Toole,Wholesale Jerseys Online, and some of the students who are benefitting from the programme.provision of Community Intervention Projects organised by the school and Varqa Foundation.These projects include a variety of activities for the residents of the Tiger Bay community. These activities include literacy,Cheap Jerseys From China, steel pan, parent education and computer classes along with sports programmes among others.Mr Brian O’Toole,Wholesale NBA Jerseys China, head of the School of the nations said that for the past two years, more than 100 people from Tiger Bay have been coming to the school in the afternoons for a variety of activities. The activities also took into consideration parenting skills.More than 50 Sixth Form students voluntarily undertook the collaboration with the Tiger Bay residents with support from Varqa Foundation.Recently the One Laptop Per Family Programme donated computers to the project even as the wider community is becoming involved in the project.
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發表於 2017-11-30 15:52  資料 私人訊息 
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FROM PRESIDENT BHARRAT JAGDEOMy Fellow Guyanese:?? Happy New Year! President Bharrat JagdeoI extend to you wishes for peace, good health and prosperity in 2009.One of our great national characteristics is optimism.I can’t even remember facing a New Year with anything less than hopefulness; and a few of those years were difficult ones.? I wish therefore to encourage you to adopt a positive attitude towards the future even as we confront challenges which are beyond our control. Amongst the problems over which we have little control are the consequences of climate change. Heavy rains over the past weeks have left large sections of our coastline flooded.On this New Year’s Day, I especially empathize with my brothers and sisters whose communities are still under water. I commend those working to bring relief to the affected, especially the ongoing efforts to get the water off the land.I know it has not been easy for those within the flood-hit communities.I want to assure them that I am deeply concerned for their well- being and will continue to monitor the situation and make the necessary interventions that are within our means.The challenges in our society which we now face should not detract from the pride we should rightly feel as citizens of this great country.We should all be thankful that we are a free nation: free from the carnage of war, free from the rage of cataclysmic natural disasters, free from ethnic and religious violence that today devastates parts of the world. This stability gives us a platform to realize our national aspirations.As we struggle to emerge out of the shadows of a global recession, global warming, and threats to national security, we must remain steadfastly focused on our goal of transforming Guyana into a modern, democratic state,Cheap Hockey Jerseys, where every citizen can improve his or her economic standing; have access to quality healthcare and education; where our families can nurture their children in safety; and,nfl jerseys china, most significantly, create a nation steeped in ethnic and religious tolerance.? We have been provided with more than enough reasons over the past year to believe that this goal is achievable. 2008 was not an easy year. It was a year that tested our resolve and capacity.The brutal horrors of the Lusignan, Bartica and Lindo Creek killings plunged our nation into profound grief. But they also united our people against the enemies within our gates and fortified our resolve to face down this evil. Through the efforts of the Joint Services, we were successful in neutralizing one of the major criminal gangs that was responsible for the terror.The job is not yet complete, but I am confident that we shall in the end bring to justice all those who so misguidedly believed that they could inflict such barbarism on our society without recompense.Also contributing to loss of life was the carnage on our roads and domestic violence. These were troubling problems to which we responded by toughening our laws, recognising however that laws alone will not solve these problems, what is required is a coordinated effort from all citizens, particularly from members of civil society.In 2008, we were also confronted with the global food and energy crises. We took immediate action to mitigate the harmful effects of these crises. Our interventions ranged from cost of living allowances and increased pensions to the reduction of taxes and the implementation of market subsidies.I am pleased that the prices of public transport have in the main returned to the pre-crisis level and that there have been reductions in other prices,http://www.cheapcustomjerseys.us.com/MLB/, including bread, within the local economy.Despite the hostile external environment and the unfortunate developments within the sugar industry, I am pleased to report that from preliminary indications, Guyana ’s Gross Domestic Product grew by about 3% in 2008, a significant achievement considering the problems that we faced. Sterling performances were recorded in rice, gold and the non- traditional agricultural sectors.We must with vigour now, turn our attention to the large-scale infrastructural projects that will become the catalyst for a modern and competitive economy. In the years ahead we intend to work on these second generation projects that will add value to our bauxite, exploit our hydroelectric potential, allow us the benefits of a deep water harbour and increase investment in ICT services.Through our ongoing efforts to expand the economy, my Government will continue to improve the quality of health care throughout the country. We have recently commissioned several modern health facilities at Diamond, Leonora, Suddie and Mahaicony.New hospitals at Linden and Lethem along with the high-tech ophthalmology centre in Berbice are expected to be comp
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發表於 2017-11-30 19:56  資料 私人訊息 
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Opposition Leader,Wholesale Jerseys Free Shipping, David Granger, has said that while he has not received an official invitation,China Soccer Jerseys, he is notOpposition Leader, David Grangerinterested in the pro-democracy alliance proposal by the Alliance For Change (AFC) Leader,NFL Jerseys 2018, Khemraj Ramjattan.Ramjattan had made the announcement in an address to his party’s conference which was held at the St. Stanislaus College auditorium last Saturday.“Hard decisions would have to be made, and indeed the AFC is ready to enter, if necessary, into negotiations and to lead a pro-democracy alliance of progressive forces comprising civic groups, workers’ unions, political forces…and by political forces here we are talking about even PPP members who have been disenchanted with the performance of the PPP thus far, and even APNU,” he said to a loud round of applause.Granger was asked during his press conference, yesterday,Cheap Jerseys From China, whether he had started discussions with the AFC Leader on the said proposal. The Opposition Leader told the media that he has been in contact with the AFC and is expected to meet with the party within a few days time.To the best of his knowledge, the politician said that Ramjattan is supposed to submit a proposal for discussion as well.At the conclusion of the press briefing, Kaieteur News asked Granger for his opinion on the pro-democracy proposal and whether his meeting with AFC leader is an indication of his interest in joining the alliance.“I am not interested in that alliance. I am interested in the APNU which is committed to forming a government of national unity and that is the pro=democracy front –APNU. We have invited AFC but they haven’t taken the bait for the last three years and we haven’t received that invitation formally,” Granger firmly stated.APNU’s financial point man, Carl Greenidge, in a previous interview with this publication had said that Ramjattan’s initiative will pose some negotiating challenges.Greenidge said that Ramjattan has, in the past, maintained that his party would not join the APNU whose major constituent is the People’s National Congress Reform (PNCR) that had governed Guyana from 1964 to 1992.The politician had reminded that the AFC, which has been tapping into the traditional East Indian support-base of the governing People’s Progressive Party Civic (PPP/C), has in the past reasoned that it wanted to preserve its identity as an alternative to both major parties.Ramjattan, he said, sought to justify the shift towards engaging APNU by arguing that there was need for collective patriotic action and cooperation of all Guyanese in undertaking the “herculean task” of voting out the ruling party.But even with such an initiative,China Stitched NFL Jerseys, the former Finance Minister emphasized that the question of negotiation skills will again be an issue, if the proposal is to materialize and bear fruit.It is on this premise that the Opposition leadership will be put to the test to demonstrate that it has the very negotiating skills which the PPP demonstrably lacks,Authentic Adidas Hockey Jerseys China, he said.Greenidge also said that the current administration will pose difficulties for the process of meaningful negotiations, as demonstrated before, on constitutional matters to say the least.He added that engraved in the PPP government’s psyche is a cuss-out-and-mislead culture, hence its actions reflect scathing and damning acts of corruption, as opposed to those which show that it is interested in achieving some element of common goals by way of meaningful negotiations.The Shadow Finance Minister opined that the PPP’s view is that it is dealing with political inferiors or election-losers rather than spokespersons. (Kiana Wilburg)
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發表於 2017-11-30 21:55  資料 私人訊息 
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A man who forged the signature of a magistrate in a bid to free a remanded drug accused,Dale Hawerchuk Jersey, was yesterday himself remanded after the document he presented to a court clerk was found to be false. Nerumah Kwame appeared at the Georgetown Magistrates’ Court before Acting Chief Magistrate Priya Sewnarine- Beharry charged with conspiracy to commit a felony.Kwame was arrested at the Georgetown Supreme Court for trying to free the prison inmate with the bail document he purported to have collected from a magistrate.According to the prosecution,NFL Jerseys Cheap, the man who resides at Samatta Point,Wholesale Jerseys China, Grove,NFL Jerseys Cheap, appeared at the Supreme Court where he inquired about a bail application. As a result,NFL Jerseys From China, a cheque was presented along with a document used for bailing detainees.The information continued that when the document was presented to the clerk it was realized that the paper was not prepared by a clerk or a magistrate. The clerk further notified police ranks on the location about the developments and the man was immediately arrested.Bail was subsequently objected to with the prosecutor noting the seriousness of the offence which he said should be considered. He also touched on the fact that the defendant was trying to free a man who was legally detained by the state on a charge of narcotic possession.The prosecutor also revealed that investigations were still ongoing into the matter as it appeared to ranks that the man regularly did such fraudulent jobs.Kwame was remanded to jail. The forgery accused detainee is expected back in the court on December 13.
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UID 1856
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帖子 10756
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註冊 2017-9-23
用戶註冊天數 2473
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發表於 2017-12-1 01:03  資料 私人訊息 
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Brewery Giant Banks DIH is reporting that in 2014 the Company’s after tax profit was $2.2 billion as compared to profit before tax of $3.8 billion and profit after tax of $2.5 billion achieved in 2013.The Net Asset Value per share has increased from $21.55 to $23.20 by eight per cent and the Company has maintained the dividend payment of $0.64 per share with the overall cost being $640M.Chairman and Director of Banks DIH, Clifford Reis credited this achievement to comprehensive planning and prudent management of resources.In the company’s annual report, which will be released to shareholders Saturday,Jose Calderon Jersey, he said the Company continued its policy decision to replace and upgrade its production capacity through the installation of state of the art manufacturing plant and machinery; that enhance its core competencies which will result in long term competitive advantage with regards to the conversion of raw materials into quality fresh,Cheap NHL Jerseys China, finished products.“During the financial year we were able to complete the Brewery and Cellars modernisation programme and the commissioning of the palletiser/depalletiser as well as a new pasteuriser for the Beer Plant.Other projects that were started in the previous financial year and are now completed, include the commissioning of a new 1.7 MW Hyundai electrical power generating set,Nike NFL Jerseys China, an 800 HP Cleaver Brooks boiler, a CO2 Recovery and Storage systems and High Pressure Air Compressor.The restaurant production capacity was enhanced through the acquisition of additional restaurant equipment and the distribution and warehousing capacity were improved with the purchase of additional trucks and forklifts.The Chairman explained that in the new financial year, major capital expenditure will focus on the acquisition and installation of a new Trisco biscuit oven,NFL Jerseys China, an on-line blow moulder for the Water Plant,NFL Jerseys China, the construction of a new Vehicle Workshop,Cheap Jerseys Outlet, the completion of Creme Select Ice-cream Outlet and further replacement of trucks and forklifts.